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The analysis below is of KCSE physics from the year 2010 to the year 2019. This was done to help you understand how KCSE is set . KCSE is a combination of questions from form 1 to form 4.

The analysis contains the following information:

  • Question
  • Year
  • Topic
  • Form

The analysis was sponsored by a caring parent.

KCSE Physics Paper 1 2010 to 2019 Topical

QST 2010 2011 2012 2013
1 Measurement II f2 Equilibrium &centre of gravity f2 Measurement I F1 Measurem ent II F2
2 Linear motion f3 Force f1 NEWTONS LAW OF MOTION F3 Turning effect of a force f2
3 Pressure f1 Force f2 Force f1 Pressure f1
4 Heat transfer f1 Thermal expansion f1 Particulate nature of matter f1 Hookes law f2
5 Pressure f1 Heat transfer f1 Thermal expansion f1 Floating and sinking f4
6 Turning effect of a force f2 Linear motion f3 Force f1 Floating and sinking f4
7 Fluid flow f2 Force f1 Floating and sinking f4 Heat transfer f1
8 Newtons laws of motion f3 Pressure f1 Gas law f3 Forces f2
9 Force f1 Pressure f1 Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2 Pressure f1
10 Floating an d sinking f4 Particulate nature of matter f1 Hookes law f2 Pressure f1
11 Gas laws f3 Force f2 Linear motion f3 Pressure f1
12 Uniform circular motion Force f2 Work energy power and machines f3 Particulate nature of matter f1
13 Hookes law f2 Linear motion f3 Thermal expansion f1 Particulate nature of matter f1
14 Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2 Pressure f1 Fluid flow f2 Circular motion f4
15 Work energy power and machines f3 Newtons law of motion f3 Gas laws f3 Quantity of heat
16 Measurement I f1 Uniform circular motion f4 Newtons laws of motion f3 Linear motion f3 and work energy power and machines f3
17 Heating effect of electric current f3 Quantity of heat f3 Heating effect of electric current f3 Gas laws f3
18 Work energy power and machine Floating and sinking f4 Floating and sinking f4
19 Floating and sinking f4


QST 2014 2015 2016
1 Measurement I F1 Measurement II f2 Introduction to physics f1
2 Measurement II f2 Measurement I f1 Measurement 1
3 Force f1 Hookes law f2 Force f1
4 Linear motion f3 Pressure f1 Force f1
5 Pressure f1 Pressure f1 Heat transfer f1
6 Pressure f1 Particulate nature of matter f1 Force f1
7 Heat transfer f1 Thermal expansion Thermal expansion f1
8 Force f2 Forces f2 Linear motion f3
9 Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2 Fluid flow f2 Hookes law f2
10 Hookes law f2 Pressure f1 Pressure f2
11 Fluid flow f2 Equilibrium and centre of gravity Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2
12 Gas law f3 Heat transfer f1 Particulate nature of matter f1
13 Particulate nature of matter f1 Introduction to physics f1 Linear motion f3
14 Particulate nature of matter f1 Linear motion f3 Quantity of heat f3
15 Linear motion f3 Newtons law of motion f3 and work energy power and machines f3 Gas laws f3
16 Work energy power and machine f3 Quantity of heat f3  Work energy power and machine f3
17 Gas law f3 Gas laws f3 and linear motion f3 Uniform circular motion f4
18 Uniform circular motion f4 Uniform circular motion f4 Newtons law of motion f3
19 Floating and sinking f4


QST 2017 2018 2019
1 Measurement I f1 Force f1 Measurement II f2
2 Measurement I f1 Measurement 1 Pressure f1
3 Measurement 1 f1 Measurement I f1 Force f1
4 Particulate nature of matter f1 Pressure f1 Gas laws f3
5 Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2 Particulate nature of matter f1 Heat transfer f1
6 Fluid flow f2 Thermal expansion f1 Linear motion f3
7 Linear motion f3 Floating and sinking f4 Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2
8 Newtons law of motion f3 Uniform circular motion f4 Force f1
9 Gas law f3 Uniform circular motion f4 Measurement 1
10 Gas law f3 Gas law f3 Fluid flow f2
11 Quantity of heat f3 Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2 Floating and sinking f4
12 Equilibrium and centre of gravityf2 Hookes law f2 Hookes law f2
13 Equilibrium and centre of gravity f2 Pressure f1 newtons laws of motion f3
14 Linear motion f3 Quantity of heat f3 Hookes law f2
15 Hookes law f2 Newtons law of motion f3  Work energy power and machine f3
16 Force f1 Work energy power and machine f3 Quantity of heat f3
17 Floating and sinking f4 Pressure f1 Particulate nature of matter f1
18 Pressure f1 Gas laws f3 Gas lawsf3


KCSE Physics Paper 2 2010 to 2019 Topical


QST 2010 2011 2012 2013
1 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1 Refraction of light f3
2 Magnetic effect of electric current f2 Electrostatics II f3 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1
3 Magnetic effect of electric current f2 Electrostatics II f3 Current electricity f3 Magnetism f2
4 Electrostatics I f1 Cells and simple circuits f1 Electrostatics I f1 Current electricity f3
5 Reflection at curved surfaces f2 Cells and simple circuits f1 Refraction of light f3 Reflection at curved surfaces f2
6 Mains electricity f4 Magnetism f2 Radioactivity f4 Refraction of light f3
7 Waves I f2 Magnetism f2 Magnetism f2 Radioactivity f4
8 Wave II f2 Magnetism f2 Electrostatics I Mains electricity f4
9 Radioactivity  f4 Waves I f1 THIN LENSES F4 Current electricity f3
10 Heating effect of electric current f3 Refraction of light f3 Refraction of light f3 X- rays f4
11 Magnetic effect of electric current f2 Current electricity f3 Magnetism f2 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1
12 X- RAYS f4 Electromagnetic spectrum f4 Mains electricity f4 Photo electric effect f4
13 Electromagnetic spectrum f4 Mains electricity f4 Electronics f4 Electronics f4
14 Electronics f4 Photoelectric effect f4 Waves I f2 Reflection at curved surfaces
15 Electrostatics II F3 Current electricity f3 Current electricity f3 Electrostatics II F3
16 Thin lenses f4 Electromagnetic induction f4 Mains electricity f4
17 Electromagnetic induction f4 Reflection at curved surfaces f2 Cathode rays and cathode ray tube f4
18 Cathode ray and cathode ray tube x-rays f4 Waves II
19 Electronics f4   Electromagnetic induction f4


QST 2014 2015 2016
1 Thin lenses f4 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1
2 electrostaticsII f3 Electrostatics I f1 Magnetism f2
3 Waves II f3 Cells and simple circuits f1 Magnetism f2
4 WavesI f2 Magnetism f2 Waves I f2
5 Electromagnetic induction f4 Reflection at curved surfaces f2 Reflection at curved surfaces f2
6 ElectrostaticsI f1 Magnetism f2 Waves II f3
7 Magnetism f2 Waves I f2 Cells and simple circuits f1
8 Electronics f4 Thin lenses f4 Radioactivity f4
9 Radioactivity f4 Sound f2 Refraction of light f3
10 Electrostatics I f1 Refraction of light f3  X-rays f4
11 x- ray tube f4 Photoelectric effect f4 Heating effect of electric current f3
12 Refraction of light f3 Cathode rays and cathode ray tube f4 Electronics f4
13 Cathode rays and cathode ray tube f4 Mains electricity f4 Sound f2
14 Electromagnetic induction f4 Photoelectric effect f4 Electromagnetic induction f4
15 Mains electricity f4 Heating effect of electric current f3 Mains electricity f4
16 Current electricity f3 Radioactivity f4 Electrostatics II f3
17 Waves II f3 Electrostatics II f3 Electronics f4
18 Reflection at curved surfaces f2 Current electricity f3 Sound f2


QST 2017 2018 2019
1 Electromagnetic spectrum f4 Sound f2 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1
2 Magnetism f2 X- rays f4 Electrostatics I f1
3 Sound f2 Magnetism f2 Magnetism f2
4 Cells and simple circuits f1 Rectilinear propagation of light and  reflection on plane surfaces f1 Magnetism f2
5 Reflection at curved surfaces f2 Refraction of light f3 Sound f2
6 Magnetism f2 Heating effect of electric current f3 Current electricity f3
7 Heat transfer f1 Reflection at curved surfaces f2 Current electricity f3
8 Electronics f4 Radioactivity  f4 Radioactivity f4
9 Thin lenses f4 mains electricity f4 Cathode ray and cathode ray tube f4
10 Radioactivity f4 Electrostatics I f1 X-rays f4
11 Electrostatics I f1 Electromagnetic spectrum f4 Mains electricity f4
12 Waves I f1 Cells and simple circuits f1 Radioactivity f4
13 Current electricity f3 Cells and simple circuits f1 Reflection at curved surfaces f2
14 Heating effect of electric current f3 Magnetic effect of electric current f2 Rectilinear propagation of light and reflection on plane surfaces f1
15 Refraction of light f3 Mains electricity f4 Electrostatics II f3
16 Photo electric effect f4 Photoelectric effect f4 Waves II f3
17 Mains electricity f4 Waves II f3 Refraction of light f3
18 Electrostatics II f3 Electronics f4 Magnetism f2
19 Cathode rays and cathode ray tube f4 Waves I f2 Radioactivity f4


KCSE Physics Paper 3 2010 to 2019 Topical


QST 2010 2011 2012 2013
1 Measurement II and hookes law f2 Current electricity f3 and refraction of light f3 Reflecion at curved surfaces f2 Linear motion f3
2 Quantity of heat f3 Quantity of heat f3 Current electricity f3 Current electricity f3 and forces f2


QST 2014 2015 2016
1 Refraction of  light f3 and reflection at curved surfaces f2 Hooks law f2 and rectilinear propagation of light f1 Refraction of  light f3 and current electricity f3
2 Current electricity f3 Current electricity f3 Linear motion oscillations using a pendulum f3


QST 2017 2018 2019
1 Current electricity f3 and refraction of light f3 Linear motion mechanics f3 Current electricity and heating effect f electric current f3
2 Quantity of heat f3 Current electricity f3 Moment s of force and reflection at curved surfaces f2