2021-2022 Mock comprehensive mock booklets are out. Many have called and written asking for them. You can access the booklets at Kshs 100 per booklet (subject) payable through 0710765974. Each booklet comes with more than ten (10) complete exam questions per subject and their marking schemes.
Delivery is done via email. Therefore, after making the payment, send your email via SMS and details of the booklet (s) you have purchased.
The exams in the booklets are well distributed in terms of regions. They have been picked from the best-performing counties/sub-counties.
Kindly note that we have uploaded the questions for free. Also, it is essential to note that the paid-for booklets are well organized, and they have more questions than the ones uploaded for free.
Kindly note if you buy all the booklets, you will get 5 mocks for free, i.e., questions and answers. The mocks you will get for free have not been posted on this website.
Follow the links below to download free booklets:
2021-2022 Mock Agriculture Booklet
2021-2022 Mock Chemistry Booklet
2021-2022 Mock Business Studies Booklet
2021-2022 Mock Biology Booklet
2021-2022 Mock Mathematics Booklet
2021-2022 Mock Kiswahili Booklet
2021-2022 Mock History Booklet
2021-2022 Mock Geography Booklet
2021-2022 Mock English Booklet
2021-2022 Mock CRE Booklet
2021-2022 Mock Physics Booklet
Each booklet contains the following mocks:
- SAMIA Sub-county
- Igambang’ombe
- Kapsabet
- Kigumo
- Nambale ACK Joint
- Lang’ata Cluster
- Butula Sub-county
- Buuri
- Kirinyaga Central
- Kirinyaga West
- Murang’a South
- Samia
- Kangundo
How can we get marking scheme
I like the mocks booklets that you guys offer thenkyou for your kind services