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2023 Alliance pre-mock exams for Form 4 are available. These exams include questions and answers. If you are interested in acquiring these exams, please follow these steps:

  • Pay Kshs 200 to the number 0710765974.
  • Send your email address to the same number via SMS and indicate the exams you have paid for, i.e., 2023 Alliance High Pre-mock.

After doing the above, the exams will be shared as soon as possible. The exams that will be shared will be for all subjects.

As you know, Alliance has consistently performed excellently in KCSE exams; hence the reason for keeping up with the exams they do.

Exam Exchange Initiative

Do you have 2023 exams from a good school? If the answer is YES, then you can share them with us through the email [email protected]. Then you get the 2023 Alliance pre-mock exam for free.


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