2019 Maranda High post mock can be accessed on this page. Please see the instructions as described in the procedure of getting the same. Also, a sample paper has been uploaded for free. Remember to check for additional information and available papers after the sample paper. We are determined to build a successful future generation by availing revision papers regularly.
How to get 2019 Maranda High Post Mock:
To get the available 2019 Maranda High post mock papers, kindly pay Kshs 200 to the number 0710765974 and then send your email address to the same number. Delivery is through email in soft copy. Since this website contains thousands of revision papers, it is important to give a brief description of the papers you have paid for like “19 Maranda post”.
Sample paper:
- Define the term cursor as used in computer (lmk)
- Give any three characteristics of (3mks)
- List any three devices that were used in the  pre-computer development.        (3mks)
- Describe two reasons why it is important to have standard furniture in a computer laboratory. (4mks)
- Differentiate between functional and Special PC (2mks)
- Define the following terms as used in (4mks)
- Buffer
- Register
- Bus
- Task Manager
- Why is it important to carry out dry run on a system? (lmk)
- Define the term scope as used in programming.     (lmk)
- One of the advantages of ICT in the society is information super highway. Explain the term information super (2mks)
- Describe how the allowing measures provide security to data and information. (4mks)
- Data encryption
- Biometrics
- Differentiate between E-mail software and ISP.(2mks)
- Describe how one would compose and send any with an (3mks)
- State the function of the following DTP tools
- Pointer
- Constrained line
- Polygon
- Discuss any three types of action query.(3mks)
- Explain any two types of data types used  in spreadsheet applications.   (4mks)
- a) Define the term (lmk)
b) Differentiate between assembly language and HTML (2mks)
c) Describe the activity that take place at the program design stage in program development. (2mks)
d) A school in Siaya County has two categories of students for fee processing: Category A are boarders and obtains 8% on all the fees paid up to Kshs. 15,000 otherwise the discount is 15% on the fee paid. Category B are day scholars and obtains 25% discount on the fee paid if the payment record is Good otherwise the discount is 20%
- Draw a flowchart for the fee processing up to 50           (8mks)
- Dry run the program to display the output for Ken who walks to school every day who paid 10,000 and have been paying the fee well, (2mks)
- a) Define the term network (2mks)
b)Describe three techniques a network administrator may use to ensure security of data and information of persons who use the (6mks)
c) What is network topology? (lmk)
d) Give any three advantages of mesh (3mks)
e) Define transmission (lmk)
f) Differentiate between a router and a repeater.      (2mks)
16 a) Describe any three contents that should be entailed in system (6mks)
b)Explain why it is important to carry out the following activities during system development. (4mks)
i) Staff training
ii) System testing
c) Problem recognition and definition is a stage of system development where the analyst carries out preliminary investigation of the current system. Explain the main the report that the system analyst draws at this stage to help in the development of the entire system.     (2mks)
d) Draw the flowchart symbol for the following system development activities. (3mks)
- Physical flow of goods
- Telecommunication link
- Manual process
- a) Define the term user interface as used in Operating                             (2mks)
- Describe the directory: F:/>SCHOOL/CLASS/STREAM/MDYR.Exl. (3mks)
- Differentiate between bespoke software and a suite software.    (2mks)
- Describe two circumstances when a technician may have to carry out disk formatting on a (4mks)
- Describe any two techniques that a typist can use to proof read a document. (4mks)
- a) Differentiate between denary number system and                     (3mks)
- rform the following arithmetic:
- 10010.012 + 110010.0112. (4mks)
- 10010.1012 – 0011.0111
- In a certain number system the letter is represented as 1101 write the word BAF in the coding (4mks)
- All the papers are in PDF format
- The papers are spearated in 2 separate booklets one booklet with 200 pages (84 Mb) and the other booklet with 106 pages (36Mb)
- Not all papers have marking scheme
- Not all papers are full
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2019 BURAMU Pre mock Past Papers
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Kcse 2019 mathematics predictions
Hello Ivy,
I think pre-mock and mock work the same way as predictions