2017 Alliance Boys Pre-Mock Past Papers
2017 Alliance High Pre-Mock Papers are now available. The past papers are excellent for revision. By way of revising as many past papers as possible, you have the best chance of excelling in the forthcoming exam because questions are always the same, change of wording makes the whole difference. 2017 Alliance High Pre-Mock Past have no marking schemes. The cost for the papers is Kshs 100, ie, a whole set of the available question papers. Kindly send the money via Mpesa to the number: 0710765974 and SMS your email through the same number for delivery purpose. Francis is the direct contact person. The package contains the following revision past papers :
Mathematics Paper 1
Mathematics Paper 2
English Paper 1
English Paper 2
English Paper 3
Kiswahili Paper 1
Kiswahili Paper 2
Kiswahili Paper 3
Biology Paper 1
Biology Paper 2
Biology Paper 3
Chemistry Paper 1
Chemistry Paper 2
Chemistry Paper 3
Physics Paper 1
Physics Paper 2
Physics Paper 3
CRE Paper 1
CRE Paper 2
History Paper 1
History Paper 2
Geography Paper 1
Geography Paper 2
Agriculture Paper 1
Agriculture Paper 2
Business Studies Paper 1
Business Studies Paper 2
Nimepata faida nyingi katika karatasi hizi.
Tuma kiswahili 2017pre-mock za alliance. Asante.
is the 100 bob for each subject or is it for the whole batch for one school in that specific year?
For the whole set
i need pre- mock psst paper for solving
I needed papers 2017 mock of alliance high school. ..can get them