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2020 Maranda Pre-Mock

2020 Maranda Pre-Mock is available. 90% of the revision content on this website has been provided for free. Since we cannot provide all content for free, the papers will only be available upon payment of Kshs 100 to 0710765974 through Mpesa. The money meets the cost...

2020 MOKASA Papers

2020 MOKASA papers are out. The papers were to be done in March-April,2020. Unfortunately, Corona arrived and things changed without warning- hope you are sanitizing, washing your hands regularly with soap and clean water, keeping social distance, avoiding crowded...

form 4 history notes

Form 4 History Notes World War I World War I or the First World War was a war fought by many countries, which is why it is called a “world” war. It started in 1914 and ended in 1918. 135 countries took part in World War I, and more than 15,000,000 people...

2020 End Term 2 Exams

2020 end term 2 exams have been uploaded on this page. The questions papers are uploaded for free. The papers are for form 1, form 2, form 3 and form 4. Feel free to download. The papers will help a lot in your revision. Marking scheme is available. Click on the link...