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The analysis below of KCSE chemistry from the year 2010 to 2019 was possible because of sponsorship from a caring parent. The analysis contains the following information:

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KCSE Chemistry

KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2010 to 2019 Topical

Qst 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1 Salts f2 Organic chemistry ii-f4 Carbon and its compounds f2 Air and combustion-f1 Introduction to chemistry f1
2 Structure of an atom and the periodic table f2 Radioactivity-f4 Salts f2 Salts-f2 Chlorine and its compounds f3
3 Structure of an atom and the periodic table f2 Salts- f2 Water and hydrogen f1 Simple classification of substances-f1 Nitrogen and its compounds f3
4 Organic chem i f3 Nitrogen and its compounds-f3 Chemical families f2 Structure and bonding f2 Salts f2
5 Classification of substances f1 Periodic table-f2 Classification of substances f1 Salts f2 Effect of electric current on substances f2
6 Acids bases and salts f4 Gas laws-f3 Acids bases and salts f4 Electrochemistry-f4 Gas laws f3
7 Electrochemistry f4 Salts –f2 Structure and bonding f2 Organic chem i-f3 Organic chemi f3
8 Gas laws f3 Acids,bases and salts-f4 Mole f3 Radioactivity f4 Radioactivity f4
9 Radioactivity f4 Water and hydrogen- f1 Radioactivity f4 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Organic chemii f4
10 Energy changes in chemical and physical processes f4 Chlorine and its cmds-f3 Organic chemii f4 Solubility of salts f4 Metals f4
11 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Carbon and its compounds-f2 Mole f3 Energy changes f4 Salts f2
12 Energy changes in chemical and physical processes f4 Water and hydrogen-f1 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Acids, bases and salts f4
13 Organic chem i and ii f3 and f4 Salts –f2 Rate of reaction f4 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Mole f3
14 Structure and bonding f2 Organic chem ii-f4 Chemical families f2 Gas laws f3 Energy changes f4
15 Carbon and its compounds f2 Organic chemii-f4 Electrochemistry f4 Simple classification of substances f1 Nitrogen and its compounds f3
16 Acids bases and salts f4 Rate of reactions-f4 Air and combustion  f1 Rate of reaction f4 Air and combustion f1
17 Mole f3 Sulphur and its compounds-f3 Rate of reaction f4 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Rate of reaction f4
18 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Chlorine and its compounds-f3 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Organic chem i f3 Periodic table f2
19 Electrochemistry f4 Mole-f3 Water and hydrogen f1 Carbon and its compounds f2 Separation of substances f1
20 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Acids bases and indicators-f1 Organic chem i f3 Chemical families f2 Sulphur and its compounds f3
21 Chlorine and its compounds f3   Organic chem ii f4 Salts f2 Structure and bonding f2
22 Rate of reactions f4   Metals f4 Metals f4 Simple classification of substances f1
23 Rate of reactions f4   Mole f3 Mole f3 Organic chem ii f4
24 Salts f4   Air and combustion f1 Mole f4 Electrochemistry f4
25 Organic chem ii f4   Salt f2 Chlorine and its compounds  f3 Mole f3
26 Air and combustion f1   Organic chem ii f4 Salts f2 Organic chem ii f4
27 Chemical families f2   Chemical families f2 Reaction rates f4 Simple classification of substances f1
28     Electrochemistry f4 Effect of electric current on substances f2 Nitrogen and its compounds f3
29     Acids bases and salts f4 Periodic table f2 Periodic table f2
30         Chemical families f2


Qst 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1 Organic chemi f3 Effect of electric current on substance f2 Chemical families f1 Acids bases and salts Periodic table f2
2 Metals f4 Mole f3 Radioactivity f4 Salts f2 Rate of reaction f4
3 Energy changes f4 Energy changes f4 Electrochemistry f4 Organic chem ii f4 Metals f4
4 Gas laws f3 Water and hydrogen f1 Mole f3 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Organic chem ii f4
5 Mole f3 Salts f2 Organic chem i f3 Chemical families f1 Water and hydrogen f1
6 Organic chem ii f4 Structure and bonding f2 Gas laws f3 Gas laws f3 Acids bases and indicatiors f1
7 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Mole f3 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Mole f3 Mole f3
8 Classification of substances f1 Metals f4 Reaction rate f4 Salts f2 Structure and bonding f2
9 Water and hydrogen f1 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Acids bases and salts f4 Simple classification of substances f1 Sulphur and its compounds f3
10 Periodic table f2 Salts f2 Mole f3 Air and combustion f1 Simple classification of substances f1
11 Electrochemistry f4 Radioactivity f4 Electrochemistry f4 Chemical families f2 Organic chem i f3
12 Rate of reaction f4 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Salts f2 Organic chem i f3 Chemical families f2
13 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Organic chem ii f4 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Nitrogen and its compoundsf3 Mole f3
14 Chemical families f2 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Air and combustion f1 Chlorine and its compound f3 Air and combustion f1
15 Acids bases and indicators Water and hydrogen f1 Salts f2 Salts f2 Simple classification of substances f1
16 Salts f2 Electrochemistry f4 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Electrochemistry f4 Acids bases and salts f4
17 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Acids bases and salts f4 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Chemical families f2 Energy changes f4
18 Electrochemistry f4 Air and combustion f1 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Enthalpy changes f4 Energy changes f4
19 Radioactivity f4 Rate of reactions f4 Energy changes f4 Radioactivity f4 Electrochemistry f4
20 Simple classification of substances f1 Gas laws f3 Organic chem ii f4 Acids bases and salts f4 Carbon and its compound f2
21 Salts f2 Organic chem i f3 Structure and bonding f2 Air and combustion f1 Chemical families f2
22 Organic chem ii f4 Water and hydrogen f1 Effect of electric current on substances f2 Simple classification of substances f1 Radioactivity f4
23 Chemical families f2 Acids bases and indicators f1 Simple classification of substances f1 Introduction to chemistry f1 Periodic table f2
24 Classification of substances f2 Salts f2 Chemical families f2 Metals f4 Salts f2
25 Salts f2 Carbon and its compounds f2 Carbon and its compounds f2 Acids bases and salts f4 Salts f2
26 Mole f3 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Acids bases and indicators f1 Gas laws f3
27 Carbon and its compounds f2 Simple classification of substances f1 Metals f4 Mole f3 Nitrogen and its compound f3
28 Organic chemi f3 Salts f2 Organic chemii f4 Mole f3 Effect of electric current on substances f2
29 Effect of electric current on substances f2 Organic chem ii f4      


KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 2010 to 2019 Topical


Qst 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1 Electrochemistry f4 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Organic chem i and ii f3 and f4 Chemical families f2 Chlorine and its compounds f3
2 Organic chem i f3 Electrochemistry f4 Chemical families f2 Energy changes f4 Chemical families f2
3 Chemical families f2 Rate of reactions f4 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Organic chem ii f4
4 Energy changes in chemical and physical processes f4 Energy changes f4 Rate of reaction f4 Electrochemistry f4 Rate of reaction f4
5 Nitrogen and its compounds f3   Electrochemistry f4 Salts f2 Salts f2
6 Metals f4   Salts f2 Radioactivity f4 Metals f4
7 Rate of reactions f4   Chlorine and its compound f3 Organic chem ii f4  


Qst 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1 Carbon and its compounds f2 Chemical families f2 Organic chemii f4 Organic chem ii f4 Organic chem i f3 and organic chem ii f4
2 Organic chem ii f4 Nitrogen and its compounds f3 Electrochemistry f4 Chemical families f2 Metals f4
3 Salts and chemical families f2 Rate of reactions f4 Water and hydrogen f1 Gas laws f3 and electrochemistry f4 Nitrogen and its compounds f3
4 Electrochemistry f4 Metals and electrochemistry f4 Acids bases and salts f4 Salts f2 and chlorine and its compounds f3 Acids bases and salts f4
5 Sulphur and its compounds f3 Metals f4 Mole  f3 Chlorine and its compounds f3 Energy changes f4
6 Rate of reaction f4 Organic chem i and ii f3 and f4 Metals f4 Carbon and its compounds f2 Electrochemistry f4
7 Air and combustion f1and organic chem ii f4 Chemical families and structure and bonding f2 Radioactivity f4   Rate of reactions f4


KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2010 to 2019 Topical

Qst 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1 Mole f3 Mole f3 Mole f3 and rate of reactions f4 Mole f3 Mole f and reaction rates f4
2 Acids base and salt 4 Salts test for cations f3 Acids bases and salts f4 Salts test for metal ions f4 Salts test for cations f4
3 Organic chem 1 and 2  f3 and f4 Qualitative analysis organic chem f3 and f4 functional groups Organic chem i and ii f3 and f4 Organic chem ii f4 test for functional groups Organic chemistry f3 and f4


Qst 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1 Solubility of salts f4 Rate of reactions f4 Energy changes f4 and mole f3 Energy changes f4 and mole f3 Rate of reaction f4
2 Salts test for cations and anions f4 Salts cation and anion test f4 Test for cation and anion f4 Salt test for cations and anions f4 Salt test for cations and anions f4
3 Organic chemistry f3 and f4 Organic chem f3 and f4 test for functional groups Organic chem f3 and f4 functional groups testing Organic  chem f3 and f4 Organic chem f3 and f4 test for functional groups