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We have created an electronic learning system that students can use freely to attempt exams and learn. The system is still under development. To start with, we have created content for class 8. More free content will be uploaded  soon.

The system contains exam questions and answers for standard 8. The exams are to be attempted online. You are required to attempt the questions for free, the system will automatically mark and grade. The purpose of this is to empower future generations.

In order to access the exam, you need to register. If it is your first time to access this facility follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the subject of your choice under “Available courses”.
  2. On the page that opens, under, “Is this your first time here” Click,” Create account button”.
  3. On the page that appears, enter the registration details. Once done a confirmation link will be sent to the email you have used to register.
  4. Login into your email and click on the confirmation link to confirm registration
  5. After confirming, login into the system to attempt free test with answers.
  6. After successfully login in, click on Enroll Me on the subject that you want to enroll
  7. Click 2020 End Term 1 Link
  8. Then click Attempt quiz now

For free  KCSE subscribers, the system will fetch the emails of the registered users automatically. This will happen after enough content for both primary and secondary has been uploaded.