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Term 3 Form 3 CRE Exam Paper 2

1a. Outline what Angel Gabriel revealed about Jesus to Mary during annunciation of the annunciation of the birth of Jesus. (7 mks)

  1. Explain four Jewish ceremonies in which Jesus ceremonies in which Jesus was involved.(8 mks)
  2. Give five reasons why Christians present gifts to new born babies. (5 mks)

2a. Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus.(7 mks)

  1. Give seven lessons learnt by a Christian from the event mentioned above. (7 mks)
  2. List five ways in which the Church prepares people to serve God. (6 mks)

3a. Explain the teaching of Jesus on prayer.(7 mks)

  1. State the occasions when Jesus prayed. (7 mks)
  2. Give six reasons why some Christians find it difficult to pray. (6 mks)

4a. Outline what will happen at the end of the word according to Jesus’ teaching. (Luke 21:5-38)

  1. How should Christians prepare for the second coming of Jesus . (6 mks)
  2. Give six reasons why Christians should have in God. (6 mks)

5a. Identify eight gifts of the Holy Spirit as taught by Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. (8 mks)

  1. How was the Power of Holy Spirit manifested on the day the Pentecost. (6 mks)
  2. State six ways through which the gifts of the Holy Spirit are abused in the Church today. (6 mks)

6a. Identify the five images used in the New Testament to describe the Unity of Believers. (5 mks)

  1. Explain four factors that were dividing the Church at Corinth. (8 mks)
  2. State seven factors which threaten Unity of the Church today. (7 mks)