KCSE mock past papers (2015) from TWO counties have been published. These and more mocks past papers are absolutely free.
Marking schemes are available at a fee of Kshs 20 per paper.Please Mpesa the money to 0710765974Â and text me your email address for delivery purposes.
You can contact FRANCIS through the same number,ie 0710765974 for any assistance. You can access the papers by following the links below:
You can follow the link https://www.freekcsepastpapers.com/districtscounties/Â to download more free mocks past papers.
Keep visiting the website as we are dedicated to making more past papers available.
2019 Kabarak High form 1, 2 & 3 mid term 2 past papers
2016 Alliance High Post Mock Past Papers
2016 Alliance High Post Mock Past Papers
2015 FREE KCSE MOCK PAPERS- 10 counties free
Alliance Boys’ 2016 Pre-Mock Papers
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