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KCSE Past Papers ,ie, mock past papers  from 13 regions have been published.  These and more KCSE past papers are absolutely free.

You can access the papers by following the links below:

  1. 2014 Mbooni East Mock Papers
  2. 2014 Mbooni West Mock Papers
  3. 2014 Meru County Mock Papers
  4. 2014 Migori County Papers
  5. 2014 Muhoroni Papers
  6. 2014 Murang’a County Past Papers
  7. 2014 Nakuru County Past Papers
  8. 2014 Nandi Central
  9. 2014 Nandi North
  10. 2014 Nyatike
  11. 2014 Rachuonyo South
  12. 2014 Trans-Mara West 
  13. 2014 Westlands

Marking schemes are available at a fee of Kshs 20 per paper.Please Mpesa the money to 0710765974 and text me your email address for delivery purposes.

You can contact FRANCIS through the same number,ie 0710765974 for assistance.

More KCSE past papers and other papers can be downloaded for free at