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 Most times we panic when we are faced with challenges. I remember in school every time before an exam the invigillator would remind us not to panic. I now know that panicking can confuse you and make you forget your ideal goal, plans to accomplish those goals and completely block your thinking hence leading to failure.

Remind yourself to stay calm especially now that teachers are on strike. You will realise that you can accomplish more in personal revision when you are calm compared to when you are in panic mode. Also staying in a calm environment enhances peace of mind and you can accomplish a lot with a peaceful mindset.


 When you don’t know what to do, listen to that voice deep down your spirit. Your intuition. That’s where God dwells.  In your spirit. Most of us like ignoring that voice but I have learnt that every time we ignore that voice, we get into trouble. The voice that says you should not be watching T.V right now but studying. That voice keeps us on the right track so don’t ignore it.


 Keep reminding yourself what your goals are. As a student why are you in school in the first place? Am sure it’s not because everyone else is going. That one reason that makes you go to school every term.

What would you like to accomplish in life? Believe that you can accomplish it, Feel yourself becoming it. The Doctor, Teacher, Musician, Business person that you want to be, feel yourself dressing in those nice suits going to work, driving that big car, performing for that big crowd. Use that to give you the motivation you need to get there someday.


Some people will try to convince you that your dreams are too unrealistic.  They will try to pull you down. Don’t let them! There is a reason why God put that dream in your heart and it is possible to achieve it. Ignore the naysayers. Stay away from negative people and surround yourself with positive people. As the saying  goes , show me your friends and I will tell you the kind of person you are. Very true.

Surround yourself with negative people and negativity will slowly become part of you. Surround yourself with people who have something good to offer, people who have accomplished something in life and you are surely on your road to success.


 Optimists are not always born, sometimes they are made. Having a positive attitude in life is not always easy  as you can find sometimes negative thoughts creep in and its easy to listen to that voice that tells you, It’s impossible to pass now that the teachers are on strike, the time left is not enough to cover the syllabus.

Be careful when those thoughts come and be aware of them. Delete each negative thought that comes to your mind the same way you delete messages on the phone or computer then replace those thoughts with positive thoughts.

For example: I cannot cover the remaining biology syllabus. It’s too wide. Click delete and replace that thought with, I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. Make that a habit and as they say habit is second nature. A Positive attitude will be a part of you and you will be an optimist all the days of your life.


Don’t give up. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. The problem with giving up is that if you give up once, it will be easier to give up next time hence you will end up forming a pattern of giving up.  It will become a habit and that habit will turn you into a failure.

Keep doing your best. Study hard. Wake up early and make good use of your time. At the end of the day you will sleep more peacefully knowing that you gave your best and that you are getting closer to your dream.


If God is for you,  who dare be against you? You don’t have to be perfect to pray,  there is no such thing as a perfect person. You just have to know and believe that there is a God. Go to Him humbly and tell Him what you want and He will surely listen and answer you.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. So take every challenge positively including this strike and make something good come out of it.

Success is yours, you were born for it, now go get it!