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Sample Questions from 2021 Term 3 Alliance Exams
Alliance High End Term 3 Form 1 Computer Studies
1. Write down synonyms of the fullowing computer terms:
a) Thermionic Valve
b) Monitor
c) Computer Program
2. Name the parts of the computer numbered below:
3. Ootfine Four Classification. of ComputCl Hardware
4. Name the units used to measure: –
a Number of cycles per second
b. Compact Disk Capacity
5. Define a computer generation?
6.Liodwell was considering buying a compurer to use in accomplishing her University assignements while at the University. What eight hardware considerations and four software consideration would she take into account before making the purchase?
7. Computer software can be classisifed according to a number of categories. Name two software in each of the following categories:
b)End user License
8.List four uses of a computer in law enforcement
Alliance High End Term 3 Form 2 Electricity
1 (a) List four safety precautions to be observed when adhesives on plastics.
(b) State two safety precautions that have to be observed ·when handling each of the following;
(i) Safety rules when handling lamps and lamp holders.
(ii) Appliances that emit x – ray radiation,
(iii) Machines with exposed drive belts,
Explain four factors that influence the mutual inductance of coils.
2 (a)
Explain -the purpose of following as used in a moving coil meter;
(i) A controlling device,
(ii) · dumping device,
(b)With the aid of a labeled circuit diagram, explain tlle construction and operation of each of the following devices;
(i)Magnetic pickup,
( c)A coil of 1600 turns is wound on a plastic former. A current of 4A through the coil produces a magnetic flux of 500Wb. Calculate;
(i)The inductance of the coil,
(ii)Magnetic energy stored in the coil,
(iii)Time constant if the source emf is 180V.
Alliance High End Term 3 Form 3 Electricity
1.(a) List two safety precautions that need to be observed when using each of the following;
(ii)Connecting a capacitor on a circuit board,
(iii)Electrical fittings.
(b) Explain the following terms;
(i) Impedance,
(ii)Inductive reactance,
(iii) Capacitive reactance,
(iv) Capacitive time constant.
(c) State four factors that determine the magnitude of induced emf in generator.
2. (a) List four regulations that have to be observed when installing 13A socket outlet [2marks]
(b) Draw the grid system to the final consumers. Indicate all the voltages.
( c) With the aid of a labeled diagram, explain how the depletion layer of a P – N junction diode is formed.
3. (a) With the aid of a circuit diagram, describe how a consumer is protected from excess current by earthing.
(b) With the aid of a labeled circuit diagram, explain the construction and operation of a circuit breaker.
( c) I – List three precautions that need to be observed to prevent lightning strike.
II – List three precautions that need to be observed to prevent electrocution from overhead cables.
4. (a) With the aid of a labeled diagram, explain how a fluorescent lamp works.
(b) A rectifier circuit comprises of an input transformer, four diodes and an filter;
(i) Draw the rectifier circuit and the wave form at each step,
(ii) Explain the function of each of the following,
>Input transformer,
>Rectifier diodes,
( c) With the aid of a diagrams, explain armature reaction. State three methods used to minimize armature reaction.
5. (a) Outline two differences between a synchronous motor and·an induction motor.
(b) With the aid of a labeled circuit diagram, explain how rotating magnetic field is produced in single phase motors.
2021 Term 3 Maranda Exams
July 2021 MOKASA Exams
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