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Form four work deals with social issues in society. We shall compare the issues in the following
communities – The Traditional African Society Christian community and the contemporary one. By the
end of it the student should be able to understand the meaning of life and live to it’s fullest.


Instructions. Form four work covers contemporary issues in a Christians life. You are advised to read
newspapers, listen to radio news, watch television news and current affairs and any other relevant news
source. Work in twos. Give yourself topics to study and then give a presentation to your partner or colearner.
Learning outcomes. After reading and discussing Christian ethics, you should be able to:
a. Explain the meaning of Christians ethics
b. Explore the basics of Christian’s ethics
a. Christian ethics. The word ethics comes from a Greek term ‘Ethikos’ which means custom, or conduct.
Ethics are moral principles, which influence a person’s behaviour. Ethics are defined as the systematic
study of human actions and behaviour. We use ethics to judge, determine and assess the right and
wrong of human behaviour. Morals refer to human character, which is the inclination to behave in oneway or another. Ethics is the study of morals and they determine and influence personal and societal
behaviour. Christian ethics is the study of human conduct or behaviour from a Christian point of view.
b. Basis of Christian ethics. Sources of Christian’s ethics: –

1. The bible, teachings of Jesus Christ
2. Human reason and experience
3. Natural law
4. The Christian community – the church
5. Situation ethics
6. Authoritative Christian literature – based on the bible
7. Gods revelation – through prophets
i. Human reason. These are internal thoughts that guide us when we are making decisions and taking
actions. We use our minds and thoughts when confronted by situations.
They also rely on internal thoughts in their life experiences.
Internal guiding thoughts have many parts. One is our Conscience. This is our inner self that tells us and
lets us know what is right and wrong. There are four types of consciences; doubtful conscience, sensitive
conscience, certain conscience and perplexed conscience.
For a Christian, rights and wrongs are in the Bible. God gave the Law of Moses to Israelites. Jesus came
and explained the Old Testament and taught new scriptures in the New Testament. These teachings,
which we have covered from Form one to three, explain very clearly what is right and wrong. When
doubtful of the morality of an action, Christian consults the Bible to know if a decision is right or wrong.
ii. Human Experiences: – these are internal and external guides 1When confronted by situations, Christians use their minds i.e. human reason and their life
experiences in making decisions.

1They rely on internal guides, (Human reason) and experience (external guides)
Internal guides
(i) Conscience: – Mind, aspect of knowing right or wrong. When right, there’s’ approval when wrong it
registers guilt.
When doubtful of the morality of an action we should not do it
If conscience is perplexed then make us decision. A decision should be based on a certain conscience.
Types of conscience
– Doubtful conscience
– Sensitive conscience
– Certain conscience
– Perplexed conscience
2. One can also make decisions based on knowledge and free will To make a decision one should have
– Facts about the act, its aims, circumstances.
– One should be free to perform A decision ought to be thoughtful
3. Intuition: – inner feeling, insight
It’s an internal moral sense to do good or avoid evil. Intuition is important in situations that require
quick and immediate that requires quick and immediate action.
4. Feelings
Feelings are subjective e.g. it feels good to do so this, hence will do…” it can be dangerous to make
decisions purely based on feelings especially in marriage friendship etc. Eternal guides

Guides here include authoritative persons such as parents, teachers, police, civil leaders philosophers,
and religious leaders.
Rules from secular, religions, and African traditional culture are part of external guides.
The bible
The bible, quoted in the text but now out of text guides Christian behaviour. God communicates to his
people through the Bible. The Bible offers answers to questions in relation to the life of a Christian.
Today, there are ethical issues not found in the bible e.g. HIV / AIDS, sexual and reproductive health
rights, contraceptives, abortion, globalization, cloning, environmental degradation, genetically modified
foods, terrorism, international trade etc. this gives reason and other sources / factors are basis of
Christian ethics in addition to the bible. Moral principles in the bible
– They are mostly found in the teachings of Jesus and the ten commandments, sermon on the mountain
– Christians are also encouraged to have Faith
– The virtues encouraged include generosity, love, kindness, faithfulness, patience, humility, peace,
mercy, loyalty etc.
Christian community – church
Church leadership can make decisions, which touch on their followers.
They guide people on ethical
issues e.g. politics, land, justice, abortion, contraception etc. Church organizations give rules on those conduct of their members.

Natural law
– The awareness that one has to choose good and avoid evil
– If one studies human nature and reflects upon it he/she will discover natural laws of human behaviour
– Natural law, natural rights such as right to education, life own property many etc. are incorporated into
the constitution of any nation.
– The constitution then guides the behaviour of list citizens; Christians being citizens of a country are
guided in their behaviour by the constitution. Situation ethics
One should reason out the rightness or wrongness of an act. The rightness or wrongness of an act
depends on its uniqueness, the circumstances
– Christians are warned against making decisions based on circumstances or the situation e.g. a pregnant
student seeking abortion as the option so as to continue with education. Gods revelation
God reveals himself to people through prophets, natural events, the law, dreams and visions. Through
such ways God guides Christian on how they should approach certain issues. God’s revelation does not
contradict with the bible. Revision questions
1. What is the meaning of Christian ethics?
2. What is the basis or source or foundation of Christian ethics?
3. List the basic life skills that one needs to be able to lead a better life


Christian approaches refer to how Christians view and handle issues of human sexuality, marriage and
the family in accordance with Christians ethics. Through marriage, the family is formed.


Learning Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: a Define human sexuality, marriage, and family
b Explain the Christian teaching of human sexuality
c Assess the traditional African understanding of human sexuality d Determine gender roles in traditional African home
e Explain Christians teachings about male and female relationships f Explain and appreciate Christian teaching on responsible sexual behaviour
g Explain Christian teaching on irresponsible sexual behaviour and their consequences
a. Human sexuality. This is a sacred gift from God. It was given to Adam and Eve. Human sexuality is that
which makes us male or female. It is our biological or physiological differences associated with the state
of being male or female. It is part of our biological make up. Males and female have different body
structures, features, appearances and biological characteristics. In terms of physical strength more men
are stronger than females. Besides the biological make up, we have an emotional side, which includes
our attitudes, and feelings. Females are said to be more emotional, and talkative than males. Human
sexuality is also in our brain and mind and it is what makes us human beings. If you look at animals they
also have different physiological features based on sexual differences.

b. Christian teaching on human sexuality. Males and females are God’s creation. Men and women were
created for many reasons. These are (1) to be fruitful and to multiply; and
(2) for companionship. In
Genesis we learn that men and women share the image of God because God intended man and woman
to play complementary roles and both are equal before God.
Sex in marriage is a sign of love and it is sacred. In marriage man / and woman become one flesh. Both
of them have the ability to control their sexual desires. Christian teaching forbids: sex before marriage,
adultery or unfaithfulness, and other unnatural sexual behaviours like lesbianism, homosexuality or
being gay, and incest. God created human body and it is to be kept holy.
Chastity is encouraged while
unfaithfulness in marriage is discouraged. Husbands / wives are to respect one another and give to each
other in mutual love.
c. Traditional African understanding of human sexuality. Human sexuality is highly valued in traditional
African communities. It is understood in terms of marriage and parenthood. Procreation was the sole
purpose of sex. Sex was to be practiced in marriage and it was regarded as another sacred duty.
Adultery was discouraged and offenders punished.
Irresponsible sexual relationships were forbidden. Virginity before marriage was highly valued. If a girl
lost her virginity before marriage, she was treated with scorn and punishment. If a boy impregnating a
girl, he was fined.

In traditional African society it was a taboo to discuss openly sex matters.
Grandparents taught sex
education to their grandchildren. Sex education was taught during initiation stages. Free mixing of girls
and boys was not allowed except under supervision. Girls were married off immediately after initiation
to avoid temptation of engaging in pre-marital sex. To reinforce self – discipline in relationships between
the opposite sexes the African traditional society instilled the fear of supernatural curses through myths,
taboos and rules.
Marital status. Husbands and wives were expected to relate to each other, their parents, and in laws
according to the community customs. Conflicts between a husband and a wife were resolved through
intervention of relatives.
d. Gender roles. There are specific chores and duties for either male or female in African traditional
societies. Roles were therefore according to gender. Boys went hunting, herding, while girls fetched
firewood, and helped in cooking. At an early age, girls and boys would mix freely as they played
together. Mature boys and girls however, were restricted from mixing freely without supervision by
elders. But there was gender identification. The boys identified with their fathers and other male adults,
while girls identified themselves with their mother and other female adults.
Education. Children belonged to the community and not just to their biological parents. At the

adolescent stage; 13 – 18 years education was given to the adolescents and intensified at initiation
stage. Boys and girls were taught traditional rules, and secrets of the society during initiation. Learning
was informal. Knowledge was communicated through songs, stories and riddles among other forms of
presentations. All adults acted as parents to the young ones. Socialisation. Men were socialized to be superior, while women were socialized to accept their
subordinate position and role. Everyone knew and accepted what he/she was culturally supposed to do.
Division of labour was based on sex. In the African communities, despite their differences, there were
many common customary roles, rules, regulations, taboos and beliefs that governed the practices
related to male – female relationships from early childhood to old age.
These traditional African
practices relating to male – female relationships existed at various levels.
In all of them, man held
superior positions when compared to those of women.
Age. Old women and men were accorded respect. They were consulted for advice and counsel. Kinship
system was emphasized.
e. Christian teaching on male- female relationships. We learn that the husband is the head of the house
and should love his wife like Christ loved the church. Once a wife is loved, she should submit to her
husband. We also learn that both male and female are equal and co – creators with God. Adam and Eve

were created to complement each other. Likewise men and women should love each other. Jesus taught
that each man should have one wife and vice versa. Once married, the husbands’ body belongs to the
wife and hers belong to him. If that is the case, wife and husband should avoid immorality.
Males and females are to relate freely. But the youth are to avoid the passions of youth. These are
sexual sins. There are no specific chores or duties for either male or female. Relationship between sexes
should be governed by love, chastity, respect, self-control, and self- discipline. Parents are to love their
children, while children are to obey and honor their parents. Parents are asked to bring up their children
in a Godly way.


Lesson Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should
a. Outline Christian teaching on responsible sexual behaviour
b. Analyse Christian teaching on irresponsible sexual behaviour
c. Discuss effects and consequences of irresponsible sexual behaviour
d. Give examples of the effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour
Sexual behaviour is part of human behaviour. The Bible gives principles of sexual behaviour in the Ten
a. Christian teaching on responsible human sexuality. Christianity teaches us about responsible sexual
behaviour. Being responsible means that one is exercising self – control or self-discipline in matters of

sexual behaviour. Self-discipline is necessary when we have a relationship with the opposite sex (Read, 1
Cor.7: 9 1 Peter 5:8). It is called responsible sexual behaviour, which is obedience to God’s commands.
Christians promote healthy social relationship between boys and girls, men and women, and husbands
and wives. Responsible sex is between male and female. Sexual intercourse is allowed only between
married couples (1 Cor.7: 3 – 5). Married couples are obliged to be sexually faithful to one another
(Heb.13: 4) adultery is condemned (exodus 25:14). Relationship between a husband / wife should be
one of respect faithfulness, love, care, mercy, submission, tolerance, and forgiveness
b. Christian teaching on irresponsible sexual behaviour. There are many irresponsible sexual behaviours.
They include among others all acts and forms of: perversion, misuse, and abuse of sex, incest, rape,
fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism or gay, prostitution, concubine, masturbation, bestiality
and child marriages among others. These irresponsible sexual behaviours are against God’s will for
humanity. Christians are to shun irresponsible sexual behaviour. This is because their bodies are the
temples of the Holy Spirit. Thus whatever Christians do with their bodies, it should be for the glory of
Let us now discuss in brief some of the irresponsible sexual behaviour; beginning with

(i) Incest, which is a sexual relationship between people who are closely related by blood. For example,
sex between a brother/sister, father / daughter. Incest is condemned in the Bible. It was punishable by
death in the Old Testament. Read Leviticus 18:6 – 8.
ii) Rape. Rape cannot be justified and it is condemned in The Bible. Rape is an act of forcing another
person to have sexual intercourse without his or her consent. It is sexual violence and a crime against
humanity. It is also a denial, and a violation of human rights of the victims who are sexually assaulted.
Victims of rape include boys, men, girls, women, and babies especially girls.
Rape is an expression of hatred toward the opposite sex. In traditional African society rape was
abhorred and culprits were punished by death. In Kenya rape is punishable by 20 years imprisonment.
Indecent assaults or sexual abuses such as touching a person of the opposite sex without their
permission or use of vulgar language are both punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment.
iii. Fornication. This is consensual sexual intercourse between unmarried people. It is condemned by
both African and Christian teachings and punishment in African traditional society was by either
payment of fines, stoning, and ritual cleansing. In the Old Testament, men were forced to marry the girl.
Jesus said that fornication was due to people’s evil thoughts. Abstinence for the youth is encouraged
and preached.

Why do the youth engage in pre – marital sex? There are several reasons.
Some of them are: sexual curiosity, proving manhood, human weakness, lack of self control, testing fertility, fear of being jilted / rejected; commercial sex for money; copying acts in the print and electronic media. Others reasons are
frustrations, drug abuse, bribe to get a job, and permissiveness in the society.

iv. Adultery is committed by adults who have extra marital affairs; between “married partner and
another party”. Adultery is having sex outside marriage with a person with whom one is not married to.
Adultery is caused by lack of self – control, sexual dissatisfaction, long periods of wife and husband
separation, sexual dysfunction and vengeance by an initially faithful spouse who wants to be even with
the unfaithful spouse.
v. Prostitution. This is the practice of giving sexual pleasure for money or other material benefits. A
prostitute can either be male or female. Prostitutes are referred to as commercial – sex workers.
Why is there prostitution? There are factors leading to prostitution. These are economic reasons such as
unemployment, poverty, rejection of a girl at home, drug abuse, stress, anger, anxiety, frustrations in
the family and pornography. The church condemns prostitution because it defiles the body, which is a
temple of the Holy Spirit. It’s sexual immorality. Read Gal 5: 19 – 21.

vi. Homosexuality/ Gay/ Lesbianism. This is sex between people of the same sex for example; man and

man (homosexuality), woman and woman (lesbianism). Homosexuality is a common practice in modern
world. It is also a church problem. The Anglican Church in USA, and Canada have accepted
homosexuality. The Anglican Church has gay bishops. African Anglican churches are opposing this
What makes people prefer sex with the same sex? The Christian view is that homosexuality is a sign of a
lack of Christian moral values. It may also be due to confinement in a prison and permissiveness in
society. If it is allowed to continue, it shall disintegrate traditional African values. Because of its threat to
God’s people, the Church condemns homosexuality. Other reasons for condemning it is because (1) God
created a male and a female. Read, Genesis 1:28. Two, sex is sacred.
Homosexuality is an unnatural
relationship, which lowers human dignity. It does not provide sexual fulfillment (as traditionally).
Homosexuality is illegal in Kenya.
vii. Sexually transmitted Diseases (STDs). There are many diseases passed from one person to the other
through sex. These are gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes genitalis is, hepatitis B, clamydia, trichonomiasis,
HIV/AIDS. Lets discuss them one by one.

HIV / AIDS. This is human immune deficiency virus (HIV) that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) condition. Syndrome refers to many symptoms. HIV is transmitted largely through sex with an infected partner; through blood transfusion; sharing sharp objects with infected persons; and
from an infected mother to the unborn child. The HIV virus destroys the white blood cells, and weakens
the body ‘s immune system. When the body is weak, it is not able to fight, and defend itself against
infections. Persons with the virus are vulnerable and susceptible to opportunistic infections.
The signs / symptoms of AIDS are manifestations of symptoms of the opportunistic infections. Some
symptoms include persistent coughs, loss of weight, oral thrush, loss of appetite, and diarrhoea.
Churches encourage Christians to be compassionate to HIV/AIDS affected people, and to support the
infected and the affected individuals like the orphans, widows, and widowers. It also teaches against
sexual immorality and against all forms of discrimination. Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium called “Neisseria gonorrhea”. Its symptoms appear a4 days after
infection. Its symptoms are burning sensation when passing urine; pain or discomfort in the genitals;
sticky discharge or pus in the vagina or through the urethra. The good news is that Gonorrhea is curable
if treated early.
Syphilis. Primary syphilis may show up in the form of a sore or a wound in the genitals a few days after
infection. The wound heals by itself without treatment after some time.
Syphilis infection may take
several years about 7 years before its symptoms re appear. The symptoms of syphilis are a painless sore

or pimple on the man’s penis or woman’s vulva; and swelling of the glands in the groin. Other
symptoms, which may appear later, are skin rashes, and sores either in the face armpits, under breasts,
mouth or throat.
Herpes genital is a sexual disease caused by a virus. It creates wounds in the genitals. A pregnant woman
can transmit the infection to her newborn baby during delivery. This disease can be controlled although
there is not an effective treatment.
Hepatitis B virus causes Hepatitis B. It is transmitted through sex, injections by unsterilized needles and
contact with contaminated blood. The infection does not show on the genitals. The signs and symptoms
of Hepatitis B include yellowness of the eyes (jaundice) due to liver damage and pain around the upper
c. The effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour.
There are many effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour. They include among others HIV / AIDS,
sexually transmitted infections (STI), abortion; family separations and divorces, deaths, unplanned
pregnancies; children living in the streets; school drop outs and psychological problems.
i. Effects of incest. These are many. One, incest undermines the healthy relationships between members
of a family as it brings shame and guilt among the parties involved. Two, incest destroys relationships
within the family and can lead to breaking up of a marriage. Three, incest destroys self-esteem, self –

respect, and dignity of the victim. We find that abused boys and girls end up having problems when
trying to establish healthy relationship with members of the opposite sex.
Four, incest can lead to
pregnancy, and abortion. And as you have read in the newspapers, it can lead to infections with sexually
transmitted diseases (S.T.I.’s) and HIV / AIDS. As I write, a father was jailed for life for raping his
daughter and infecting her with HIV/AIDS virus.
ii. Effects of Rape. This crime has very serious consequences and harmful effects on the victim. Rape
may result in pregnancy and can led to physical, psychological, social, and spiritual side effects. The
victim may suffer (1) serious physical injuries and (2) may contract both the STI’s, and HIV / AIDs. The
victim is traumatized, and ashamed of self. The victim suffers from guilt, loneliness, humiliation,
posttraumatic stress disorders, and depression among others psychological manifestations. Young rape
victims in particular may loose trust in the opposite sex. All these sufferings can lead to suicide and
iii. Effects of Fornication. Some of these are having children out of wedlock; feelings of distrust, guilt,
and hurt; contracting STI’s and HIV/AIDS; loss of self-respect; early and forced marriage and abortion.
iv. Effects of Adultery. Christians teach against adultery because it is against God’s commandments and
can lead to divorce, abortion, STI, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, murder (death) and psychological problems.
v. Effects of Prostitution are many. It can lead to break up of marriage, and family. It lowers a person’s
dignity and can lead to unplanned pregnancies, school dropouts; infections such as STI’s and HIV /AIDS
and improper use of family resources.
vi. Effects of homosexuality. It is a threat to procreation. It promotes loose short-term informal
relationships and therefore promotes HIV / AIDS. Homosexual couples are prone to HIV/AIDS infections
because of having many partners; although this is changing in USA where homosexual couples are being
married in churches.

vii. Effects of Sexually transmitted diseases
HIV / AIDS effects are numerous. They include recurrent illness due to opportunistic infections. There is
also stigmatization. Some individuals have feelings of guilt, anger, denial and depression. The sick
persons have to look for extra finances to care for their health. They have the burden for medications,
and special diet. HIV/AIDs has no cure and leads to death like many other diseases. Parents die and
leave their children as orphans.
Gonorrhea effects are many. The disease damages a woman’s fallopian tubes leading to infertility; and a
man’s epidydymis leading to sterility. An infected expectant mother can infect her newborn baby with
gonorrhea. The disease may affect the eyes of the unborn child causing blindness. Gonorrhea can also
cause inflammation of joints, the heart and liver.

Effects of Syphilis are damage to the heart, brain and the nervous system. This disease can lead to
madness and death of the victim. If a child is infected while in the womb, or during birth, the brain
maybe damaged. The child may have either physical deformities or the infected mother may give
Effects Herpes genitals. Infection can cause severe brain damage; cancer of the neck of the womb. If a
woman is pregnant, the disease can cause death of the baby. The wounds and sores exposes the sick
person to HIV /AIDS infections.
Effects of Hepatitis B. This disease damages the liver and may lead to death of the infected person. It has
a vaccine, but not treatment.
viii. Other consequences of irresponsible sexual behaviours These are death, unplanned pregnancies,
children living in the streets, school dropouts and psychological problems related to irresponsible sexual
behaviour. These include among others: stress, depression, self – pity, withdrawal, aggressiveness, and
Stress is the response of the body and mind to any situation that exerts pressure or makes demands on
a person. The intensity or pressure experienced determines the level of stress. Some of the signs of
stress are: anxiety, worry, drop in performance, chest pains, mood swings, rebellion, ulcers, heart
palpitations, fatigue and guilt feelings.

Solutions. To avoid stress, it is suggested that individuals should accept that one is stressed; identify
sources of stress, rest, exercise, listening to therapeutic music and talk to a counselor.
Depression. This is an acute mental disorder. It is also a state of hopelessness and low spirits. Depression
can be mild or severe. It has physical, emotional and behavioural signs and symptoms. Let me caution
you that it is only a medical doctor who can know if one has a depression or not. We are told by doctors
that signs of a depression are: persistent headaches and chest pains; loss of appetite; too much
appetite; loss of memory; insomnia i.e. lack of sleep; weight loss or gain; nervousness and mood swings;
low self-confidence; suicidal tendencies and self-pity. Other signs and symptoms are loss of libido
(sexual desire); poor performance in school and in work places; hopelessness; loss of interest in ones
activities; hypertension and high blood pressure

d. Irresponsible social and human behaviour. There are social and human behaviours that are contrary
to Christian life. These unacceptable behaviours are abortion, and divorce. Abortion is termination of pregnancy before the foetus is capable of independent life. There are two types of abortions. One is spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. The other is induced abortion, which is deliberate and illegal in Kenya. Induced abortion has been debated in Kenya. The main question is should abortion be legalized or not. This is because abortion is legal in some European countries.

Why do mothers seeking abortion? There are many reasons, which are known only to mothers. These are one, pregnancy due to rape and incest. Two, if the mother believes that the unborn child will be a burden. This may be because the baby is conceived outside wedlock and the mother lacks economic resources to take care of the baby. Another reason maybe that the mother is in school, and she cannot look after the baby and continue with her education. Three, medical personnel may abort a deformed foetus or in order to save the life of the mother if it is in danger. Christian’s view of abortion as murder (Exodus20: 13). This is because abortion interferes with the mother’s body, and destroys the baby. Christian view is that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. God is the giver of life and He alone has the right to take it away. Abortion carries with it stigma and the effects mentioned above make Christians condemn abortion.

e. Effects of irresponsible social and human behaviour.

Effects of abortion are infertility, ectopic pregnancy, destruction of a woman’s body parts; fetal malformation; risk of the mother bleeding to death and destruction of uterus. Other effects are that the mother may experience in future still births, miscarriages, risk of barrenness; failed abortions leading to deformed babies and psychological problems that we have discussed. These are stress and depression.

Revision questions.
1. Explain the T.A. understanding of human sexuality
2. Explain Christian attitudes towards human sexuality

3. In what ways is sex abused in Kenya?
4. Why do you think minors are defiled or sexually abused in Kenya?
5. Explain the Christian teaching on male/female relationships
6. What is the Christian teaching on responsible sexual behaviour?
7. List the different types of irresponsible sexual behaviour
8. Explain the Christian teaching on irresponsible sexual behaviour
9. State the effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour


Learning Outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to;
a. Explain in brief the meaning of marriage
b. Explain Christian teachings about marriage
c. Describe courtship in African Traditional society
d. Discuss the traditional African and Christian approaches to marriage preparation
e. Explain celibacy as an alternative to marriage
a. Definition of marriage. Marriage is a binding legal union between a man and a woman who agree to have a lasting relationship as husband / wife. Marriage partners choose each other. In some cases, senior member of the family and church influence the choice of a marriage partner. When marrying partners agree to marry, they are joined in church and they become husband and wife. Marriage is thus a covenant in which the partners give themselves to one another. Marriage involves other members of the community hence it is a social and community affair. Marriage is a permanent union. Marriage is a community requirement in which everyone in the community participates. Each person is expected to undergo marriage because it is a rite of passage. Marriage gives a person, a high social status and prestige in the community. Marriage is also a covenant between a man and a woman that should not be broken. Two people are joined in marriage in order to procreate and perpetuate the community. Once married, a couple is allowed to have sexual relationship, and companionship. Marriage is an expression of and fulfillment of mutual love and comfort. It enhance unity; social prestige, and respect in society. Purpose of marriage is sexual fulfillment; cultural and social requirement; obligation to build a family; and procreation although children are a gift from God.

Forms of marriages
There are many forms of marriages. There is a marriage ceremony organised as a symbol or mark of the
union between a man and a woman. These marriages ceremonies are either civil, or religious. The main
religious ceremonies are Christian, Islamic, Hindu, and Sikh among others. We also have African
customary ceremonies many of which are polygamous. Christianity does not allow polygamous
marriage. Secular approaches to marriage.

In the modern world, some people choose not to marry for personal reasons. Some people have children without getting married while others opt to have a marriage without children. Husband and wife are equal. Monogamy is practiced for economic reasons. In some families’ women are the heads of the family. Choosing a partner is an individual act and not communal. In marriage traditional qualities of a good wife such as industrious, honesty, and hospitality are not considered. The modern society values external beauty, financial status and social status. As a result, there is a high rate of marriage, separation, and divorce. At times young people fail to be married in church. There is no formalization ofmarriages. These marriages are called “Come-we-stay” arrangements. Gender issues in marriage. The wife is subordinate to the husband but had rights. Marriage did not end with death of the husband. The wife was inherited by one of her husband’s brother. This is widow inheritance / Levirate marriage. She could also refuse to be inherited but remained married to that man even in death. The wife could not marry outside the family because of dowry. There was dowry payment to parents. If a wife died, the man would marry the sister of his dead wife. This is surrogate marriage. Those who did not marry were considered “lesser humans”. Young people were prepared for marriage during initiation, which was witnessed in a public ceremony. During marriage, couple makes vows to each other. The ancestors are invoked to bless the marriage. Factors that lead to a stable, healthy and successful marriage People are different and they understand their roles differently. Here am giving you a few suggestions. ‘

Discuss with your study companions and come up with other suggestions.

One important factor is mutual responsibility by the couple. This occurs if there is mutual consultation with each other in decision-making. Two is forgiveness of each other. Three is good treatment of each other especially with
equal respect. Four is sharing scriptures together. Five is giving love and respecting each other. Six is
having a faithful sexual relationship and lastly being open and honest. Seven is African traditional qualities of a good wife who is described as: hardworking, fertile, morally
upright, generous, kind, obedient, humble, clean, beautiful, polite, warm hearted and hospitable. Eight
are the qualities of a good husband, which are described as: being able to provide good leadership in the
family. Other qualities are being aggressive, wise, brave, courageous, responsible and good property

b. Christian Teaching about Marriage. Christians teach that marriage is sacred and that it is a divine
institution, which is ordained God. God started it when he created Adam and Eve. Marriage should
therefore be monogamous and permanent as God protects marriages. The woman should submit to the
husband who is told to love the wife as Christ loved the church. Church teaches respect of each other.
Marriage is complete even without children as it is between a male and a female. Marriage is not
obligatory and it ends when one partner dies. Christian’s preparation and approach to marriage
Christians organise youth seminars, and rallies to teach the youth how to choose marriage partners and

how to treat wife / husbands; care for the children; behave towards in laws; acquire wealth (men); and
head a family. Youth are taught to avoid sexual intimacy before marriage.
Those intending to marry are
encouraged to go for pre marital counselling. During counselling, they are informed that love is the most
important bond of unity in marriage. Church encourages partners to go for HIV /AIDs test before
marriage. Marriage ceremony is conducted in church Choice of a marriage partner
There are many ways of identifying a marriage partner. One is arrangement by parents. If not one can
make an individual decision and choose a wife or husband. Two is through an intermediary or third
party. In African traditional polygamous marriages, the first wife identified a wife for her husband.
Girls would be given out to a chief as a gift

c. Courtship in African Traditional society (A.T.S). Courtship varied from community to community.
Courtship is the period between engagement and wedding ceremony.
During courtship premarital sex is
forbidden. Girls and boys dressed with bracelets and rings. Courtship was important in A.T.S. This was
because the man and woman who were girls and boys got to know each other better before marriage. It
was a period when girls/boys were instructed in family life education. It was also a period for linking the
two marrying families. The couple had time to learn about one another’s character, and know their

families. It is a symbol (sign) of the girl’s presence in her home (maternal home). She continues to live
with her own people.
The families and clan had an opportunity to check if the marrying couple was related and if their clans
were acceptable to the parents. Courtship gives time to the two families to negotiate and pay the bride
wealth or dowry.
Bridal Wealth, dowry, bride price are all expressions of partnership. The family of the man pays dowry to
the family of the woman. Some churches disregard bride wealth, while others encourage it. Dowry is
paid in different forms. The girl’s family decides what it wants. Will it be livestock (poultry, pigs, camels,
cows, goats, sheep), beer, grain, jewellery and clothes among others. Importance of dowry. It acts as a compensation for the girls labour and seals the marriage covenant. It is
a public expression of appreciation for the coming of a new wife/mother into the man’s family. It
promotes friendship and cements relationship between families. It shows commitment and seriousness
of the future husband. After dowry payment, the woman belongs to her husband.
A ceremony is carried out depending on the community. Bride price payment is accompanied by
marriage ceremonies. Lastly dowry helps in maintaining peace Traditional African approaches to marriage preparation. Polygamy is one husband, married to many
wives. Polygamy is allowed by the African traditional religion because it occurs if the first wife is barren;

ensures that all women have husbands; prevents infertility; provides extra labour in farms. A
polygamous man has a higher status because many wives symbolize wealth.
Children are important in a marriage because they promote social status of their parents. They cement a
bond of unity between husband / wife. They are a source of labour, and wealth. They are heirs to the
family wealth
They provide security to the family.
Divorce is legal dissolution of marriage. Christians allow divorce because of specific grounds. Divorce
was rare in African traditional societies. Divorce is granted under circumstances of: adultery, witchcraft,
laziness, cruelty and disrespect of wife.
In the contemporary society, divorce is sought after or allowed because of: unfaithfulness in marriage or
adultery; domestic violence; misuse of family resources; childlessness; in- law interference and alcohol

Legal reasons for divorce
According to the laws of Kenya, divorce is allowed under the following reasons; adultery; if a man
deserts his wife for more than 3 years; if a partner becomes insane; and domestic violence for example,
physical, and psychological torture.
Christian teaching about divorce. Christians discourage divorce because marriage is a permanent status.
There is no room for divorce. Church discourages divorce because of its adverse effects. Some denominations allow divorce if there is adultery. God hates divorce. Married couples should remain faithful to each other

Effects of divorce are strained relationships, children suffering psychologically, and experiences of

A divorcee faces social stigma, rejection, and isolation. If parents separate, they create single
parent families. These families suffer from economic hardships and feelings of failure and inadequacy.
e. Celibacy as an alternative to marriage. Celibacy is a Latin word “Coelebes” meaning bachelor. Why do
some people fail to marry? There are many reasons. Some of these are to pursue education leading to
delayed marriage; and career demands (workaholic). Other people are discouraged by examples of
failed marriages. Other reasons maybe economic independence, poor health, HIV /AIDS, mental illness;
parental interference and disappointment from past failed relationships.
This happens if parents do not approve a partner.
Revision questions
1. Explain the traditional African understanding of marriage
2, what is the importance of children in traditional African society? 3.what is the Christian teaching about marriage?
4. What is the importance of courtship period in T.As
5. Why are many people opting for celibacy?



As society grows and changes, the family grows and changes. As a result, there are several types and

practices of the family. In this lesson, we shall discuss the traditional family as it is practiced in the Bible,
the traditional African societies and some Christian families.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to a Explain types of families in society
b Analyse traditional African family values and practices c Explain Christians family values and practices
d Discuss problems related to family life today
e Compare approaches to family by Christians and traditional African society
f. Discuss responsible parenthood

The family. What is a family? Family is the basic social unit of human society. This basic unit is extended
to include relatives bound together by blood, marriage, friendship, and adoption. They are all members
of the family. In Kenya, there are many types of families.

a. Types of families
i. Nuclear family is parents and their children. .It is father, mother, and children. There is an increase of
monogamous families or nuclear because of urbanization as rural youth come to towns in search of
white-collar jobs. Migration to cities by people of different tribes has led to pluralism. Education, high
cost of living have led to the death of the African culture, which required men and women to marry
many partners to produce many children to defend their tribe. Advantages of nuclear families are many. One, the man is able to give undivided attention to one wife and children. Two, there is sharing of mutual love, and peace in the home. Three it is economical to manage one family. Four there is little competition for attention, less strife, quarrels and stress. Five, it is to monitor the behaviour of a few children.

ii. Polygamous family – Father, mothers, children. These type of family have disadvantages in modern
Kenya. Modern society is a cash economy. Thus if a man has many wives and children, they may lack
basic necessities like food, shelter, education and clothes.

iii. Single parent family – one parent, and children. Single – parent families are created by several
circumstances. One is by parents separating. Separation of parents is due to several reasons. These are
for example, one partner going to another country and failing to return to his or her country and family.
Two, a single family is created by divorce. Divorced parents may decide not to marry again. Three is
when one parent refuses to marry. This happens when a girl gets pregnant and the boy does not marry
her. Four is because of death of a spouse. The remaining parent may decide not to remarry. Five is when
some mothers decide to have children without marriage. This may not be correct as there is no research
to suggest it. Six is imprisonment of one partner for a long time. One parent is left looking after children
because one is in jail.

iv. Extended family – father, mother, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins. This is the common family type in traditional African communities.

v. Children led family. This happens when parents die and the 1st born takes care of brothers and sisters including cousins.

vi. Grandparent headed family. The HIV/AIDs epidemic has introduced this type of family where
grandparents take care of their grandchildren due to the death of both parents especially the mother
due to HIV / AIDS disease. This scourge has made many children orphans. In other cases parents go for
further studies abroad and leave their children with their parents.

b. Traditional African family values and practices. In African societies creation of a family is through
marriage, and subsequent procreation. Family is viewed as a sacred institution in African society. The
African traditional family includes the dead (ancestors), the unborn children and the living.
An African traditional family has obligations and duties. These were (1) offering sacrifices to ancestors,
(2) pouring libations; and (3) giving the dead decent burials (4) providing basic needs to their children (5)
bringing up children to be morally upright individuals. Further to this, the African traditional family is
responsible for the upbringing, caring, and protection of its children. This is demonstrated by the nuclear
family, which provides necessities required to meet and satisfy the economic needs of its members.
The African traditional family is expected to participate in communal activities. Work in the family was
divided according to age, gender and social status. Each family member worked for its basic needs as
well as the welfare of the community.

The African family had well-stated and practiced values There were (1) respect for family members (2)
providing responsible parenthood, which is the process of bringing up children to become all round or
self reliant persons (3) educating children in all aspects of life. Parents and the extended family
members helped their children to develop intellectually and cognitively. The family taught children physical skills. It also gave children confidence to appreciate their physical
strength. Children were taken through a rigorous physical curriculum of games such as wrestling,
swimming and running to develop their physical strength. Children’s bodies were nourished thoroughly.
They were served good and nutritious food, which improved their muscle strength.
Children were taught social skills. They learnt how to behave towards adults, peers and grandparents.
They developed social skills since parents allowed them to socialize and interact with other children,
grandparents and the community. This made them grow socially, emotionally and psychologically.
They had a curriculum for teaching and training in traditional African religious values, family matters,
moral and social values. This teaching of children started from an early age. The teaching method used
was observation and practice. Parents taught by being good role models.
They were expected to model
desired values and family practices. Children were taught how to relate with one another as brothers

and sisters. Parents were to show tolerance to children. These values show that African parents
understood their parental roles and responsibilities.
These values were sometimes; exploited by the irresponsible family members or specific individuals.
This exploitation encouraged dependency, leading to conflicts, competition, hatred, and jealousy.
Christian parents are expected to train their children to know God; be self
-disciplined, and follow the
Christian way of living. Another duty is to provide basic needs to their children.
Christian understanding of the family
Among Christians, family is sacred and instituted by God. Read again about the Christian teachings about
Role of children in the Christian family
A Christian child is expected to obey parents, honor them, and respect parents. This is one of the Ten
Commandments given to Moses by God.
Parenting styles
a) Dictatorship /authoritative / autocratic – the parents is the final authority, imposes decisions
b) Permissive or liberal style – also referred to as “Laissez faire” the children do as they want
c) Democratic style – parents discuss with their children on family issues. This is the best style.
1Problems related to family life today
Families are faced with numerous problems such as
a) Children abuse – sex assault, beating

b) Domestic violence – abusive language, frequent fights, emotional abuse
c) Diseases e.g. HIV / AIDS epilepsy , autism.
d) Children with special needs, blindness, deafness or those with mental challenges, motor co –
ordination (Autism)
e) Separation, divorce
f) Childlessness
g) Single parent families – economic hardships
h) Misuse of family resources, economic crisis
i) Affluence – a lot of wealth
j) Unemployment, underemployment
k) Retrenchment – laying off of some employees in order to reduce the workforce
l) Mismanagement of family finances
m) Alcohol and drug abuse
n) The generation gap
o) Poor relations with in-laws
p) Cultural and religious differences
• Traditional African approaches to problems related to family life today
1) Individuals were prepared for challenges of family life right from childhood
2) Adolescents, initiates were given family life education
3) People entered marriage knowing that it’s a life long union
4) Rules were clear to govern marriage relations
5) Polygamy helped reduce unfaithfulness
6) There were no single parent families. Members lived together reducing loneliness
7) Widows / widowers were encouraged to marry again Traditional brew was taken in moderation

Christian’s approaches to problems related to family life today
1) Christian families are obliged to live according to Christian principles and values such as mutual
respect, self discipline, understanding, honesty, faithfulness, love and forgiveness
2) Premarital counseling is carried out
3) Church holds regular seminars and conferences on family life matters.
Love and respect for each
other. Christian wife to submit to husband who is head of the family.
They are taught to take each other
as complementary and equal partners.
4) Women are encouraged to form participate in church organizations e.g. mothers union, women’s
guild where they learn roles of being a wife, mother, and a woman.
5) Some churches offer advice to families on management of their families. They are encouraged to
have investments.
6) Breadwinner is encouraged to write a written will
7) To improve the parent – child relationship churches offer guidance and counseling to the youth
Christian parents are advised to set positive role models to their children
9) Parents are encouraged to be open and promote effective communication with their children
10) Churches in case of serious family conflicts such as child abuse, domestic violence, advise legal
11) Churches organize youth seminars where they talk about drug abuse, premarital sex, negative peer
pressure and media influence etc.

12) Relevant information is passed through books, pamphlets, magazines, media FM, TV etc.
13) Some churches welcome unwed mothers
14) Churches provide health services, guidance on HIV / AIDS
15) Some churches care for widows, orphans widowers and the needy Revision questions
1. State the different types of families

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic you should be able to a Define the term “work” and “vocation”
b Explain and appreciated the traditional African attitude towards work c Explain the role of professional ethos, ethics and code in society
d Explain virtues related to work
e Discuss the moral duties and responsibilities of employers and employees
f Discuss Christian approaches to issues related to employment

Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Explain the meaning of work. Vocation, profession, trade, craft, and job
b. Give general reasons why people work Work
Use of energy, physical or mental, for the purpose of improving human life. It is any activity that requires
expenditure of energy or application of skills e.g. studying, teaching, cooking, farming etc.
Work can be described as a vocation, profession, trade, craft, career or a job.
Vocation is from a Latin word “Vocare” which means call ‘

Christians believe that every individual has been called of God to various duties.
Vocation is work that requires special skills, special training or a unique call or a special mission in
Work that is characterized by a code of ethics, lengthy specialized training, advance knowledge and self
– disciple. Professionals have their own set standards. The professionals determine entry requirements
for new members and usually have machinery for dealing with errant members. E.g. Law, medicine,
architecture etc.
A trade
Refers to an occupation, a way of making a living. Some trades require specialized training examples
hairdressing A craft
An occupation which requires manipulative skills or use of the hands e.g. woodcarving, pottery,
weaving. A craft may be a trade depending on the nature of occupation. A career
An occupation that one chooses to pursue in his/her life. It’s the general way of earning a living.
Refers to tasks performed, services rendered in return for payment of wages. Most jobs are temporary
others casual and others permanent and pension able. What determines one’s career, vocation?
1. Available opportunities for future development in a particular job

2. The need to serve others especially the church and the needy
3. Interests, strengths, talents, abilities
4. Inclination or attraction to a certain kind of work
5. Pressure from parents, peers etc General reasons why people work
a) It’s an essential element of life
b) God ordained work. Humans work for their food
c) Work contributes to the development of the community
d) Work is personal. It defines a person
e) People work to earn a living
f) People work for enjoyment, leisure
g) To assist and give to the needy
h) To get luxuries
i) People work to raise their standards of living
j) For self satisfaction and fulfillment
k) For personal development
l) To keep a person occupied and not idle
m) To acquire wealth and status in the society
n) To socialize with other members of the society
o) To attain independence and not depend on someone else

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
a. Explain importance of work
1. Work is essential to the well being of the individual and survival of the community
2. Work ensured basic needs such as food, shelters etc were provided.
3. In traditional African society work was divided according to the age, gender, and status e.g. chief,
elder of the individual.

4. Everyone was a worker. Boys assisted in herding, fishing, girls assisted in cooking fetching firewood.
Women cooked, took care of babies constructed houses (maasai) etc.
5. Works among the traditional African societies included pastoralist, farmers, livestock keeping, fishing,
bee keeping etc
6. Work was a communal affair; people would work together and assist each other
7. Work was not for a wage (Money). The rewards of work-included food, communal unity, acquisition
of moral values etc.
8. Hard work was emphasized, laziness was condemned
9. There were some specific works for specialization e.g. herbal medicine men, divination, prophecy, rain
making, pottery etc.
10. Work involved giving prayers, offerings, and sacrifices to God
11. Through work, the basic needs of the individual, community were fulfilled
12. Through work potentials; talents and skills were explored, acquired and utilized.
13. Work had a religious dimension as well as a social dimension. It brought people together improving
their relations
14. SAE
1. Find out how different communities in Kenya lived in the past and how they live today
2. How did the lifestyle of the communities influence daily activities

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Describe the christens teachings about work

The Christian teaching on work is based mainly on the interpretation of the bible, the teachings of Jesus
and the teachings of the apostles. Some of the teachings are: –
1. God himself instituted work. He created the heavens and the earth and all in it. Since God worked
man should work. (Gen. 2:1)
2. God’s work of creation is good (Gen. 1:31) Christians should endeavor to produce good works
3. Work is a duty, an obligation, a command Christians are responsible for God’s creation (Gen.2: 15).
They are to protect it – animals, birds, plants, marine life are all under the care of man.
4. Human beings should work to acquire their basic needs (Genesis. 1:29
– 30, 3:19) God blesses the work of our hands
5. Human beings are co – creators with God (Gen.1: 28) God continue to create through human beings.
Human beings glorify God through their work.
6. God reveals himself through his work of creation. God had a purpose for his creation. He is orderly,
source of life, Almighty etc.
7. Work is a co – operative undertaking. Eve was created to be Adam’s helper (Gen. 2:20) Christians
should co – operate in their undertakings
8. Hard work is praised and laziness is looked down upon. (Proverbs 31:27). Christians should work for
their daily needs and not become a burden to others.
9. Work should be accompanied with rest (Gen.2: 2) God rested on the 7th day from all his work. God
commanded the Israelites to rest on the 7th day.

10. People should enjoy what they have worked for (Ecc.3: 22)
11. Work should be done for the glory of God and for the good of the society.
12. People should work honestly not steal but work to earn an honest living (Eph.4: 28)
13. Those who do not work should not eat
They should always work since God is always at a work (John 15:17)

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to: –
1. Define the following terms, professional ethics, professional codes and professional ethos
2. Describe the role of ethics Definitions
Professional ethics –: principles of behaviour / conduct that guide members of a particular profession.
What workers are allowed to do and not to do. Professional ethos
The group identity of members of a profession, their unique custom or character e.g. what identifies
doctors, lawyers etc.
Profession codes or code of ethics
Collection of laws arranged systematically according to major concerns and core functions of the
– To regulate the behaviour of professional (workers)
– Enables professionals to understand their role
– Ensures professionals provide quality of services to their clients
– To encourage respect among professionals

– Give guidance on how professionals should relate to one another
– They safe guard professionals against being compromised / misused
– They determine expected level of performance
– They serve as a measure of competence
– Act as a measure of quality service
– They protect the professionals
– They provide a reference point for disciplining (used to discipline the errant professional)
– They inspire respect and high esteem for professionals
– Through professional codes, ethics, ethos, professional earn public trust

Learning outcome. By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
1. Define the term virtue
2. Give examples of virtues related to work Definition
A virtue is a good human habit. It’s a moral principle, moral quality or goodness of character and
Examples of virtues elated to work
(i) Diligence – hardworking
(ii) Honesty, integrity – ability to be relied upon (Integrity) Honest is being truthful.
(iii) Faithfulness – being trustworthy and loyal
(iv) Responsibility – ability to make decisions and take action independently. Being mindful of other
people’s welfare
(v) Tolerance – ability to bear with others or with difficult situations


Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson, you should be able to: –
1. State and explain the duties and responsibilities of employers towards employees
2. List the rights of employers
3. Outline the moral duties of employees
4. List the rights of employees
Employers: government, non – governmental organization, private sector
– individuals, company, selfemployment.
Employers have several duties and responsibilities towards their employees. They are:
– To organize and conduct business efficiently for the benefit of the institution, employer, community
– To respect the employee, treat them with dignity
– Pay a fair wage to the employee
– Ensure good healthy and safe working conditions
– Provide social welfare for the employees e.g. time off, leave days, time for recreation
– Grant leave as required by law or the terms of contract
– Take care of the welfare of the employees give medical cover, pension scheme etc
– To motivate their employees
– To reward employees
– Compensate employees made redundant Rights of the employer
Employers have a right to / are entitled to
(a) Get profits from their businesses
(b) Carry out their businesses without unfair taxation
(c) Form association with other employers
(d) Obtain and conduct business

(e) Hire, dismiss employees in accordance with the requirements of their firms and contract
(f) Demand a fair days work
(g) Conduct business without subjection to unfair conditions and competitions
Moral duties of the employees
1. Carry out their duties to the best of their ability without supervision
2. Respect and protect the property of the employer
3. Encourage peaceful solutions to any problems encountered in their work place
4. To work diligently for self – fulfillment and development
5. To respect their employer and fellow employees
6. Observe terms of contract with employer
7. Be loyal, honest, respect to the employer Rights of the employees
To receive fair wages
To have a reasonable work load Have reasonable hours of work Have safety and protection at work Right to join a labour union
Right to further individual training and development education Rights to retirement, terminal benefits
Rights to a fair opportunity for provision A right to time for rest
Right to Favourable working conditions

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to; –
1. Define the following terms, wages and industrial action
2. State the Christian teachings on wages

3. List the reasons for industrial action
4. State the results of workers strike/ industrial action
5. Explain the Christian approaches towards strikes Wages and industrial action (Strikes)
A wage is payments for work done. Payment is in modern times done according to hours, weeks or days
that one works.
Christian teachings on wages
– Human beings have the right to work for a decent living (Matt.20:1 –
16) They should be paid for their work.
– Workers should be paid wages to the amount and value of their work (1 Timothy 5:18)
– Wages should be paid as agreed upon (Mathew 20:13)
– Employers should not take advantage of the poverty of the employee (Deuteronomy 24: 14 – 15)
– Human beings should not be enslaved to work (Ex.5:22 – 23)
– Employers who degrade their workers in wages are condemned (Deut.24:14 – 15, Jer.22:13)
– Oppression is condemned (Amos 5:18, 8;4)
– Workers wages should never be withheld (James 5:4) Industrial action
Also commonly called ‘Strike’ this is an effort by workers to stop work in protest by boycott go-slow sit –
ins or refuse to work. There has been increase of industrial action in the recent past in most countries of
the world.
Reasons for industrial actions
1 Due to increased awareness of workers rights 2 Exposure to global trends through the media

3 Formation of trade unions that fight for the rights of workers 4 Due to poor working conditions
5 Underpaying workers
6 Threatening workers with unjustified dismissals 7 Suspending the workers / interdiction – unjustly 8 A hostile working environment
Results of workers strikes (industrial / action
a) Pay cuts
b) Demotions
c) Loss of jobs
d) Employers suffer losses
e) Inflation
f) Injuries even death when confronted by police
g) Victimization of some individuals
h) Bitterness among the workers and employers Christian approaches towards strikes
a) Christians recommend a peaceful co – existence between workers and employers
b) There should be fairness, justice, love among workers, employees
c) There should be an open communication channel across the ranks from top to bottom
d) Employees should not destroy property
e) Working conditions should be better and improved
f) Employees to be human when dealing with employees

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the term child labour
2. State the reasons why children are employed
3. State the disadvantages of child labour
4. List down the causes of child labour

5. Describe the position of the church in dealing with child labour
A child is a person below 18 years. A child does not have an identity card, does not vote (in Kenya).
According to International Labour Organization the minimum employment age is 14 years.
Child labour
It is engaging a person below the age of 14 years in wage / paid employment.
Reasons why children are employed
– To provide cheap labour
– They cannot fight for proper terms
– They are easily hired and fired Disadvantages of child labour
Children are not yet mentally and physically prepared to do adult jobs.
This leads to
a) Exploitation of children
b) Children paid less, taken advantage of
c) It inhibits the growth of a child and denies them a chance to enjoy their childhood
d) It deprives them of their right to basic education
e) It exposes children to hazards (dangers) from machines, chemicals
f) Heavy workload deprives children of social educational, moral, psychological, physical rights
Places where children are employed
– Plantations – coffee, tea
– Domestic services – homes
– Tourism sector
– Industries
– Children are trafficked and employed as commercial sex workers Causes of child labour – reasons why children work

1 Lack of money / poverty 2 Death of parents
3 Dropping out of school due to pregnancy, indiscipline, (truancy), poor academic performance or lack of
school fees.
4 Those who never went or taken to school
5 Lack of good role models e.g. coast province Mombasa, Malindi has several of the financially stable
people being school dropouts, engaged in drug trafficking, commercial sex etc.
6 Influence of cultural values e.g. circumcision of boys in some communities is done later in life and one
is declared an adult e.g. the kikuyu circumcising at 13 years, or 12 years 7 Children being lured by employers
8 Greed for material benefits
9 Being homeless ending up as a street child Position of church in dealing with child labour
– The church condemns it
– It has put up homes for poor children (orphanages)
– It provides guidance, counseling to both parents and children
– Children are blessing from God hence should be loved and cared for
– Parents have the responsibilities to protect their children from harm.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the term unemployment and self employment
2. State the causes of unemployment
3. Describe the response of Christians to issues of unemployment
4. List the problems faced by self employed people Unemployment

When people are capable and willing to work but are unable to find a viable income or occupation it is
referred to as unemployment. Causes of unemployment
1 Preference for prestigious white collar jobs (Office jobs, non – manual jobs)
2 Corruption – tribalism, nepotism, bribery denying jobs to the qualified in preference for the
3 Unequal distribution of wealth – some regions are more resourceful than others. Industries, good
infrastructure concentrated in some areas.
4 Inadequate resources for self – employment (lack of capital, skills) 5 Limited job opportunities – probably due to high population growth
6 Few international investors in Kenya, probably due to high crime rate, insecurity
Identify ways of creating job opportunities Response of Christians to issues of unemployment
a) They encourage self – employment in cases of unemployment
b) They have set up vocational training, polytechnics to train people towards jobs that are for self –
c) Christians condemn idleness Self-employment
Self-employment is an economic activity initiated, controlled by an individual. It is an occupation in
which a person initiates a personal enterprise and manages it with the help of others.

Small businesses enterprises, Jua kali sector, music industry, entertainment (e.g. comedians),
community work, agriculture etc Problems / challenges
– Some lack sufficient capital to start a business and keep it running
– Lack of necessary skills to run the business
– High taxation leading to some business closing down
– Small scale traders face undue competition from larger firms Revision questions
1. What is work?
2. List any six reasons why people work
3. Explain T.As attitude towards work
4. List some of the factors that have changed the attitude towards work in the modern society
5. What are the rights of employers?
6. State the duties of employees
7. Why has child labour become common in Kenya?
8. What are the causes of unemployment in Kenya?
9. What can the government do to reduce unemployment in Kenya?


Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic, you should be able to a Explain the meaning of leisure
b Discuss the traditional African understanding of leisure c Discuss Christian teaching on leisure
d Discuss the importance of leisure
e Outline various forms and uses of leisure
f Explain how leisure is misused in the society today
g Discuss the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and their effects h Explain Christian criteria for evaluating the use of leisure

1Christian criteria for evaluating the use of leisure

Work is an obligation – however people cannot work 24 hours. They need to rest. God rested on the 7th
day after work. Work and rest are complementary elements of human life. Definition of leisure
This is the time when one is free from work or other duties. Time at one’s own disposal, which can be
utilized in a productive manner depending on one’s interests and abilities. Leisure provides mental, physical relaxation, spiritual, emotional relaxation and enrichment
Forms of leisure
1. Passive
2. Active leisure
Passive involves use of mental energy
Active leisure – there is use of physical energy Examples of activities of passive leisure are
– Watching television
– Reading story books
– Playing video games
– Chatting with friends
Examples of activities of active leisure are
– Jogging
– Mountain climbing
– Gardening
– Dancing
– Tree planting
– Playing football Leisure is used for
– Enjoyment

– Entertainment – song, dance, watching movies etc
– Relaxation – exercises
– Socialization – sharing, education
– Religious engagement – wedding ceremonies, visiting the sick, worship In passive leisure others entertain while in active leisure the person is active, whole body is involved.
Active leisure enables a person to
1. Develop his/her body
2. Build stamina
3. Strengthen relationships etc
Some leisure activities are dangerous e.g. boxing, motor racing; while others are expensive e.g. golf.
Other leisure activities are addictive while others are unproductive.
– Leisure activities should be planned for
– Leisure activities can also be economic, income generating activities.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to: – 1.Define leisure according to the traditional African understanding
2. State the various forms of communal leisure activities
In traditional African society leisure permeates all aspects of life. Leisure activities accompany work.
Leisure and work were entertainment. Work was accompanied by singing, reciting stories sharing past
events. Examples of leisure activities in traditional African society include
– Wrestling
– Running
– Playing ajua
– Mock fighting

– Swimming
– Spear throwing
– Poetry
– Music and dance etc
Leisure activities that were communal include
• Bull fighting
• Tongue – twisters
• Poetry recitation
• Telling of myths legends
• Dancing
• Brain teasers
• Riddles etc
o Work in African society included fishing, tilling the land, herding, hunting, harvesting
o Most leisure activities in traditional African society were active form of leisure, communal, not
individualistic and not for monetary gains
o All forms of leisure had an educational value. Folk stories had a moral value. People were taught not to
be selfish, greedy jealousy etc Myths and legends tell of the origin of the community and its history of
important people as well as history of the community.
o In African traditional society, leisure led to acquisition of values or virtues such as co – operation,
sharing, solidarity, love, bravery, empathy, endurance, tolerance etc.
o Most activities were linked to the worship of God and, veneration of the ancestors
o Leisure activates were organized along gender and age group season (E.g. harvest – dancing, singing);
wet rainy seasons – boat swimming

o Rites of passage e.g. initiation, marriage, birth and naming provided leisure activities
o Leisure activities were planned for
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Describe the Christian teachings on work
2. State the various ways that Christians use their leisure Christian teach that
a) Work and leisure are of divine origin. God rested on the 7th day after working
b) Leisure is a gift from God leisure should be put to good use. Its not be wasted
c) Leisure provides us with the opportunity to worship God. Leisure should be used to serve God.
d) Christians associate leisure with personal growth and fellowship
e) Jesus recognized the need for rest by withdrawing his disciples from their active ministry. Its good to
have time alone for reflection, rest, visit friend etc.
f) Leisure should be used to seek God and help others e.g. Jesus prayed, helped the needy restored
people’s health.
Ways Christian use their leisure time – activities 1Worshipping God
1Visiting the sick 1Caring for the needy 1Resting
1Watching television 1Chatting with family members
1Retreat – time spend away with a group of people to be alone with God 1Visiting friends, relatives

1Reading the bible 1Praying etc

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. State the importance of leisure
2. List the ways that leisure can be used properly
3. Describe how leisure is misused today Importance of leisure
Leisure is necessary. It’s important in various ways
1) It is a good time to assess the work we have done (Reflection time)
2) It brings people together leading to self – growth and fulfilment (Social function of leisure)
3) Leisure helps individuals to discover their hidden talents
4) Leisure relaxes the mind – a change of activity, relieves the mind
5) Leisure refreshes the body – restores lost energy
6) Leisure enables Christians to offer charity to those in need
7) Leisure provides time for worship and spiritual renewal Leisure gives one time to rest
9) It’s time for recreation
10) Give one time to attend social occasions
11) Allows people to travel and visit friends and relatives
12) Leisure can be used to enhance and acquire new skills and knowledge
13) It’s a time to develop and discover ones talents Uses of leisure – proper of leisure
Leisure can be used for
a. Religious experience
b. A time for rest
c. Leisure is used to provide us with time to help others
d. Leisure can be used to spread the word of God
e. Development of talents

f. Its an opportunity for individual growth
g. Leisure strengthens social relationships
h. Leisure can be used for reflection on one’s decision; actions etc leisure activities reveal who we are.
i. Leisure can be used for educative and economic purposes
Proper use of leisure is when leisure time is spent doing activities that add value to us.
Misuse of leisure today
Leisure time can be misused through various activities e.g.
1) Spending too much time in passive activities e.g. pornography watching, watching films that are
2) Spending leisure time in idle talk – gossip-leading to conflicts
3) Spending time in gambling, casinos making bets on horses playing Ajua games etc
4) Alcohol and drug taking – when a person over drinks alcohol, spends time drinking at the expense of
family, abusing drugs is misuse of leisure time.
5) Leisure can also be misused by engaging in dangerous activities. Night dancing, disco dancing has become a common form of leisure worldwide. What are the
advantages and disadvantages?

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to: –
1. Define the terms drug, drug use, drug abuse
2. State the different ways that drugs are administered
3. List the various categories of drugs
4. List the different types of drugs
5. Describe the various effects of different drugs

A drug is any substance which when taken may alter or cause changes in the normal functioning of the
Drug abuse
Improper use of drugs. Using a drug for another purpose than what it is intended for
Drug use
Proper use of drugs
Drugs are taken in various forms namely 1 Liquids
2 Lotions
3 Ointment
4 Powder
5 Cake form,
Drugs are classified as legal and illegal Ways of administering drugs
Drugs are taken /administered in various ways
– Infecting
– Inhaling / smoking
– Chewing
– Swallowing
– Drinking
– Sniffing / snuffing Categories of drugs
a) Medicinal
b) Soft drugs
c) Hard / narcotic drugs Types of drugs
1) Preventive drugs e.g. drugs to prevent polio, cholera, yellow fever
2) Curative drugs – drugs that cure diseases

3) Sedatives, palliatives – drugs that alleviate pain, put patients to sleep
e.g. drugs for diabetes, heart diseases, asthma, painkillers
4) Tranquillizers – drugs that relieve tension induce sleep e.g. piriton, valium
5) Stimulants – drugs used to increase physiological activity of a particular organ. They arouse the
activity of the central nervous system / senses.
6) Volatile drugs – these drugs intoxicate the user, they are derived from petroleum products paint
thinners dry cleaning fluids glue etc. stimulants and volatile drugs classified as soft drugs.
7) Hard drugs or narcotic drugs
These are highly addictive drugs. The body forms dependence on these drugs. These drugs affect the
mind causing drowsiness; sleep, stupor and they are the most commonly abused drugs. Examples are
– From coca leaves
– Its highly addictive
– Causes mental problems
– Can lead to death on overdose
– A very expensive drug
Other side effects are confusion, Convulsions, circulatory collapse and rapid heart beat
1Bhang / Marijuana
– A plant of Indian hemp
– Also called marijuana, Hashish, Cannabis, Sativa depending on which part of the plant is taken i.e.
leaves, stem, or roots.

– Users become aggressive excited or high
– Bhang changes perception of space, time and reality
– It causes drowsiness and irresponsible behaviour
– Its side effects causes people to be engaged in criminal activities e.g. robbery with violence as it gives
changes in perception 1Morphine
Its used to suppress pain clinically
– Its addictive
– Its derived from cocaine
– Used as local aesthetic 1Heroine
– Its pain relieving
– Highly addictive
– Powder heated in foil paper, vapour forms hence smoked referred to as” chasing the dragon”
– Also called brown sugar
– Its injected and inhaled
– An overdose can lead to death
– its expensive
– It causes respiratory problems
– Its depressive
– Withdrawal symptoms when heroine is not available are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and severe
anxiety 1Soft drugs
– Cigarette
– Alcohol
– Miraa / khat Cigarette

– Made from tobacco
– Cigarettes contain
a) Nicotine – a highly addictive substance.
b) Carbon monoxide, which damages arteries heart and lungs
c) Tar – black substance which promotes cancer of the throat, heart and lungs
Cigarettes are legal drugs in Kenya.
Pregnant women may miscarry or terminate the pregnancy if they smoke. Leads to chest respiratory diseases poor blood circulation
Leads to destructive fires due to carelessness Miraa / khat
1 Plants / legally in Kenyan, and other parts of the world 2 They are chewed
3 Causes temporary excitement
4 Makes one loose appetite for food and sex
5 The juice in miraa causes temporary excitement in the user when ingested
6 Miraa makes the user to be irritable Alcohol
– Alcohol is a drug made through fermentation
– It’s a drink used in social ceremonial occasions
– It’s in form of beer wines, traditional brew (e.g. busaa, muratina, mnazi
)and spirits e.g. whisks, brandy, gin, chang’aa
– Alcohol is prepared by fermentation or distillation – heating to a certain degree.
– In African traditional society, alcohol was fermented and used for
1. Medicinal value
2. Entertainment
3. Marriage celebrations

4. Beer parties given to visitors
– Excessive drinking was discouraged
– Drunk people were scorned or scolded
– Young people were not allowed to drink alcohol
– When alcohol is taken excessively it is abused Alcohol abuse
– Alcohol can lead to body dependence or addiction
– Consequences of abusing alcohol are such as
(i) Squandering family resources
(ii) Health deterioration
(iii) Lack of concentration leading to poor quality of work
(iv) Family break-ups due to frustrations
A man experiences a desire for sex but lacks the ability to perform leading to break ups
(v) Deformed foetus if a mother abuses alcohol when pregnant
(vi) Alcohol destroys brain cells
(vii) It leads to unruly behaviour such as fights, violence
(viii) One is vulnerable to risky behaviour – a drunk person is unable to make proper decisions hence
vulnerable to sexual infections such as HIV / AIDS
(ix) Can make a person cause accidents if driving under the influence of alcohol or staggering on the

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. State and explain the effects of drugs
2. State and explain the causes of drug use and abuse

(i) Frustration due to unemployment, inability to perform well and meet set standards or other personal
(ii) Idleness – when idle some turn to alcohol and drug use
(iii) Addiction
(iv) Boredom
(v) Bad examples from adults
(vi) Availability of drugs in the Kenyan market
(vii) Negative peer pressure
(viii) Experimentation then addiction
(ix) Media influence
(x) Societal permissiveness
(xi) Urbanization
(xii) Pressure of work
(xiii) Financial stress
(xiv) Globalization – foreign world influences Effects of drug abuse
Drug abuse poses danger to the health of a person, affects family, society in general. Effects of drug
abuse are
A. Psychological problems – drugs are addictive. The body becomes dependant on them. It cannot
perform without the drugs. It leads to depression, irritability, aggressiveness, paranoia, one becoming
afraid to face reality etc.
B. Crime – robbery, theft, people abusing drugs will rob, steal so as to get money to buy the drugs. Drugs
have led to students setting schools on fire, killing their fellow students
C. Illusion – users do not face reality

D. Health problems – one is prone to diseases because of frequent use of drugs. Drugs weakens the
body’s system e.g. alcohol leads to liver Cirrhosis, stomach ulcers. One is susceptible / prone to HIV /
AIDS infection STI’s lung cancer, still birth etc
E. Economic problems
Drugs are expensive. Abuse leads to depletion of family resources leading to poverty
F. Loss of job and income
G. Social problems
Abuse of drugs leads to family conflicts, leading to separation, divorce, family quarrels fights and even
murder (domestic violence)
H. Accidents
I. Frustrations
J. Poor performance in school work
K. Death
People die out of drug abuse. An over dose of heroine, cocaine kills.
Alcohol can lead to a blackout, this affects the brain

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to:-
1. List down the various remedies to drug use and abuse
Drug abuse has become a global problem. Remedies or solutions include
a) Law enforcement – through bodies such as UNDCP United Nations International
Drug Control Programme Anti Narcotics Police Units, NACADA National Agency for
the Campaign Against Drug Abuse so as to control abuse of Narcotics and other drugs.

b) Education
People to be educated on the effects of drugs. The curriculum from primary to secondary to include
topics on drug abuse. Guidance and counselling
Religious teachings – all religious condemn the abuse of drugs
Family values to be promoted. Parents should set good examples to their children
Every individual to cultivate individual values. Respect their body and take care of their bodies
Rehabilitation of drug users / abusers

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Describe the Christian’s criteria for evaluating the use of leisure Criteria – criterion – a principle or standard for judging something. How does a Christian determine whether a certain leisure activity is lawful, acceptable before God –
criteria for evaluating the use of leisure
1) Christians, should engage in leisure activities which promote their respect and dignity they should
socialize with people who are morally upright (bad company corrupts good morals)
2) God ordains leisure hence it should serve God’s purpose.
3) Leisure should come after work
4) Leisure should be used for the good of others. The activities that are harmful to others should be
5) Activities chosen should enrich their knowledge of God
6) Activities should provide service to others

7) Leisure doesn’t mean laziness
A Christian should not engage in a harmful activity to self but those that promote respect and dignity
9) Christians to avoid activities that lead to sin or to addiction
10) They should perform an activity which develop their physical emotional social and spiritual well
11) Leisure should be enjoyed with moderation
12) Activities for leisure should be moral, within the laws of God and pleasing to good.
Revision questions
1. Identify five (5) reasons why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure is condemned
2. Write down five ways in which modern Christians use their leisure time
3. Give five ways in which drug use and abuse could affect a Christian 4.identify ways in which Christians can overcome temptations to drug use and abuse
5(a). Why is leisure important in the life of a Christian?
5(b). What factors have contributed to the misuse of leisure in Kenya? 6.state the factors that have led to the misuse of drugs in Kenya

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: –
a. Define the concepts wealth, money and poverty
b. Explain and appreciate the traditional African understanding of wealth and poverty
c. Describe the impact of the introduction of money economy in the traditional African society.
d. Explain Christian teachings on money, wealth and poverty

e. Discuss Christians approached to some issues related to wealth money and poverty
f. Uphold the Christian principles in acquiring and using wealth

a) Wealth: – accumulation…
Accumulation of materials owned by an individual, family or a group of people. Wealth is property that
has economic value e.g. land, animals, money, valuable possessions such as jewellery, commercial and
residential buildings etc. Ways of acquiring wealth 1Inheritance
1Business 1Commercial farming 1Salaried Jobs
1Investment of money in financial institution 1Provision of commercial services
b) Money
It’s the medium of exchange that functions as a legal tender. It is something that is generally accepted as
a medium of exchange, a means of payment. It is usually in form of coins or notes. Good monetary
media (money) has certain qualities. Qualities of money
• It should be acceptable
• It should be fairly stable
• Easy to divide into small units
• Easy to carry
• Should be relatively scarce

• It should be durable
• Its value should be maintained through proper control of its circulations Money is a measure of wealth. What it can purchase is the value. Money is used to buy services, goods,
pay debts etc.
Examples of currencies in the world are
Ksh. (Kenya), Rand (South Africa) US & Dollar, Pound (Britain) Euro (Europe), Yen (Japan) Etc
c) Poverty
State of being without adequate basic necessities of life e.g. food, shelter, clothing
It’s a state of helplessness. It is characterized by poor health, hunger, and lack of education facilities,
uncared for environment.
Causes of poverty
a. Adverse climatic conditions (Geographical factors)
b. Poor family background (historical and social factors)
c. Political stability leading to civil wars
d. Poor governance
e. Regional imbalance of natural resources
f. Low level of technology
g. Laziness
h. Over dependence on foreign aid

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the terms wealth and poverty according to the traditional African understanding
2. State the various ways in which wealth was acquired in traditional African communities

3. List the causes of poverty in tradition African communities Wealth
In African traditional societies wealth was measured in terms of the amount of land, livestock, grains,
wives, children possessed by an individual or the community. Wealth was acquired in various ways.
(i) As a gift from God
Most Africans believe that wealth is a blessing from God.
(ii) Inheritance
In cases where the head of the family is dead, the eldest son becomes the custodian of the estate. The
clan and community elders give direction on how the wealth is to be shared out.
(iii) Bride wealth
(iv) Farming
(v) Exploitation of natural resources – honey, wood for carving, building materials etc
(vi) Trade
African communities were involved in barter trade where they exchanged good and services
(vii) Raids – wealth was also acquired by raiding other communities – goats, sheep,
– People were encouraged to work hard to acquire wealthy honesty
– Wealthy people were highly regarded and were considered for leadership
– Wealth was incomplete without a family Poverty
Poverty was viewed as punishment or curse for wrongdoing.

Other causes of poverty according to African Traditional Society were: –
• Laziness
• Lack of inheritance
• Raids by other communities
• Famine
• Natural calamities
• Sickness – rendering the individual weak to acquire wealth
– In acquiring wealth, principles such as value for human life, mutual responsibility, and sharing,
communal ownership were emphasized.
– Places that were communal include grazing land, rivers, and watering places
– Laziness was ridiculed through songs, riddles and proverbs.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define economy, development and money economy
2. Explain the reasons for the introduction of money
3. Explain the impact of money economy in traditional African society Introduction
– Money was introduced to Africa by the Europeans
– Before colonial period, Africans practiced barter trade – actual goods exchanged with other goods e.g.
animals would be exchanged with food grains, millet, sorghum, cowpeas, children exchanged for food
during famine.
– Trade merchants from Asia had introduced into Africa forms of currency such as the cowrie shells, gold
and the Indian rupees. Europeans introduced currency still used today

Economy: – careful management of resources, finances, income and expenditure of a family, a business
enterprise, community or a country. The economy of a country is to be well managed if it has the ability
to meet the social economic needs of her members. Development
It’s measured by the healthy of its economy in the provision of health, education, housing, sanitation,
employment, longevity of life, decrease of material and child mortality. Money economy: – Use of money as a means of exchange in economic activities e.g. banking,
investment, insurance, payment of goods and services. Reasons for money introduction
1) Colonization brought a lot of changes such as unoccupied land declared ‘Crown land’ for colonialists.
2) Tax introduction
Africans were supposed to pay taxes to the government. Taxes were paid in form of money.
3) Introduction of formal education
School fees was introduced. Fees were paid in form of money.
4) Introduction of modern medical services People paid medical services using money.
5) Emergence of new lifestyles
Converts to Christianity were emphasized on to have materials, hence had to work to improve their
living standards. They built houses, took their children to schools practiced modern family techniques
hence had to use money.
Impact of the introduction of money economy in traditional African society

1) Introduction of wage – labour
2) Break up of family ties as people migrated from rural to urban areas in search of employment
3) African land taken by the colonialists, reducing people to squatters hence need to work
4) There was creation of a gap between people – the rich and the poor
5) Emergence of vices e.g. corruption, bribery, prostitution, robbery
6) Deterioration of cherished African values e.g. bride wealth has become commercialized, customs lost
7) Loss of African human dignity. Africans had to pay taxes to the colonial government. They were forced
to work in European farms so as to get money. They worked under dehumanizing conditions
Production of traditional food crops declined replaced by cash crops.
9) Individual ownership of land was emphasized. Land could be sold at will
10) There was increase of rural – urban migration leaving the rural people less educated.
11) Exploitation of the poor by the rich – poor wages, overcharging prices on foods.
12) Destruction of the natural environment to create room for building projects, urban centres
13) The cost of living increased. Almost everything is acquired by money.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Explain the Christian teachings on wealth
2. Explain the Christian teachings on poverty Teaching on wealth

1) Wealth is a blessing from God
2) Those who obey God’s laws, teachings of the prophets are promised blessings by God Deut28: 1 – 4
3) Wealth has duties associated with it e.g. 10% tithe, alms to the poor, and an aspect of stewardship.
4) Wealth should be used wisely. People are not owners of their property but are stewards. Should
share with the poor, needy.
5) Wealth is not permanent e.g. parable of the rich fool. When people die, they take nothing with them.
Naked into the world, naked out of the world. Job. 1:21
6) Wealth can create a false sense of independence feeling of self reliance no need for God
7) Wealth should be obtained justly – no happiness for a person who gets riches in the wrong way.
Wrong attitude to wealth can lead to idolatry and other dangers. Matt.19: 23 – 24 danger of
materialism – making riches their God, the love of money is the root of all evil (1 timothy 6:10)
9) It is wrong to discriminate against others on the basis of material possessions. Jesus associated with
the rich, the poor, the sick etc.
10) Seek spiritual wealth, which is permanent and more fulfilling than material wealth, which is
transitory – temporal. Matt 6:19 – 20)
11) Acknowledge God as the source of ones riches
12) Use wealth to help the needy
13) Wealth is an instrument to enable us live decently.
14) Obsession with money and wealth leads to sin
15) Church leaders should avoid greed for wealth (1 Timothy 3:3)

16) God will judge rich exploiters. Christian teaching on poverty
1) Christian teachings discourage irresponsible behaviour and habits e.g. laziness, idleness and
negligence. Some people became poor because of such.
2) Some people become poor because of misfortunes
3) Others are poor because of judgment due to disobedience to God
4) God cares for the poor
5) Those with more should share with the poor
6) People should work to alleviate poverty in the society
7) Jesus helped the poor so should we The poor in spirit will be blessed

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Describe the Christian’s response towards wealth and poverty
2. State the factors causing poverty
3. Describe how wealth/ resources can be distributed fairly Christian can respond by
A. Insistence on fair distribution of wealth
B. Fighting against bribery and corruption
C. Using life skills
D. Practicing Christian values Introduction
– Affluence – having a lot of material possessions and a luxurious standard of living. Poverty is a state of
lack of the basic necessities.
– Illegal means of acquiring wealth include fraud, grabbing public land, selling narcotic drugs etc
Factors that have contributed to poverty

1. Political instability
2. Lack of formal education
3. Laziness
4. Negative attitude towards work – choosing jobs
5. Historical factors – colonization lack of land
6. Exporting unprocessed agricultural products cheaply then sold back expensively.
A. Fair distribution of wealth / resources
a) Christians to promote the value of justice, fairness, social responsibility. How? By having anti –
corruption crusades, be role models, teach or import skills, advocate for cancellation of foreign debts,
taxation to all etc.
b) Fair salaries
c) Promotion of affordable and decent housing
d) Favourable terms of loans
e) Encourage Jua Kali artisans
f) Christians to demand transformation of society through implementation of just economic policies that
can ensure fair distribution of wealth.
g) Encourage foreign investors through good infrastructure, incentives
e.g. shorter process to register business, security.
h) Christian to encourage investments by churches and inculcate in people the values of hard work,
proper time management free education free health care for the poor or needy.
Fair distribution of wealth / resources refers to jobs, infrastructure, hospitals, water, agricultural
products etc.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the following terms bribery and corruption
2. Explain the factors that contribute to bribery and corruption
3. Explain the consequences of bribery and corruption Fighting against bribery and corruption
Bribery and corruption are related terms.
Corruption: – practice of giving a bribe in the form of money, goods or privileges in return for a service.
Bribery: – act of giving money, material goods or services to someone to influence the recipient to give
underserved favour.
It is aimed at influencing a decision to favour. Bribery is a form of corruption.
– Corruption is some kind of moral degeneration. A practice whereby someone uses
his/her influence in an activity that is not morally acceptable.
– Example of corruption include promotion by a senior for a favour, colluding to miss work, use of
government vehicles to attend to personal matters.
In Kenya, Kenya Anticorruption commission KACC is a national body formed to fight corruption.
Factors leading to bribery and corruption
1. Un-employment – one will bribe to secure employment
2. Greed for money – caused by peer pressure, poor moral values, wrong ethical foundation about
money etc.
3. Fear – fear of being imprisoned
4. Ignorance – giving bribes in form of gifts
5. Disintegration of traditional African values

6. Lack of moral integrity – no Christian values, one having no spiritual basis
7. Frustration in the place of work
8. A perverted conscience Consequences of corruption and bribery
1. Leads to injustice
2. Leads to incompetent supplies of goods or services being awarded hefty contracts – leads to poor
services e.g. road construction
3. Poor infrastructure, poor public service delivery
4. Leads to undermining moral fabric of society – leading to social hopelessness and despair
5. Has led to lack of trust in public servants, and the government
6. Discontentment among people.
7. Degrades the personality of an individual
8. Can lead to imprisonment and lose of job

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Describe the Christian attitude towards bribery and corruption
2. Define the following terms life skills, decision making, critical thinking, creative thinking, self esteem
and assertiveness
3. List the steps involved in decision making
1. It is condemned as an evil practice (a social evil) Ex. 23:8
2. Bribes cause injustice proverbs 17:23
3. Seen as morally wrong as they negatively affect one’s family
4. Jesus drove out merchants from the temple. They had started exploitation of the poor.
5. Condemned because it degrades the personality of an individual

6. Amos condemned taking and giving of bribes
7. Bribes blinds the eyes
In the parable of John the Baptist condemned soldiers from taking bribes Corrupt judge and the widow, corruption is condemned
8. Christians are to live righteously and not give bribes or receive. They are the light of the world.
9. Money gained from corruption is not acceptable before God. C Using life skills
Life skills are abilities, which enable a person to face the challenges of life in an effective way they are
1Decision making 1Critical thinking 1Creative thinking 1Self esteem 1Assertiveness
a. Decision making
Process of identifying the best alternative to overcome a challenge encountered. Often decisions we
make do not only affect us but those around us. Steps to decision – making
1. Identify the challenge (problem)
what’s the problem? What is bothering you?
2. Understand the challenge / problem: – What is really bothering you?
3. Find out possible solutions
4. Find out the possible options and alternatives
5. Consider the possible consequences for each option
6. Select the best option
7. Implement
8. Evaluate the outcome of the action
b. Critical thinking

g. Ability to examine and assess a given situation impartially or objectively. It involves reasoning
carefully. Getting detailed information, consider the option before making a decision. Critical thinking
makes a person responsible for their actions.
c. Creative thinking
This is the act or practice of using ideas imaginatively to solve a problem
d. Self-esteem
– This is the regard one has about himself or herself. Self-esteem can be low or high, positive or negative.
A positive or high self-esteem person has confidence, is outgoing, social, appreciates self, realistic and
– A person with low, negative self-esteem is naïve, withdrawn, shy, feels inadequate, and no selfconfidence.
e. Assertiveness
Ability to express ones feelings and wishes without hurting others.
Assertive people are confident; direct
in dealing with others assertive people have a high self-esteem.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the terms, values, love. Honesty, reliability, fairness, justice, respect, humility, faithfulness,
persistence and chastity
2. State the values related to work
Values – Beliefs, which guide people on what is right and wrong. There are
– Social values
– Cultural values

– Moral values
Values related to wealth are: –
– Love
– Honesty
– Reliability
– Fairness
– Justice
– Respect
– Faithfulness
– Humility
– Persistence
– Chastity
Love – intense emotion of attachment, affection, warmth, fondness, regard for a person or something
How should love guide a Christian in relation to wealth creation?
Honesty – quality of being truthful, fair trustworthy, sincere, genuine. The opposite of honesty is
Reliability – being dependable, faithful, predictable, unfailing. The ability of being relied upon and
keeping promises.
Fairness – condition of being unbiased, free from discrimination. Justice – fair dealings with the people, as they deserve according to the law. Being fair, giving people
what’s due to them. Opposite of justice is injustice. Respect
Quality of having high regard for somebody or something. Politeness. It’s important to respect other
people’s property.

Humility – quality of not thinking that you are better than others. Being humble. Opposite of humility is
pride, being proud. Those who humble themselves shall be exalted. Faithfulness – quality of remaining loyal or true to someone. Christians should be faithful at their places
of work and in allocating their wealth to God’s work.
Those who are entrusted with public resources to manage on behalf of the people should show a high
degree of faithfulness.
Persistence – quality to persevere. Quality to continue steadfastly, unrelentingly despite opposition e.g.
the unjust judge and widow, job =, Jeremiah are people who persisted. Chastity – a state of being pure, holy, innocent modest. It is abstinence from actions that may make one
impure before God.
-Christians should strive hard not to defile their bodies in search of wealth
-Christians should strive to live holy lives, avoid prostitution, drug abuse; corruption
-people use sexual favour to get jobs or promotion. Christians should thus avoid such.
Revision questions
1. Explain the biblical teaching on wealth
2. Discuss the biblical teaching on acquisition and use of wealth
3. Explain ways in which people misuse wealth in Kenya today
4. Show how misuse of wealth leads to family instability
5. Give ways in which the Kenyan government is alleviating the high levels of poverty
6. State the factors that have contributed to high levels of poverty in Kenya today


Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic you should be able to:
a Define the terms ‘law’ ‘order’ and ‘justice’
b Describe the traditional African practices that promote law, order and justice.
c Explain the Biblical teaching on law, order and justice.
d Identify and evaluate the need for law, order and justice in the society. e Explain the rights and duties of citizens
f Explain the causes and remedies of social disorder.
g Evaluate the role of Christians in the transformation of the society h Discuss church-state relationship

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the following terms law, order and justice
2. State the types of law
3. State the types of statutory laws Introduction
– Law, order, justice are essential for the survival of any society
– Following laws leads to order and justice lack of following leads to disorder and injustice laws of Kenya
are laid down in the constitution.
A. Law
Established rules by an authority to regulate human behaviour in the community Schools laws, religious
laws, factory laws, hospital laws etc. laws differ from society to society.
Laws are dynamic. Laws cover all aspects of life.
B. Order
Condition brought about by obedience to set rules or laws. Order leads to peaceful co – existence in the

society. Where there is order, things are done systematically. The opposite of order is disorder.
Types of laws
1. Non – legal laws – no court action e.g. school rules
2. Customary traditional laws – based on culture, social traditions. They have to agree with state laws.
They are respected by state.
3. Statutory laws / legal laws – laws made by local council or national government and citizens are
expected to obey them.
Types of statutory laws
a) Civil laws – made by parliament on issues such as taxes, labour, divorce etc
b) Criminal law – on crime / punishment
c) Constitutional law – matters of state and governance
d) Company law
e) Religious laws e.g. Islamic law ‘sharia’
C. Justice – treating others the way they deserve in relation to the law. Its administration of rightful
dealings in a fair manner according to their actions. A just society follows rules and administers legal
action to those who offend others or disobey rules. Justice means treating people the same way without

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. State the importance of law, order and justice
a) They are essential to preserve harmony and protect people
b) Laws guide people and ensure people’s rights are protected.
c) They protect people’s property and enable people to live in harmony

d) They protect the consumer from exploitation
e) They safeguard religious freedom
f) Laws control power of those in authority and promote political stability
g) Provides stability, encouraging economic growth
h) Helps to control discontentment among people
i) Helps implementation of taxes effectively
j) Provides / help in maintenance of security
k) Ensures human rights are upheld
l) Enables the government to protect its citizens from internal or external threats.
m) International law regulates relations between countries.


Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able: –
1. Define the terms citizen, rights and duty
2. List the rights of citizens
3. State te duties/ responsibilities of citizens
Citizen – person who is a member of a state, kingdom, empire. A person who has full rights as a member
of a country by birth, decent, registration, naturalization.
Rights – legal claims that one is entitled to from the government Duty – ones responsibility to the government.
1) Right to life – to live securely
2) Right to education
3) Right to liberty / freedom e.g. one should not be imprisoned, detained, without trial. One is innocent
until proven guilty
4) Right to protection of property
5) Right to own a family – right to marry and raise a family
6) Right to health

7) Freedom of movement Right to freedom of association
9) Right to freedom of assembly
10) Freedom of religion
11) Right to own property
12) Right to equality – non discrimination
13) Protection of freedom of expression and speech (own opinions, ideas) Children have rights e.g.
Right to life, education, parental care, health, protection from exploitation, right to identity etc.
Duties of citizens (responsibilities)
1) Pay taxes to the government
2) Respect the flag and national anthem
3) Respect those in authority
4) Respect the laws of the land
5) Register as a voter and voter in national elections
6) Be responsible at work
7) Participate in national development Promote peace and harmony in the society
9) Report errant members of the society to law enforcement agents
10) Protect the environmental – clean, plant trees, avoid poaching etc

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. State and explain the traditional African practices that promoted law, order and justice
Some of the practices that promote law, order and justice are
a) Punishment of offenders
People who committed offences such as stealing, murder, witchcraft were punished through death,

curses, paying heavy fines etc. this promoted law, order, justice
b) Installation of rules, kings, chiefs, elders
They were installed to maintain law, order and to execute justice in their areas of jurisdiction
c) Administration of oaths
– Administered by specialists and are used as a method of establishing and maintaining law and order
d) Making of covenants
– Covenants were made if there was a conflict between two communities.
They would promise to live in peace and harmony.
e) Observing of taboos and customary law
Taboos were prohibitions. Those who went against taboos were severely punished
f) The kinship system – defined how people related one to another
g) Rites of passage – ensured customs, laws were adhered to
h) Religious practices- such as praying, singing, sacrificing and giving of offerings had the effect of
maintaining order.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Describe the biblical teachings on law, order and justice God initiated Law, order, and justice.
1. God’s creation is orderly. God desires order
2. Man was created with a conscience to know right from wrong sin has consequences or punishment.
God does punish disobedience i.e. justice
3. God instituted the laws as part of his plan for salvation e.g. law of circumcision, Torah (10

commandments), circumcision of the heart, laws on what to eat etc.
4. God’s law governed kingship in Israel. National prosperity depended on a king’s ruler ship. Kings were
to ensure law and order
5. In the New Testament John the Baptist urged people to observe the law (social justice).
6. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is based on law, order and justice.
There should be fair treatment for all people
7. Jesus said that the law of Moses was given to guide people
8. Christians should obey the law of the land and respect those in authority
9. The apostolic teachings stress the need for law, order, justice (1 Cro.14: 33)
10. Christians should be orderly.
11. The birth of Jesus was orderly. His ministry was also orderly hence should Christians.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. State and explain the causes of social disorders
2. State the causes of discrimination
3. Explain the causes of crime
4. List the forms of punishment
Social disorder is a state of confusion or lack of order in the society Causes
1) Discrimination
2) Inequitable distribution of wealth, resources
3) Crime
4) Racism

5) Tribalism
6) Sexism Discrimination
Discrimination is unfair treatment. Discrimination is on basis of
– Race
– Tribe
– Sex / gender
People or a particular person is singled out and treated with disfavor or distaste. It is showing bias or
Causes of discrimination
a. Culture
b. Prejudice – bias original from opinions that have no known basis or supporting facts – stereotypes
c. Ignorance e.g. on HIV /AIDS
d. Social status – ones position in a society Inequitable distribution of wealth and resources
– This is when riches of family, community, and nation are not fairly shared out due to
Selfishness or poor planning. Some areas are marginalized. Racism – unfair treatment of people because of their race Tribalism – discrimination on basis of ethnic group
Crime – an offence against state, normally settled in court. Its antisocial behaviour causing disorder.
Causes of crime (Why people commit crime)
1. Poverty
2. Public mistrust for law enforces
3. Lack of parental guidance
4. Wide gap between the rich and the poor
5. Greed for power, money

6. Materialism
7. Drug and substance abuse Sexism
– Discrimination against people because of gender
– Women are discriminated in areas such as jobs, no promotion for women, oppression of women at
home, cultural values demeaning the status of women, wife beating / men beating, female genital
mutilation (FGM) early children marriages etc. Remedies to social disorder
1) Rehabilitation for drugs users / abusers
2) Punishment for offenders of crime Forms of punishment
– Imprisonment
– Payment of fines
– Corporal punishment
– Probation
– Being assigned community work
– Being placed under house arrest
– Learning in approved schools, Juvenile homes
3) Equitable distribution of national resources
– Develop marginalized areas
– Create jobs
4) Campaign against drug abuse
5) The public to use hot lines to report crime to police
6) Preach against racism, tribalism, and preach equality, freedom and interaction with all people
7) People to be sensitized to appreciate and respect different ethnics groups
Promote national unity through education /cultural programmes

9) Creation of more national schools so as to have students from all backgrounds
10) Encourage domestic tourism
11) Enlighten women on their rights
12) Employment on merit
13) Rich countries to share wealth with the poor

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the term transformation
2. Describe Christian’s participation in social life
3. Describe Christian’s participation in political life
4. Describe Christian’s participation in economic life
Transformation is to completely change the attitude, character, and well being of the society
a) Christian participation in the social life
– Christians are involved in the preaching of the gospel in many places in the country. They use print and
electronic media to spread the gospel.
– Christians have shown concern for the destitute and victims of violence in the society by building
homes for them and providing them with food and clothing.
– Christians run schools, vocational institutions, universities providing educational services
– Christians offer medical services to the society
– They speak openly against sexual immorality, murder, bribery, corruption, abortion etc.
– They show compassion to those in need the poor, HIV / AIDS orphans, widows, widowers, aged etc.

– They offer guidance and counselling to dysfunctional families (the pastors, those trained to do
counselling – almost all pastors get a training in guidance and counselling)
b) Christians participation in the political life
– Christians participate in the political life by advocating for fair distribution of wealth
– They offer prayers for government, political leaders
– They exercise their right by voting
– They also participating in the political life by standing up for elections (Vying for elections)
c) Christian participation in economic life
– Christians participate in economic life by paying taxes to the government
– By contributing in collection of funds for construction of churches, schools, hospitals
– They invest in business that promotes their own development as well as the development of the
– They provide financial resources in order to assist others to start economic activities or self
– They discourage business practices such as using faulty scales, hiking of prices cheating in business etc
and encourage proper acquisition of wealth

The government and the church interact at various levels and in different areas
a) Religious leaders give advice to the state

b) The church speaks against corruption, robbery, rape, abortion, vices which the government is fighting
c) The church is the conscience of the state
d) Both educate the citizens on the constitution and their rights
e) The church preaches peace, love, unity, order
f) The state needs support of the church in mobilizing citizens to adopt government policies
g) Both are involved in rehabilitation of prisoners
h) The church builds schools and other institutions that supplement government institutions.
i) The church is involved in formulation of educational curriculum. However the church differs with government on various issues such as
a) Use of condoms (Some churches opposed to this)
b) Use of live bullets by the law enforces when curbing riots
c) Fight on corruption a thorn to the church since state leaders are involved
d) Issue of death penalty – church been fighting against death penalty to convicts
NB. The government lifted the death penalty as a form of punishment in the year 2009.
Revision questions
1. state ways in which Christians can promote peace/unity in the society
2. Why should Christians take part in voting?

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic, you should b able to:
1. Explain the Christian view on some issues related to modern science and technology

2. Explain the Christian view on the effects of modern science and technology on the environment

Science – subject field that deals with a systematic study of our surroundings and behaviour of materials
in the universe
It is based on observation, experimentation and measurement. Technology – application of science to achieve desired objectives. Environment – our surroundings – both natural and human made i.e. mountains, lakes, land, forests,
animals, buildings, flowers etc

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. State the various ways that science and technology has improved our lives
2. State the negative effects of science and technology Ways science and technology has improved human lives
1) Improvement of crop production – a quality seeds, fertilizers leading to improved yields
2) Better nutrition, health care, medical services
3) Improvement of livestock production through artificial insemination, quality medicine leading to more
milk production.
4) It has led to development of efficient means of transport – land, air, seas
5) Work has been made easier and enjoyable. There is use of machines, automation, use of computers.
6) People’s lives have been spared, saved e.g. through life saving machines (ICU), incubators

7) Business transactions are being done through the internet Communication has been made easy – fax, email, short text messages on mobile phones etc
9) Research is ongoing for incurable diseases i.e. HIV / AIDS, cancer
10) There is better management of environment
11) Technology has made the world a global village
12) Through family planning methods, its easier to control population growth
13) There’s a better security system through use of scanners, alarms, electrified fences etc.
14) Improvement of learning through e–learning
15) There’s easier movement from one country to another Negative effects of science and technology
1. People use medicine to commit suicide
2. Increase of crime, fraud and death through modern means of communication
3. Destruction of family relationships
4. Breakdown of community names, values morals, breakdown of families
5. Terrorism
6. Greed for money / materialism
7. Unemployment – replacement of personnel by machines
8. Health hazards such as accidents in factories
9. Pollution, air poisoning

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the following terms euthanasia, blood transfusion, organ transplant, genetic engineering and
plastic surgery

2. Describe Christians’ view on euthanasia, blood transfusion, organ transplant, human cloning, genetic
engineering and plastic surgery
3. State the reasons for and against euthanasia, blood transfusion, organ transplant, human cloning,
genetic engineering and plastic surgery
a. Euthanasia
b. Blood transfusion
c. Organ transplant
d. Genetic engineering
e. Plastic surgery Euthanasia
It’s a Greek word, which means an easy and painless death. It is ‘mercy killing’ ending a person’s life so
as to alleviate them from experiencing pain. 1Its practiced with the sick person’s knowledge
1It is involuntary when its practiced against or without the sick person’s consent
1Its done by
a) Injecting an overdose of sleeping pills to the sick person
b) Switching off life support machine
c) Exposing the person with chronic pneumonia to very cold air. Christians view on Euthanasia
Christians are opposed to euthanasia for several reasons such as
a) Life is sacred, a gift from God and only God can take away human life
b) Suffering is part of human life
c) Euthanasia is against medical ethos, which demands that doctors and nurses work for the sustenance
of human life and alleviation of suffering but not to terminate it.

d) Jesus has power over sickness and through his name all sickness are healed
e) Accepting euthanasia discourages medical research on vaccines that may cure various diseases.
f) Euthanasia discourages patients and makes them to lose hope in life.
They may feel unwanted and rejected.
Blood transfusion
– It’s the process of injecting a person’s blood into another person through his/her veins. The giver is a
donor the receiver is a recipient. Reasons for blood transfusion
1. When a person is suffering from acute anemia (little blood in the body) low blood
2. To restore blood lost during fatal accidents, wars, or childbirth
3. To maintain blood levels for patients undergoing major operations
4. To correct the low haemoglobin level of some patients
5 Blood has to be screened for any diseases, and then kept in blood bank after determining
the blood group. The transfusion should be in a hygienic way. The equipment used
should be sterilized
6. Donors should not be below 16 years or above 65 years Alternatives to blood transfusion
a) Volume expanders – increase fluid levels in the body
b) Growth factors – intra operative / post operative
c) Blood salvage – same blood when on surgery is saved then transfused back to the patient
Christian view on blood transfusion

a) Some Christian’s believe it is wrong to take blood from a healthy person and transfuse it to another
b) Blood is life and life cannot be taken from one person to another
c) Blood transfusion is essential as it saves life
d) Blood transfusion can transmit dangerous diseases like HIV / AIDS and Hepatitis B
e) God has given Christians the intelligence and capability to make the right decision and choice
Organ transplant
– This is the removal of a defective organ and replacing it with a healthy one. Body organs transplanted
are kidneys, heart and eyes small intestines, pan crease.
– The purpose is to replace the damaged organ of a recipient
– Common transplants are the heart, kidney, eyes from living and the dead (heart) within a span of
hours. Eyes can be transplanted from animals.
Christian view on organ transplant
a) It saves life hence acceptable to some
b) Its transferring human life from one person to another
c) Its wrong to transplant from animals – view by some Christians
d) Some support organ transplant by referring to the story of creation of Eve from parts of Adam
e) It is part of human beings continuing with the creation work of God.
f) It is an expression of love and concern for those suffering as taught by Jesus Christ.
Genetic engineering
– It’s a scientific technique used by scientists to change the biological characteristics of living organisms
by deliberately altering the structure of individual genes.

– There are genetically modified foods, genetically engineered seeds, test tube babies, human clones,
and genes of human insulin. Human cloning
This is a form of genetic engineering. It’s a creation of genetically identical copy of a human being,
human cell.
1Twins are a form of natural cloning
1There’s therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning (human cloning) 1Therapeutic cloning is when cells from an adult are used in creating medicine or for research
1Reproduction cloning is the making of human beings 1More than 90% of cloning has failed.
1Animals cloned have died young, had cancers or arthritis. 1Human cloning is illegal worldwide
1Genetic cells are used to treat Alzheimer, heart attack, cancer
1Test tube babies are different from human cloning. Test tube babies are where the egg and sperm is
fused together outside the body.
1In cloning, a needle like device is used to draw out the cells from an embryo, then preserved using
chemicals, then put in a womb/uterus to grow. Some do not need a sperm cell, they use other body cells
for fertilization.
Reasons for advocating human cloning
1Can clone people whose genetic composition is of a genius, people with special abilities or talents
1Can be able to bring, revive back great extinct characteristics. 1Those who support it believes it can reduce immorality Reasons against human cloning

1. God is the sole creator. Cloning takes the place of God.
2. It de –humanizes human beings purpose of human reproduction
3. It destroys uniqueness of each individual (Cloning is an exact copy)
4. It can be abused and used to create antisocial people (rapists, thieves)
5. May create deformed people
6. It’s un-ethical, immoral experiment. Its destruction of the embryo hence abortion
7. 95% of clones have failed (animal) most animals died
8. Its illegal
9. Closed animals died of cancer, had arthritis, deformities and an early death
10. Cloning may bring a destructive copy of humans Advantages of genetic engineering
1. Implanting genes that are diseases free in people, plant and animals could prevent diseases.
2. Genetic crops yield more
3. Helps to determine the biological parent in case of dispute on babies (DNA)
4. Helps to increase disease resistance in crops and altering animal traits in plants and animals
5. Assists in classifying blood during screening before it’s transfused to another person.
Christian view of genetic engineering
1. Christians support genetic engineering that is beneficial to human beings e.g. Cure of genetic
diseases, production of drugs, plant and animals
2. Human beings are made in God’s image and are loved by God with or without defects.
3. The dignity of the human being is eroded or disregarded and should be upheld.

4. Christians oppose cloning and test tube babies
5. Its against God’s will or teaching Plastic surgery
– It’s to change or mould the shape of something, to enhance or restore an area of the body
– It’s repairing or improving of damaged, diseased or unsatisfactory shaped parts of the body with pieces
of skin or bone taken from other parts of the body.
– Skin grafting is the most common type of plastic surgery
– Plastic surgery is done on cleft lips i.e. cosmetic surgery, breast surgery
– reduction or enlargement, surgery done to look younger. Reasons for plastic surgery
– It can help restore ones confidence or self – esteem
– It enhances beauty, attractiveness or youthfulness
– It enhances a person’s life and can be a life changing procedure
– It may help a person to get a new job Disadvantages
– Its expensive
– Can lead to transmission of diseases Christian views on plastic surgery
– Some support it, as it has some benefits
– Some Christian oppose plastic surgery in order to look younger
– Some argue that some people do it because of a lack of self – acceptance, low self esteem hence
should work on such issues first.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –

1. State the various ways of caring for the environment
In Genesis 1, man was given the responsibility of taking care of the environment
Ways of taking care of the environment
1. Cleaning up the environment, clean up rivers
2. Educating people on the importance of conservation
3. Dispose industrial wastes properly
4. Enforce use of environment – friendly fuel (unleaded fuel)
5. Factory owners to supply protective wear to factory workers
6. Planting of trees and flowers
7. Establishing airports, industries, and disco clubs away from residential areas.
8. Advocate for laws to be passed to minimize noise from vehicles, aircrafts, entertainment centres.
9. Waste to be managed through 1Reuse e.g. bottles
1Recycle – plastic bottles to be recycled to plastic bins, old newspapers to be recycled to tissue papers.
1Recover – burning waste products to produce electricity
Waste can be managed to reduce use of ‘Throw away’ goods e.g. batteries to use of electricity.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the terms pollutant and pollution
2. Give examples of pollutants
3. State and explain the types of pollution
4. State the effects of the various types of pollution.
It’s introduction into the environment of substances or energy that is liable to cause hazards to human
health, harm to living resources and ecological systems

In simple terms pollution is the contamination of the environment. Substances that cause pollution are called pollutants. Some of the pollutants include;
1Industrial affluent 1Pesticides 1Insecticides 1Fertilizers
1Ultra – violent rays from nuclear plants 1Dust
1Smoke 1Noise 1Waste heat
1Exhaust gases from automobiles Types of pollution
a) Water pollution
p) Air pollution
q) Land pollution
r) Radiation pollution
s) Sound pollution (noise) Water pollution
This is the increase of substances in water in excess of its rightful chemical components thus making it
unsuitable for human, animal or plant use.
– Disposing domestic and industrial waste into rivers, lakes, seas etc pollutes water.
– Disposing agricultural chemicals pesticides into water bodies.
– Oil spilling into waters
– Poor sanitation bathing or washing clothes in rivers or dams Effects of water pollution

a. Causes diseases, which are communicable such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery.
b. Leads to death of marine life – birds (Flamingo) fish by oil spills
c. Mercury (metal) leads, silver is poisonous. They kill organisms.
d. Water becomes unfit for human consumption Air pollution
– Presence of contaminants in the atmosphere caused by
a. Smoke
b. Fumes
c. Dust – from mines, quarries
– When there is an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that’s pollution
– Other major atmospheric pollutants include gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), and sulphur
dioxide (SO2)
– Nitrogen Oxide (NO) i.e. fumes from vehicles, aircrafts, industries Effects
(i) Leads to diseases such as bronchitis, asthma
(ii) Leads to depletion of the Ozone layer leading to ultra – violent rays of the sun penetrating to the
earth causing skin cancer, cataracts (eye problems), low plant yields.
(iii) Causes rusting of roofs
(iv) Causes acid rains
(v) Carbon dioxide (02) in the atmosphere has led to global warming.
(vi) Formation of smog (thick fog), which can lead to accidents.
(vii) Colored rain due to large amounts of dust in the atmosphere
(viii) Eyesight loss due to gas leakages from industrial plants. Land pollution
Land pollution is any physical or chemical alteration to land, which causes change in its use and renders

it incapable of beneficial use without treatment.
– Improper or excessive use of insecticides, pesticides makes land acidic
– Land is also polluted by improper disposal of waste / garbage, broken glasses.
(i) Waste is an eye sore spoiling the beauty of the environment
(ii) Broken glass can lead to injuries
(iii) Open mining leaves pits, which are a danger to people and animals. Noise pollution
– Experienced especially in urban centres, near roads, running water, mining areas, airports, music from
bars, nightclubs etc.
– An instrument called sound meter measures noise. The lowest unit is O Decitel, which is okay. More
than 80 decibels is harmful to the ear. Noise over 80 decibels can cause (effects)
– Deafness, hearing problems
– Psychological disorders – frustrations, irritation
– Insomnia
– Shock due to sudden noise
– Cracking of walls
Noise can be minimized by 1Construction of sound proof buildings
1Location of residential areas away from industries, airports, bars, main roads
1Banning of unnecessary hooting, playing of loud music in public vehicles
1Installing silencers in generators
1Education people on the effects of noise pollution Pollution caused by radiation

1Mainly in developed countries
Atomic explosions e.g. Hiroshima / Nagasaki in Japan in 1945. The side effects of mutations of born
children. Some children born with deformities. The radiation caused chromosome mutations. Some
mutations on the cells of the parent / grandparents. 1Nuclear power stations also a danger
1Medical equipment e.g. X ray machines when one is over exposed to these radiations (x – rays) it can
lead to development of cancer.

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: –
1. Define the term desertification
2. Describe the causes of desertification
This is slow encroachment of desert – like a condition to land that was previously productive making it
desolate, uncultivatable and uninhabitable. Human activity accelerates creation of deserts.
Causes of deserts
1. Natural
a) Persistent rains in a semi – arid area
b) Exposure of an area to very high, very cold temperatures
c) Inadequate rainfall for a long period of time
2. Human
Human activities that lead to desertification are
(i) Cutting down of trees (deforestation) for land use such as building, industries, and not replacing
(ii) Use of water from wells to irrigate land. Its harmful especially salty water – salt on soil salination is

toxic to soils.
(iii) Incorrect use of pesticides and fertilizers destroy soil nutrients.
(iv) Industrialization – industries emit carbon dioxide (CO2) leading to formation of acid rain, which leads
to unproductive land hence desertification
(v) Overgrazing especially among the pastoralist communities
(vi) Poor farming methods like cultivation on riverbanks and slopes, which causes soil erosion, leading to

Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: – 1.state the solutions to desertification
Land can be restored through the following ways;
(i) Removal of people, livestock from certain areas e.g. forests
(ii) Installation of good drainage systems
(iii) Reduction of water logging / salination
(iv) Use of alternative sources of fuel such as wind, solar, biogas instead of cutting down trees to use as
fuel (charcoal)
(v) Advocate for penalties to those who pollute the environment – factories
(vi) Replace trees that are cut down
(vii) Build water storage facilities to store rain water then use it for irrigation
(viii) Educate people on the importance of the environment
(ix) Use of manure instead of harmful fertilizers
Emulate Prof. Wangari Maathai implanting trees – 8th October 2004 she was awarded the Nobel peace
prize, an international award, for her efforts in preserving the environment.

Revision questions.
1. How can modern Christians evaluate scientific and technological discoveries
2. Why is the church in Kenya opposed to plastic surgery?
3. How has science and technology improved human life?
4. What are the consequences of science and technology in our society?

Q1. What is the meaning of Christian Ethics? 1This is the study of human conduct or behavior.
1It is about how Christians make choices in their daily lives guided by Christian principles and value.
Q2. What is the basis or sources or foundation of Christian Ethics? 1The Bible/Biblical scripture (holy)
1The natural law
1Human experience and reason
1The Christian community – preachers 1Situation Ethics
1Secular/Civil Law
Q3. List the basic life skills that one needs to be able to lead a better life
(a) Critical thinking
(b) Creative thinking
(c) Decision – making
(d) Self-esteem
(e) Assertiveness

Q1. Explain seven Christian teachings on male/female relationships

1Male/female were created as equal human beings: created in the image and likeness of God.
1Male/female created for companionship, help/ partners/ compliment each other.
1Both are co-creator with God – done through procreation. 1Union between both is consummated in marriage.
1Relationship is based on love and respect/chastity. 1Man/husband is the head of the family.
1Each man to have his own wife and wife own husband. 1Husband and wife should not deny each other conjugal rights. 1Youth should abstain from sex until marriage.
1Male/female body is temple of the Lord.
1Short periods of abstinence are allowed among married people but with consent from each other.
1Christians appreciate different roles of men and women in the church
e.g. leadership in choir for women and men.

Q1. Explain the Traditional African understanding of human sexuality 1Human sexuality is regarded as sacred and secret in many African communities.
1The sacredness of sex is related to the power to transmit life – procreation.
1It is taboo to discuss sex matters freely especially in the presence of children.
1Grandparents who are free from any tying job teach sex education. 1Young people are prepared for adult life in the context of age group e.g. games of sexual nature take
place within an age group. The age group has control of each other and there is no sex whatsoever.

1During initiation ceremonies, vigorous sex education is provided to the initiates.
1They are taught about sex, its secrets and the mystery of manhood and womanhood.
1Girls are expected to remain virgins 1Rape offenders are severely punished. 1Boys and girls are not allowed to mix. 1Division of labour is on the basis of sex.
1Roles of boys and girls are taught from childhood e.g. by copying their parents.
Q2. Explain Christian attitude towards human sexuality 1Sex is sacred.
1Man and woman are equal before God. 1It is for procreation.
1Man and woman are complimentary. 1Both were created in the image of God. 1They became one in marriage.
1Sex is only allowed in marriage. 1Virginity is valued.
1Human beings have the ability to control sexual desires. 1Chastity is a virtue.
1All forms of irresponsible sexual behavior are condemned. Q3. In what ways is sex abused in Kenya?
1By practicing fornication/sex before marriage. 1Adultery – sex outside marriage
1Through prostitution 1By practicing bestiality
1Through homosexuality/lesbianism/gayism 1Incest
1Rape/defilement of minors

1Pornographic literature – using of technological devices in sex
Q4. Why do you think minors are defiled or sexually abused in Kenya daily?
1Lack of self-control among some men. 1Drugs and drug abuse.
1Permissiveness in society. 1Influence from the mass media. 1Mental illness – mad people.
1Erosion of the African culture/moral values 1Devil worship/strange cults/false religion.
1Breakdown of religion values. 1Irresponsible parenthood.
1Indecent dressing.
1Leniency of the Law/no punishment for criminal. 1Idleness
Responsible Sexual Behaviour
Q 5. What is the Christian teaching on responsible sexual behavior? 1Responsible sex is between male and female.
1Sexual intercourse is allowed between married people. 1Faithfulness is a virtue in this: Both partners must avoid adultery. 1Responsible sexual behavior means exercising self-control.
1It entails obedience to God’s commands hence a Christian has to shun forbidden sexual behavior e.g.
1Body temple of the Lord. Our sexual relationships should uphold human dignity and respect for our

1The Bible teaches that whatever we do with our bodies should be for the glory of God (1 Cor. 7:19-20).
Q6. List the difference types of irresponsible sexual behavior
• Homosexuality (lesbianism, sodomy)
• Bestiality
• Masturbation
• Rape
• Incest
• Prostitution
• Fornication
• Abortion
Q7. Explain the Christian teaching on responsible sexual behavior 1It defiles the body, which is the temple of God.
1It is wickedness.
1It is unholy and dirty before God. 1It is spiritually unclean.
1Those involved break the commandment of God. 1It involves coveting – a sin.
1Polygamy is condemned and considered irresponsible. Q8. State the effects of irresponsible sexual behavior 1It can lead to sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS).
1Can lead to pregnancy and then abortion.
1If married people are involved (adultery) divorce may occur. 1Separation
1Children suffer lack of parental care due to divorce as a result of adultery.
1It may lead to street children.
1It discourages young people from marrying.
1It can lead to fights, quarrels, misunderstanding and friction. 1Young people can chop out of school due to pregnancy/AIDS.

1Can lead to single parenthood. 1Withdrawing from family and society. 1Self-pity and loneliness.
1Psychological problems e.g. depression 1Stress
1Suicide and death. 1Unwanted/unexpected pregnancies. 1Aggressiveness and violence.

Q5. State the different types of families 1Nuclear family
1Single parent family 1Polygamous 1Extended

Q1. Explain the Traditional African understanding of marriage 1Marriage is viewed as the focus of existence, i.e. the point where the three members of the
community meet (i.e. living, departed and the unborn).
1A rhythm of life through which everybody must participate. 1Marriage is a duty/a must/compulsory
1Failure to marry means the person has rejected society and the society rejects him in turn.
1Those who do not marry are considered as sub-human or lawbreakers. 1Marriage is God ordained.
1Young boys and girls are prepared for this sacred institution during initiation.
1They are taught everything pertaining to marriage e.g. sex. 1Children cement the marriage.

Q2. What is the importance of children in Traditional African Society

1They help their parents at old age.
1Cement a marriage: One without children is considered incomplete. 1Children (boys) provide security at home and the community.
1They help in the perpetuation of the family and community name. 1The departed are reborn through naming of children.
1Provide labour.
1It is through children that (new) members meet and get to know each other. Young children are
introduced to their relatives e.g. during initiation, marriage etc. 1Children uphold the statue of parents.

Q3. What is the Christian teaching about marriage? 1The church defines marriage as a covenant.
1The Bible teaches that marriage is a divine institution. 1Marriage is for procreation.
1Marriage is for companionship. 1It is for fulfillment of mutual love.
1Marriage is a remedy against sin – fornication. 1It should be monogamous.
1Marriage should be permanent – no divorce. 1Without or with children marriage is complete. 1Sex outside marriage is forbidden.
Q4. What is the importance of courtship period in Traditional African Societies?
1It helped in identifying a suitable marriage partner.
1The two families involved established a firm relationship.
1The boy and the girl had a chance to learn each other’s character. 1It gives an opportunity to know whether the boy and girl are related.
1Allows time for exchange of gifts between the two families, thus a firm relationship is established.
1Time to negotiate the bride-wealth.

1Boy and girl are instructed about their duties and responsibilities.

Q5. Why are many people opting for celibacy instead of marriage today? 1Celibacy is used to refer to the unmarried.
1Many remain single today because of Christianity – to serve God. 1Some are born Eunuchs – cannot father children.
1Education – one may want to pursue education
1Career demands – too demanding to allow one get time for a family. 1Lack of guidance and counseling on marriage and family.
1Discouragement from failing marriages.
1Economic reasons – one may not have money for a big house, wedding and bringing up a family.
1Poor health e.g. epilepsy
1Economic independence – whereby young people feel satisfied when they have enough money.
1Parental interference – or whom their son should marry. 1Disappointing relationships.

Q1. What is work? Answer
1Work means any human activity, be it manual, intellectual or both. Q2. List any six reasons why people work
1People work for self-satisfaction and fulfillment. 1For personal development.
1In order to acquire basic needs of life.
1To give life meaning, direction and dignity. 1To provide service for the community.
1To acquire wealth and status in the community.
1In order to socialize and grow as a member of a community. 1To attain independence and stop depending on others.

1In order to help others e.g. beggars.

Q3. Explain the Traditional African attitude towards work
1Work was understood as a fundamental dimension of human existence here on earth.
1It is through work that human beings were able to change, reorganize and restructure their society.
1It was regarded as a recreational activity as through it, people built their houses, places of worship,
produced art like sculpture and carving.
1Work was highly valued and the dignity of work was taught early in life.
1Each member had his own role to play e.g. men went out to hunt, herd etc accompanied with boys
while mother did house work with the help of daughters. 1Grandparents taught the youth how to behave and baby seated. 1They believed work was God’s will and so they invoked God’s name through prayer, sacrifice to bless
their work.
1They had freedom over their work. No supervision. They decided when to work, when to rest but rest
came after work.
1Work was related to leisure, for people sang, danced and told stories as they worked.
1Through work, many people exploited talents or learned e.g. building houses, song etc.
1All were workers – work was compulsory.
1Work brought people together – solidarity. This is because they shared work (communal work).

Q3. List some of the factors that have changed the attitude towards work in the modern society

1Level of education – determine the type of work. 1Availability of job opportunities.
1Stiff competition
1Work is personal unlike in Traditional African Communities where it was social.
1Negative attitude to work. This is where some people hate manual work. 1People work for personal gain and gratification.
1Work is a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder.

Q4. What are the rights of employers?
1They have a right to a fair taxation in their business. 1Get profits from their business.
1Have association with other employers. 1Expect loyalty form their employees.
1Receive from their employees work input as agreed upon on the employment contract.
1Operate without being black mailed by trade unions. 1Open business ventures without Government restrictions.

Q5. State the duties of employees
1To carry out their duties to the best of their ability without supervision
e.g. be punctual, present etc.
1To respect and protect the property of the employer.
1To resort to peaceful means of solving problems, and not destructive ways e.g. strike.
1To work diligently for self – fulfillment and development. 1To respect the employer and fellow employees.

Q6. Why has child labour become common in Kenya?
Definition: – This is the employment of children on a full time basis. Reasons:
1Their labour is cheap.

1They are not unionisable and can therefore not fight for proper terms and conditions of service.
1They can easily be lured and fired.
1They do no have qualifications in any skill so as to negotiate for their terms.
1They are looked at as a source of income by their parents or guardians.

Q7. What are the causes of unemployment in Kenya?
1High population – There are too few job opportunities as compared to the many young people.
1Hatred for manual work – many youth are looking for white-collar jobs despising the available “blue
1Bribery and corruption – In the job market whereby the rich are able to give while the poor though
with good qualifications cannot secure a job.
1Lack of skills and capital to start self-employment.
1Bad governance and poor economic policies from the government. 1SAPS – Structural Adjustment of Programmes i.e. Policy – not giving funds has led to poverty.
1International policies of globalization that have affected the agric sector that has been the greatest
employer in Kenya.
1Retrenchment of workers in the Civil Service and Private Sectors. 1Increase in crime that has aggravated insecurity in the country. This has discouraged local and international investors.

Q8. What can the Government do to reduce unemployment in Kenya? 1By creating more job opportunities.
1By starting more industries.
1Increase of workers by 10% after every 10 years.

1Encouraging self-employment whereby loans and space are given. 1Starting of a school curriculum (8.4.4.) – starting that gears students into blue-collar jobs.
1Starting the District Funds for Rural Development = C.D.F. 1Stopping rural –urban migration.
1By Africanisation of jobs – sending away foreign workers.

Q1. Identify five (5) reasons why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure is condemned
1It leads to conflicts/quarrels within the family. 1Misuse of family resources.
1May lead to addiction.
1Leads to irresponsible sexual behaviours e.g. prostitution, adultery, and fornication.
1Could lead to loss of income.
1May lead to irresponsibility, which leads to accidents such as motor accidents.

Q2. Write down 5 ways in which modern Christian use their leisure time 1Organize/attend religious seminars.
1Participate in church choir/concerts. 1Offers services to the aged.
1Read religious literature e.g. Bible.
1Keep the church and its environment clean. 1Have fellowship with other Christians.
1Initiate self-help projects to assist the needy. 1Provide guidance and counseling to the community. 1Preach the word of God.
1Visit relatives and friends.

1Be with family members.
1Listen to Christian preaching/songs on radio.

Q3. Give 5 ways in which drug abuse could affect a Christian family 1Drains family resources.
1Fights in families may occur. 1Leads to diseases.
1Leads to family break-ups/separation/divorce.
1It reduces one’s capacity to be productive in the family. 1Results in making wrong decisions/judgement.
1Leads to denial of conjugal rights. 1Leads to loss of religious values. 1Leads to poor role models for children. 1Leads to crime/imprisonment.

Q4. Identify ways in which Christians can overcome temptations to drug abuse
1Practicing self-control. 1Praying against being tempted.
1Seeking guidance and counseling.
1Avoiding the company of those who misuse drugs. 1Reading literature on the correct use of drugs.
1Participating in activities that promote proper use of drugs/healthy activities.

Q5. Why is leisure important in the life of Christians? 1Gives one time to visit the sick/needy.
1For dedicating oneself to God/worshiping God. 1Provide an opportunity to fellowship with others.
1It allows one to develop the different talents given by God. 1It gives one an opportunity to meet new friends/family.
1One is able to read the word of God.
1Provides an opportunity for one to preach/evangelize.

1Provides an opportunity to take care of the environment. 1Provides an opportunity to guide and counsel others and be guided. 1Provides time to rest to gain lost energy.

Q6. What factors have contributed to the misuse or leisure in Kenya today?
1Too much money/wealth/availability of drugs/contraceptives. 1Inadequate facilities.
1Lack of proper guidance/education on how to use leisure. 1Poverty
1Inability to make right decisions. 1Bad company/peer pressure
1Watching/reading phonographic materials/negative media. 1Misunderstanding in families/frustrations.
1Inability to balance between different activities. 1Permissiveness
1Lack of role models 1Idleness/boredom/unemployment

Q7. State the factors that have led to the misuse of drugs in Kenya today 1Poor role models.
1Stress/depression/rebellion. 1Peer pressure/curiosity.
1Irresponsible parenthood. 1Influence of mass media. 1Availability of drugs/wealth. 1Lack of guidance and counseling. 1Corruption/greed.
1Moral decay/permissiveness in the society. 1Lack of knowledge/ignorance on use of drugs. 1Idleness

1Urbanization/west culture.

Q1. Explain the biblical teaching on wealth 1It is a blessing from God.
1When wealth come with responsibility. 1Wealth can create a sense of false independence. 1It should be acquired in just and honest way.
1Wrong attitude to wealth leads to idolatry.
1One should seek spiritual wealth, which is permanent and more fulfilling.
1It is wrong to discriminate others on basis of material possessions. 1Christians should share whatever wealth they have.
1Wealth is not supreme good.
1Wealth gives people independence so that they do not beg. 1Wealth may bring suffering and insecurity.
1God is the owner of wealth and people should realize that they are only stewards.

Q2. Discuss the biblical teaching on acquisition and use of wealth 1Riches acquired through just and fair means are not condemned. 1Even if wealth is acquired through just means it should not be idolized. 1Failing to use wealth to glorify God.
1God is the source of all riches.
1Wealth is acquired through obedience to God’s laws. 1People ought to take care of their wealth not misuse.
1Wealth should be equally distributed and not concentrated in the hands of a few.
1Wealth should be used to develop the nation’s infrastructure.

Q3. Explain ways in which people misuse wealth in Kenya today

1Indulge in alcohol and drugs.
1Engaging in immoral practices e.g. prostitution. 1Gambling which might lead to loss of wealth.
1Being luxurious/extravagant
1Unfair class competition among the wealthy. 1Using wealth to undermine others e.g. assassination 1Using wealth to promote crime.
1Engaging in risky/dangerous sports or projects e.g. motor racing, wrestling.
1Using wealth selfishly/lack of social concern.
1Using wealth to engage young people into immoral practices e.g. sex tourism.

Q4. Show how misuse of wealth leads to family instability
1One may indulge in alcohol/drug abuse at the expense of family needs.

1Engage in immorality/extra-marital sexual relations/prostitution.
1Leads to misunderstanding on how to use wealth/invest.

1One uses wealth to engage in gambling.
1Spoils children/encourages laziness. 1Arrogance/pride/showing off
1One becomes obsessed with wealth and fails to care for the family love – has no time for the family. 1Inheritance squabbles in case of death.
1One fails to meet the basic needs for the family.

Q5. Give ways in which Kenyan Government is alleviating levels of poverty
1Offering free education. 1Provision of C.D.F.
1Allocation of bursary to the needy.
1Creating and enabling environmental employment in formal and informal sectors (easy access to loans).
1Providing market for agricultural products e.g. K.C.C, Cereal Board. 1Provision of low cost health services.
1Improving infrastructure e.g. roads, electricity.
1Providing youth fund through the Ministry of Youth Affairs.

Q6. State the factors that have contributed to high levels of poverty in Kenya today
1Geographical factors e.g. adverse climate conditions.

1Historical/colonialism and social factors e.g. poor family background. 1Political instability, which may lead to civil wars.
1Poor governance.
1Regional imbalance of natural resources. 1Low level of technology.
1Unemployment 1Laziness
1Over dependence on foreign aid 1Abuse of alcohol and other drugs
1Lack of formal education hence no employment.

Q1. State ways in which Christians can promote unity/peach in the society

1By reporting criminals to the police.
1By being good example to others as peacekeepers.

1Praying for criminals.
1Building and counseling criminals.
1Teaching the society the importance of keeping peace.

1Condemning evil and evildoers.

Q2. Why should Christians take part in voting?

They belong to the society and leadership affects them. 1It is a God-given duty.

In order to choose righteous leaders who will encourage values/virtues.

In order to help reduce bribery and corruption and other vices in the society.

Q1. How can modern Christians evaluate scientific and technological discoveries?
They should keep in mind that God gave them high-level power of thinking.
Discoveries must be used intelligently to solve man’s problems.

They should not be used as an insult to God who created all things e.g. in things like plastic surgery,
test tube babies etc.
Discoveries must be used intelligently to solve man’s problems.

Discoveries should not erode Christian values by increasing man’s trust in scientific and technological
Acknowledge God as the source of all truth including science.

Should help man make moral decision and judgments e.g. effect of alcohol, smoking, etc.
Man should not be a slave to scientific discoveries instead he should control it.

Q2. Why is the church in Kenya opposed to plastic surgery?

It is against God’s plan of old age and death.
It is a sign of lack of appreciation to God’s work of creation.

It can lead to death if the operation fails.
It interferes with God’s image given at birth.

May be very expensive.

Emphasis on beauty and pleasing which are seen as idolatry.

Certain diseases can be transmitted especially where tissues may be detached from a donor with an
infectious disease.
Can bring about other operations like diseases.

Scientists use it to compete with God’s creation.

Leads to vices such as pride.
It may lead to criminal activities by the victim due to different appearances.
It is a sign of lack of faith in God’s power of creation/healing.

It is against human dignity.

Q3. How have science and technology improved human life?
Modern methods of transport and communication have improved social interaction and faster
It has improved efficiency at work where machines are used.

Has improved agricultural development hence increasing food production.
Irrigation and wealth forecasting have too increased in food production.

It has brought better health care through modern medical technology.
1Human beings are now better placed in terms of security matters by use of radar, alarms and
electrical fencing.
It has led to the creation of job opportunities through industrial development.
Formal education and training has equipped human beings with new skills for survival.
Trade has been promoted through the use of computers and the Internet.


Q4. What are the consequences of science and technology in our society today?

Unemployment is acute in our society today because computers have taken over.
There is exploitation of workers by the employers because they want maximum profits.
It has caused pollution and air poisoning.
It has caused health hazards and accidents in factories, roads etc.

Machines have replaced human labour.
Families are separated due to employment whereby a mother lives in the rural with children while
the father goes to town to work.
It has destroyed family relationships and replaced it with individualis