The file shared on this page contains Free KCSE 1989-2013 Chemistry Paper 3 (Practical). The papers have the following details:
- Chemistry paper 3 from 1989 to 2013 Questions
- Chemistry paper 3 from 1989 to 2013 Answers
- Chemistry paper 3 from 1989 to 2013 Confidentials
Many students and teachers have been calling asking for Chemistry Paper 3 papers of various years. Download the practical paper by clicking the link below from the year 1989 to the year 2013:
KCSE 1989-2013 Chemistry Paper 3
Other KCSE papers from the year 1995 to 2019 can be accessed for free by clicking the link below:
Access Free KCSE Papers from the year 1995 to 2019
Sample 2000 Chemistry Paper 3
- You are provided with:
ï‚· Solution L containing 5.6g per litre of anhydrous sodium carbonate
ï‚· Solution M: Hydrochloric acid
ï‚· Phenolphthalein indicator
ï‚· Methyl orange indicator
You are required to standardize the hydrochloric acid, solution M.
Fill the burette with solution M. Pipette 25cm3 of solution L into aconical flask. Add three drops of phenolphthalein indicator and titrate with solution M.Record the readings in table I below. Add3 drops of methyl orange indicator to the content softheconical flask and continue titrating with solution M.Record the readings in tableII below. Repeat the procedure and complete tables I and II.
For tables refer the question papers uploaded on this page
2. You are provided with3.0g of Potassium nitrate labeled solid G.You are required to determine the enthalpy of solution of solid G. Procedure
Usinga measuring cylinder,place 30cm3 o fdistilled water into a 100cm3 beaker. Stir the water gently with a thermometer and take its temperature after every half minute. Record the readings intableIII below. At exactly two minutes,add all solid G to the water at once.Stir well and take the temperature of the mixture after every half minute up to the fourth minute
Record your results in table III.
Table III
you work is astonishing
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See the post for more information
I need marking schemes for 1989 – 2012. What do i do and how much will they cost
For chemistry they are posted. Others see this link:
So wonderful