When CS Machogu announced the 2022 KCSE exam results on Friday, he noted that of the 881,416 individuals who registered for the exams, 443 644 were males and 437,772 were females, representing 50.33 and 49.69% of the total candidates, respectively. According to Machogu, there were 54,609 more candidates who sat the KCSE exam in 2022 than there were in 2021 (826,807), an increase of 6.60 percent.
He emphasized that in 17 counties, there were more enrolled females than males. 14 of the 47 counties, as opposed to 17 in 2021, had a higher male to female ratio. These are, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu, Turkana, Samburu, West Pokot, Kajiado, Narok, Homa Bay, Migori, Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera were among them. Kiranyaga, Kiambu, Meru, Kitui, Thara Nithi, Vihiga, and Kisumu were among the 17 counties with a substantial gender difference in favor of female candidates during the 2022 KCSE exam, according to Machogu.
Male candidates performed better than their female counterparts in the C plus category, according to the grade breakdown as acquired by the candidates, according to Machogu, while the genders were equal in the other grade categories. However, female outperformed men in the C, C minus, and D minus grades.
875 males and 271 girls scored an A. 4,445 boys and 1,962 girls scored an A-minus. 9,578 boys and 6,104 girls scored a B +. 13,520 boys and 17,783 girls correspondingly scored B plain. B minus was scored by 21,474 girls and 27,245 boys, while a C plus was scored by 33,138 girls and 36,950 males. A C plain was scored by 49,191 girls and 45,963 males. 56,469 boys and 62,599 girls received grades of C or lower. D plus was scored by 70,238 girls and 64,783 boys, D plain by 79,935 girls and 75,545 boys, and D minus by 8,4075 girls and 83,683 boys. 12,760 boys and 18, 062 scored E’s, according to Machogu.
Regarding the 2022 KCSE Examination grade counts for candidates with special needs and impairments, only one boy received an A plain grade. 6 girls and 12 males scored B plus, while 2 girls and 7 guys received A-minus. 19 males and 14 girls scored B plain grades, respectively. 20 girls and 28 males scored B-minus. While 84 boys and 48 girls scored C, 53 boys and 28 girls scored C +. 81 females and 109 males scored C minus, while 127 females and 154 males scored D plus. While 303 girls and 336 boys scored D minus, 231 girls and 255 boys scored D plain. 117 males and 101 girls signed up for E.
789 males and 349 girls out of the 826,807 applicants who took the 2021 KCSE exam, as announced by the then-Education CS George Magoha, scored A plain. 2,154 girls and 3,819 males scored A-minus. While 14,578 boys and 10,467 girls scored B plain, 8,264 boys and 5,199 girls scored B plus. 17,891 females and 1,792 boys scored B-minus. While 39,951 boys and 41,394 girls scored C plain, 30,817 boys and 29,026 girls scored C plus. Boys scored grades of 48,193 and 51,213 scored C-minus, while girls scored grades of 72,007 and 73,909 scored D plus. 26,578 boys and 19,573 girls scored D-minus, while another 93,798 boys and 93,466 girls scored E.
Boys made up 421,318 of the candidates, while girls made up 405,559 of them.
A Summary of 2022 KCSE Grades
Grade | Females | Males |
A | 271 | 875 |
A- | 1,962 | 4,445 |
B+ | 6,104 | 9,578 |
B | 13,520 | 17,783 |
B- | 21,474 | 27,245 |
C+ | 33,138 | 36,950 |
C | 49,191 | 45,963 |
C- | 62,599 | 56,469 |
D+ | 70,238 | 64,783 |
D | 79,935 | 75,545 |
D- | 84,075 | 83,683 |
E | 12,760 | 18,062 |
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