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Term 3 Form 3 Agriculture Exam Paper 2

Term 3 Form 3 Agriculture Exam Paper 2


  1. State five methods of dehorning in cattle management.         (2½mks)


  1. Name two nutritional diseases in cattle. (1 mk)


  1. Name the type of Breed into which each of the following breeds of cattle are classified.
  2. a) Aberdeen Angus……… (½mk)
  3. b) Guernsey…………… (½mks)
  4. c) Sahiwal………… (½mk)
  5. d) Red poll………(½mk)
  6. State four factors that influence the quality of concrete blocks. (2 mks)


  1. State four characteristics of Roughage feeds. (2 mks)


  1. State four reasons why Tillapia fish is popular among fish farming. (2 mks)


  1. What do you understand by the following terms? (2 mks)

(a)  Stocking rate………


(b) Carrying capacity……


  1. Differentiate between a drenching gun and Bolus gun in terms of the way they are used. (2 mks)


  1. State four advantages of castrating livestock. (2 mks)


  1. Give three reasons for seasoning timber before it is used for construction. (1½mks)


  1. State four factors that determine the amount of water intake by an animal. (2mks)


  1. State six measures of controlling contagious abortion. (3 mks)


  1. Give four reasons why an animal may be culled. (2 mks)


  1. Give six requirements of a produce store. (3 mks)


  1. Define the follow terms as related to livestock breeding.

(a)          Selection……(½mk)

(b)        Reproduction……(½mk)




  1. Identify the tools labeled A, B, C and D. (2 mks)

Form 3 Term 3 Agriculture Exam 1

  1. (b)  Give one use of each of the tools illustrated.                                                                                (2 mks)A                B



    (c)  Name the part of the animal where specimen A is placed when in use.                             (1 mk)

  2. The illustration below represents a calf pen. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Form 3 Term 3 Agriculture Exam 2

(a)(i)  Identify the type of floor.                                                                                                                                (½mk)


(ii)  How high should the floor be raised above the ground level.                                                                 (1 mk)


(b)(i)  Give one reason of having the floor of the calf pen raised.                                                                 (1 mk)


(ii)  State three factors that should be considered in sitting the calf pen.                                                  (3 mks)


  1. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

Form 3 Term 3 Agriculture Exam 3

(a)  Name the parts labeled P, Q and R.                                                                                                  (1½mks)


(b)  State the functions of the parts Q and R.                                                                                        (2 mks)


(c)  Explain how the part R is adapted to its function.                                                                       (2 mks)


(d)  Give the part of the Ruminant digestive system which is equivalent to part Q.               (½mk)


  1. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

Term 3 Form 3 Agriculture Exam Paper 2

(a)  Name parts E, F, G and H.                                                                                                                                     (2 mks)





(b)  State one constituent added to the egg in each of the following parts F G and H.                  (1½mks)




(c)  State two process that take place in the in the infundibulum.                                                                               (2 mks)


(d)  How long does the egg take from the time of ovulation to the time it is laid?                 (1½mks)





20(a)  Explain five factors that influence the choice of building materials.                                                (5 mks)

(b)  Explain five factors to consider when selecting a breeding stock.                                         (10 mks)

(c)  Give reason for feeding calves on colostrum.                                                                                (5 mks)


21(a)  Give the safety precaution taken when handling tools.                                                        (5 mks)

(b)  Describe the factors that determine water requirement in Animals.                                   (5 mks)

(c)  Discuss management of a pig during parturition.                                                                         (10 mks)

22(a)  What are disease predisposing factors.                                                                                      (1 mk)

(b)  State five disease predisposing factors in livestock.                                                                 (5 mks)

(c)   Give the function of the worker bees in a hive.

Term 3 Form 3 Agriculture Exam Paper 2

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