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Just as promised in the previous post, we have a comprehensive list of 2020 mock booklets. We promised free questions of the booklets will be availed to all our subscribers as of the date of this post (7,676 subscribers). To keep this promise, we have uploaded the booklets on the link below:

2020 Mock Booklets

Each Booklet contains more than 10 different complete papers.

Login Details:

User:      Email you used to subscribe

Password: Email you used to subscribe

Marking Scheme and Questions

To get the marking scheme and question papers, you have to pay Kshs 500 for all subjects. The cost of  each booklet (1 subject) is Kshs 100. Payment is through Mpesa to the number 0710765974. Delivery is through email. Kindly send your email and the name of the booklet you have paid for  to the same contact for delivery. The following subjects are available:

  1. English
  2. Kiswahili
  3. Mathematics
  4. Biology
  5. Chemistry
  6. Physics
  7. Agriculture
  8. Geography
  9. Business Studies
  10. CRE
  11. History

2020 National Schools Mock Exams

2020 MOKASA Papers

2020 Maranda Pre-Mock

2020 End Term 2 Exams

2020 LANJET Joint Mock

2020 Meru Central Form 4 Mock Papers

2020 Mock Papers

2020 Kapsabet High Mock

2020 Moi Forces Academy Pre-mock

KASSU 2021 Exam