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Biology Maranda End Term 2 Form 2








PAPER 1                                                              



  1. Write your Name, Admission number and stream in the spaces provided above
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  3. Answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper
  4. Additional pages must not be inserted


1. The following is an equation representing a type of respiration

a) Identify the type of respiration. 1mk

b) Suggest one industrial application of the process named in (a) above. 1mk

c) Name three products of the above type of respiration in plants 3mks

2. The diagram below represents a transverse section of a leaf.

a) i) State the habitat of the plant from which the leaf was obtained. 1mk

ii) Give two reasons for your answer in (a) (i) above. 2mks

b) How is the part labelled B adapt the plant to its habitat? 2mks

c) Smokers are always at a high risk of suffering from respiratory infections. Explain. 2mks

d) Name the structure for gaseous exchange in plants found in marine water? 1mk

3. The figure below is a simplified diagram of a mammalian circulatory system. Study it and answer the questions that follow

a) Explain why the level of blood sugar in vessel 3 would be higher than that in vessel 1 during fasting. 2mks


b) In the above vessels 1, 2 &3 name the vessel that has the highest concentration of urea. (1 mk)

c) In what ways does the blood vessel 1 differ from most of the other blood vessels in the body? 1mk

d) Name the nutrient that is only transported in small quantities in 1 after absorption. 1mk

e) Why is it necessary that blood from digestive tract pass through the liver before entering the general circulation? 2mks

4. a) Name two processes that brings about translocation of manufactured food. 2mks

b) State three environmental factors that affect the rate of stomata! transpiration. 3mks

c) Name support tissues in plant thickened with: 2mks



d) Distinguish between the terms transpiration and guttation. 2mks

5. a) Name one element present in proteins but absent in carbohydrates. 1mk

b) Distinguish between the following terms:
i) Egestion and secretion 2mks

ii) Photolysis and hydrolysis 2mks

c) Distinguish between plasmolysis and wilting 2mks

d) (i)Name two products of the light stage of photosynthesis that is used in the dark reaction. 2mks

(ii) In which part of the chloroplast does the dark stage of photosynthesis take place? (lmk)

6. The diagram below shows some components of a light microscope.


a) Name the parts labeled: 2mks



b) State the functions of: 2mks



c) A student from Maranda High School was viewing a prepared slide of a plant cell under hjgh power microscope. The features of the cell were blurred. Which one of the labelled parts of the microscope would the student use to obtain;

i) A sharper outline of the feature 1mk

ii) Give the formula used to calculate magnification in a light microscope. 2mks

d) Another student was preparing a section of a plant cell to be viewed under a light microscope. Give a reason for each of the following steps: (3mks)
i) Cutting very thin sections
ii) Staining the section
iii) Putting the section in water

7. (a) Define the term diffusion.

b) How do the following factors affect the rate of diffusion:
i) Surface area to volume ratio. 2mks

ii) Diffusion gradient. 2mks

8. a) How is pulp cavity adapted to its function? 2mks

b) i) Name two bile salts contained in the bile. 2mks

ii) Name and explain the importance of the process aided by the salts in (b)(i) above. 3mks

c) Why does the digestion of starch stop when food gets in the stomach? 2mks

d) Explain why food is stored in an insoluble form in the cells of living organism. 2mks

9. a) Describe the mechanism of gaseous exchange in plants through the lenticels. 3mks

b) Explain each of the following:
i) The tracheoles lack spiral bands of chitin 3mks

ii) The floor of the mouth is lowered during inhalation in a bony fish. 2mks

10. carbon The (IV) diagram oxide. below illustrates the role played by the red.blood cells in transportation of carbon (IV) oxide

a)Other than carbon(IV) oxide transportation in the red blood cells name the other form of carbon(IV) oxide transportation in humans  1mk

b) i)Name substance F . 1mk

ii) Name the enzyme marked G and state its role in the reaction. 2mks



c) Explain why the transportation of carbon (IV) oxide in red blood cells is advantageous. (2mks)

d) Explain the·role of calcium in blood clotting. 2mks