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The files below contain KCSE marking scheme from the year 1995 to 1999. Download the marking scheme for free by clicking on the links below:

KCSE 1996-1998 CRE Marking Scheme

KCSE 1995-1999 Physics Marking Scheme

KCSE 1995-1999 Mathematics Marking Scheme

KCSE 1995-1999 Kiswahili Marking Scheme

KCSE 1995-1999 Geography Marking Scheme

KCSE 1995-1999 Biology Marking Scheme

KCSE 1996-1999 History and Government Marking Scheme

KCSE 1995-1998 Chemistry Marking Scheme


Sample KCSE 1995 Biology Paper 1 HTML marking scheme

  1. They produce, they grow

Respond to stimuli/ irritability


  1. Protein synthesis – Ribosomes

Transport of cell secretions – Endoplasmic reticulum


  1. Food Spoilage

Poisoning / cause disease


  1. Water in RBC moves out by osmosis and the RBC shrinks
  2. Provide energy required for  splitting water molecules/ photosynthesis.
  3. A – Scrus – acc. Sori

B- Rhizome

  1. Nitrogen

Making cell walls

Magnesium / mg

  1. Evidence does not support Larmacks theory

Acquired characteristics are not inherited characteristics are found in reproductive  cells only

  1. Sickle cell anaemia ( Rej. Bleeders disease)



  1. (a) K-Enzymes/ Sucrose/ Invertase/ Saccharise

L- Inhibitor Acceptance any example e.g. any acid


(b)       – Addition of sucrose/ substrate

– Optimum/ suitable/ correct / right pH

– Removal of products


(c)        –  Competed with substance: for active  site  (of K)

– Acc. L made  the medium acidic; unsuitable for K

– L occupies active sites


  1. (a)        A – Epidermis

B – Pith


(b)       C – Transport manufactured food / translation; Rej. Digested food

D – Produces  new cells/ divides to give new cells. Accept  secondary

Thickening/ growth/ produces phloem  & xylem.

E- transport  minerals salts/ minerals/ salts alone


  • – Xylem in central/ Star shaped
    • Phloem in arms of xylem
    • Root hairs present in root / has pilferous layer
    • No pith in root
  1. (a)        To absorb CO; reacts with CO2­

(b)        To provide moisture to generating seeds. Accept water for moisture

(c)        (i)

(ii         Oxygen in the tube  is taken up for germination  CO absorbed by higher pressure outside  tube


  1. (a)        – Green plants – Grasshoppers – Lizards – snakes
  • Green plants – Grasshoppers – Lizards – Cats
  • Green plants – Mice – Snakes – Hawkers
  • Green plants – Mice – Snakes – cats

(b) – Mice

(c) Lizards eat Hawk snakes, Rej.  If any primary, tertiary consumer is given

(d)       (i)         Most plants will die  / dry

(ii)        (same) organisms may starve  to death

(iii)       (same)  organisms may migrate


  1. (a)        (i)         P – will tend/ grow towards  light

Q – will remain straight/ little/ no growth

R – will remain/  grow  straight / Acc. Grow  upwards

(ii)        P – Growth  substances or hormones/ auxins/IAA are produced by the  stem  tip. They move downwards  and get disturbed to the side away from  the side of light. Where  they  cause more rapid growth/ cell division/ elongation ( that results in bonding)

The source of auxin has been removed and the auxins  are not  affected by light because the era has been  covered.

  • Tip will bend towards the light
  • All the seedlings will grow upwards.



  1. (a)        – Sigmoid of the  curve shown

(b)        – 92 acc. 93

(c)        110 – 78 = 8.0 (cells/ min)



  • 5 (mins)
  • (i) A to B        Lag phase / slow growth  phase

(ii) B to C        Exponential /log/rapid growth  phase

  • Slow/ reduced growth  due to limiting environmental factors ( Accept any  example) rate of multiplication is  almost the same as the death rate, Acc:  few  cells are still diving Rej. Growth for  multiplication but acc. Reproduction.
  • – Low death rate/ low mortality;
    • Decrease in death rate/ reduced death rate
    • High birth rate/ high fertility acc. Increased  birth rate
    • Improved medical services: Acc. Increased  medical facilities
    • Enough food/ availability of food
    • Absence of war/ political  stability/ peace
    • Improved standard of living
  • Measure the total area of the habitat, throw or mark out the quardrat in the area for the study; at random. Identify label the various species of the plants  in the quardrat; count plants  of each  species; record the numbers, repeat the process (owtte) work out the average per quardrat for each  species in the area/ calculate the population for the total area in Nairobi.


  1. (a) (i)   Large; brightly coloured corolla/ inflorescence/ florets/ bracts to attract


(ii)   Scented  to attract insects

(iii)  Have nectary guides/ nectarines/ that directs insects/ secret nectar to

attract insects.

(iv) Pollen grains rough/ spikey/ sticky/ surface; to stick on insects body

(v)   Special shaped corolla tube; to enable insects to land

(vi)  Anthers are situated inside the flowers to ensure that they are in

contact  with the insect

(vii) Sticky stigma; for  pollen  to stick or to adhere


(b) (i) Oestrogen

Repair/  heal endometrium/ wall  of uterus; which  is destroyed in  menstruation

(ii) Progesterone

Stimulates the thickening of the uterus; increases the blood  supply  to the endometrium. Inhibits the production of  follicle stimulating Hormone.

(iii) Luteinising  hormone

Responsible  for maturation of the  graafian follicles/  causes  ovulation/ stimulates corpus  luteum;  to secrete  progesterone.


  1. (i) Mammalian Kidney

Blood reaches the kidney from the renal/ renal artery  enters the kidney; then branches  into  capillaries/ glomeruli/ in the  Bowmna’s capsule, blood vessels  leaving the capsule/  efferent are those entering it/ afferent causing high pressure to develop  in the glomeruli. This forces the plasma/ causes ultra filtration into the capsule. The filtrate contains waste products (acc. One example) The filtrate moves  into the proximal/ first convolulated tubule; where selective  reabsorption of glucose  amino acids, some water  and vitamins  take  through the loop of  henle; excretory products/  urea, excess water and salts acc, one  example) pass  into the distal tubule, where the remaining  useful substance (acc. One example e.g salts and water) are reabsorbed; The filtrate  passes into  the collecting tubule; where  more reabsorption of water  takes place: Excess water, urea and salts (  all  three  must  appear)/Urine  are removed through  the ureter.


(ii)        Green plants

CO2 / O2 /H2O diffuse through the stomata lentils/ hydrathods  some  toxic wastes are converted  into non – toxic substances; these are  deposited in certain tissues of the plant/ stored  in ageing structures.  Resins/ tannins – are exuded though the  bark of  the stem; or lost during leaf fall.


BIOLOGY PAPER 231/1 K.C.S.E 1996


  1. – Controls/regulates/ enzymes/ synthesis is the  material for


  1. – Sexual transmitted

–  Blood transfusion

– Sharing needle/syringes/ razors

  1. After vigorous activity when  blood fall below  normal
  2. scurvy
  3. Arthropoda
  4. Capable of interbreeding; to produce viable offsprings
  5. (a) To split water/ Photosynthesis/hydrous

(b) Glucose/carbohydrate/ starch/ sugar.

  1. Store chemical salts/sugar/blood/; maintain shape of cell.  Osmotic gradient the bring about movement of water.
  2. Presence of special structure that  attract  agent of pollination  protandry; protogency; monoecism; self – sterility.
  3. (a) O2 is necessary for germination

(b) Germination  in B; no fermentation

  1. Gametes form new offspring
  2. To increase the chances of fertilization and  survival of species



  1. (a) Drive out oxygen / air

(b)Avoid killing yeast cells/ denaturing  enzymes  in yeast

(c) To prevent air from getting into the  glucose  and  yeast


(d) Limewater turns milky

(e) Used  boiled yeast  on glucose


  1. CO2 diffuses into  tracheoles follows the trachea; not through spiracles

Stomata pores / stomata;  cuticle

Acc. Lenticels.


  1. (a) 374 x 400


(b) –  There was even distribution of  crabs

– No movement  in and out  of regions; no migration

– There was random distribution of errors after the first capture.

(c) – Capture/ recapture; capture release recapture.


  1. (a) – Phototropism

(b) Auxins /  hormones;  move diffuse to the demised/ away from the light side; causing elongation/ growth  on the dark sides hence  bending

  1. (a) Anaemia/ low blood volume/ loss of iron/ low red blood cells/ low

haemoglobin; leading to low oxygen; loss  of  nutrients and dehydrations.

(b) Blood clotting

(c) Transfusion; taking fluids) eating iron  rich food stuff/ taking iron tablets.

  1. Parents Bb       x          Bb




  1. a) Two features resulting from extrusive volcanic activity

Composite volcano                 Lava plateau/lava plains/tuff plateau

Caldera/crater                          Ash and cinder cones

Spine/volcanic plugs               Hot spring                   (any 2 x 1 =2 mks)

  1. b) Four ways in which volcanicity has influenced human activities in Kenya
  2. i) The Volcanic rocks of the Kenya highlands have been weathered to produce fertile soil for agriculture.
  3. ii) Landforms resulting from activity are tourist attraction /scenic beauty e.g Mt Kenya.

iii)        Trachyte and phonolites/volcanic rocks are used for building

  1. iv) steams jets/gerious at Olkaria are used for generating geothermal power.
  2. v) Gases associated with volcanic activities are mined in Kenyag CO2 at Kereita and at Esageri in Baringo
  3. vi) steep slopes formed through volcanic activity discourages settlement/farming/development of transport.                  (4mks)
  4. The block diagram below represents part of the earth’s crust which has been subjected to tensional forces.
  5. a) (i)         The slope marked A-Heave/Escarpment

(ii)        The angle marked B-hade                                                       (2mks)

  1. b) Three ways in which faulting can influence drainage system
      • Vertical faulting across a river may cause waterfall
      • Rift faulting in an enclosed area may lead to formation of a lake if rivers drain into the basin/inland drainage
      • Some rivers flow along fault lines/fault guided drainage
      • Uplifting of landscape which leads to faulting may cause rivers to their direction of flow.                            (Any 2×1= 2mks)

3          a)         What is an isobar?

      • It is an imaginary line connecting places with the same air pressure.
      • It is a line an a map connecting places with the same atmospheric pressure.            (2mks)
  1. b) Four characteristics of Modified equatorial climate (Lake V. Basic)
  • Rainfall throughout the year
  • Rainfall total between 1000mm-1600mm/heavy/high/high rainfall
  • Rainfalls mainly in the afternoons
  • Rain is accompanied by thunder
  • Temperature range between 200-60c/moderate a temperatures
  • There is high humidity
  • Double maximum rainfall (any 4×1=4 mks)

3          c)         Convectional type of rainfall

  • Small annual range of temperature (only if the answer on rainfall

award marks)

4.a)      If the local time in Nairobi at longitude 37o E is 10.00a.m. What will the

time be at Buchanan in Liberia at longitude 10oW

1o = 4 Mins

47o x 4 = 188 mins      = 3hrs 8 mins

Buchanani is 3 hrs. 8 mins behind Nairobi its time will be 6.52 am (2mks)

  1. b)       The effect of the international date line on time

On crossing this longitude while going to west, a day is lost while

a day is gained while crossing to the East.                            (2mks)

  1. a) Three examples of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks

–    Sandstone              – Clay stone, siltstone  -shale               -Mudstone

  1. b) Changes that occur in sedimentary rocks when they are subjected

to intense heat and pressure.

  • New Minerals are formed
  • Minerals recrystallize further
  • Rock particles become compacted
  • The physical appearance of the rock changes
  • Metamorphism without any details(Any 2x 1 = 2 marks)



  1. Study the map of Ithanga (1:50,000 Sheet 135/4) provided and answer

the following questions.

  1. a) i)          The six – figured grid reference for the trigonometrical station

to the south – east of the area covered by the map – 300906  (1mk)

  1. ii) The bearing of the school at Kamwiendei village from the

church at Riakanau? 029o  +  1o  (022 – 030o) (2mks)Accept this

iii)        The length of the dry weather road (E 625 ), from the

junction at karaba shops to where it ends at Riakanau

village in kms.

– 10.7 km + 0.1 km                 (10c- – 10.8)                (2mks)

  1. iv) The area of Tebere B in the northern part of the map.

-13.5 ± 1 km2 (1.25 – 14.5 ) km2                                (2 mks)

  1. b) Student from one of the schools in the area covered by the map

carried out a field study on the physical features and economic

activities found in the area.

  1. i) Two types of natural vegetation they are likely to

have identification.

– Scrub             – Scattered trees          -Woodland

  1. ii) Citing evidence from the map, name three economic

activities the students are likely to have identified during

their study.(3mks)

Activity:               Evidence

Agriculture / farming              Sisal estate / coffee plantation / coffee factory

Commerce / trading                Shop / markets

Mining / quarrying                  Processing

Posho mills / coffee factory    Transportation

Roads / ferry      * No evidence no marks       Any 3 x 1 = 3 mks

(iii)      Citing evidence from the map, name two methods the students are likely

to have used to cross River Tana.



Method                                               Evidence

Ferries                                                 Ferries

Barrage                                                Merila river Barrage

Bridge points                                      New Tana Bridge

* No evidence no marks                     Any 2 x 1 = (2 mks)

(c)        The drainage of the area covered by the map is as follows

  • River Tana and its tributaries from the main drainage system in the area
  • The area has numerous, permanent, surface streams/ rivers
  • Most parts of the area covered by the map are well drained
  • There are some seasonal swamps found mainly along the valley of river Tana.
  • The main drainage pattern is dendritic with radia pattern noticeable in the South East.
  • There are man – made water features including dams water troughs and in the area covered by the map           (4 x 1 = 4 Mks)

* If you get a specific point find the evidence from the river.

(d)       The distribution of settlement in the area covered  by the map is as follows:

  • There are few settlements/labour lines within Ithanga estate and

Kiamutunguru hills.

  • There are scattered settlements in the South West and the area

immediately to the North of river Tana

  • There is nucleated settlements mainly in the market/shopping centres/

villages in the North and South Western part of the area covered by the map.

  • Some areas such as Mbondoni and the area between Kamwendei and

Karabal have no settlements.

(e)        A rectangle 15cm by 10cm representing the area west of Easting 20 and south of Northing 00.on the rectangle the following are marked and named.

  1. i) The provincial boundary        ii)         Ithanga hills

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