Our effort of getting exams from the best schools is relentless.
Since we must continue providing exams and other learning material, we require funds. Funds can only come from well-wishers who promote us by paying for the small percentage of learning material that we post. Therefore, the 2021 End Term 2 Exams for Alliance Girls for forms 1,2 and 3 will cost as follows:
- Form 1 Kshs 100 (All subjects)
- Form 2 Kshs 100 (All subjects)
- Form 3 Kshs 100(All subjects)
Kindly make the payment to the number 0710765974. After paying, send your email address to the same number to facilitate delivery- we deliver through email. Remember, when you buy, you positively invest in the future generation.
Take note of the points below:
- The exams are in PDF format.
- The exams do not have marking schemes.
The advantage of these exams is that they allow us to share and learn from each other. If you are there and you have the rare gift that many do not have, SHARING, then do not hesitate to contact us. Our network is relatively massive, and we have empowered thousands of students.
Check for the available subjects on the lists below:
Form 1 Available Exams
- English
- Kiswahili
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Physics
- History & Government
- Geography
- Business Studies
- Agriculture
- Music
- Home Science
- Computer Studies
- German
Form 2 Available Exams
- English
- Kiswahili
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Geography
- History & Government
- Christian Religious Education
- Business Studies
- Home Science
- Music
- German
Form 3 Available Exams
- English
- Kiswahili
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics paper 1
- Physics Paper 2
- History & Government Composite
- Christian Religious Education
- Business Studies
- Computer Studies Paper 1
- Music Paper 3
- Home Science Paper 1
- German
Sample Questions
Form 3
2. State two factors that determine that an accumulator is due for charging. (2 marks)
4. In large circuits, large resistors in parallel are preferred to low resistors in series. Explain (2mks)
5. Give a reason why soft iron is used as a core of the coil of an electric bell. (1 mark)
6. Give the property of sound waves that make them longitudinal waves.
7. Michelle walked into a stadium during Jamhuri day celebrations in front of two loudspeakers. She heard variation of sound. Explain this. (1mk)
8. An electric iron is rated 500W. Determine the heat energy it produced in 5 seconds. (3mks
Phone number please,I want form three physics, complete paper with marking schemes.derick
They are available. Contact me on 0710765974 or email me on [email protected]
I need confidential for Maranda high. Chemistry prac in their last exam
For Maranda exams, check this link: https://www.freekcsepastpapers.com/category/maranda/
I need form two and three exams from first term to third term. Thanks.
Hello Paul ,
They are available. I suggest you check these link below for more information: