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  1. Know who will do the exam

Sure, teachers are on strike. But one thing is certain. Teachers will not do the exams but you as student will. The success in KCSE exams determines to a great extent your academic success in future. Keep reminding yourself, that you are the one to sit for the exams. Not your teachers. Not your parents. Not your brothers. But you and you alone. Know what you need to do to be ready for the exams.

2. Cover the syllabus

One of the things that will guarantee you success in your forth coming 2015 KCSE exams is covering the syllabus. 2015 KCSE exams like all other exams are set using a syllabus. Success is to those who will have covered the syllabus and understood the content. Get a copy of the syllabus. See what you need to have covered. With or without the teacher ensure you have thoroughly covered the syllabus and success is guaranteed.

3. Do not apportion blames

It is easy to blame the teachers for your failures. It is easy to blame your parents for your failures. It is easy to blame friends for your failures. It is easy to blame the strike if you fail 2015 KCSE examinations. Simply; teachers did their exams and passed, that’s why they are where they are today. Life is yours and yours alone. At the end of everything if you fail you will cry alone, but if you succeed, you will laugh and others will share your laughter! Blame yourself for your failures and congratulate yourself for the successes! Remember with strike or no strike you are the one to sit for the exam!

4. Keep 20th October in Mind

History has it, KCSE exams will start after 20th October. So take note of that date. It is to you as your birthday is.

5. Take the advantage

Finally, you have all the time in the world to yourself. Take the advantage of the strike to revise as extensively as possible. I am ready to help you with all KCSE past papers. Download these free KCSE past papers and revise well for 2015 KCSE examinations.

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