KCSE mock past papers from Precious Blood, Alliance Boys, Sunshine,Starehe Boys and Maranda High have been published.  These and more mocks past papers are absolutely free.
Marking schemes are available at a fee of Kshs 20 per paper.Please Mpesa the money to 0710765974 and text me your email address for delivery purposes.
You can contact FRANCIS through the same number,ie 0710765974Â for any assistance.
You can access the papers by following the links below:
You can follow the link https://www.freekcsepastpapers.com/top-national-schools/  to download more free mock past papers from other top national schools.
Keep visiting the website as we are dedicated to making more past papers available.
how early will you post the 2016 mock papers?
Immediately mock exams are done, I will post
I want kcse&kcpe both mock papers 2016
We have Alliance boys 2016 end of term 1 papers.
How can i get them
Past papers are free. You can click the link https://www.freekcsepastpapers.com/top-national-schools/ to download free KCSE past papers and MOCK papers. We only sell marking schemes at Kshs 20 per paper,ie both KCSE papers and MOCK papers and a few selected past papers from selected schools.
We have 2016 end of term 1 Alliance Boys past papers selling at Kshs 250 a whole set of 16 papers.
You can download more KCSE papers at https://www.freekcsepastpapers.com/kcse-past-papers/ past papers and MOCK past papers at https://www.freekcsepastpapers.com/districtscounties/
Kind Regards
Well done keep on with the good work