2019 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 marking scheme
1. (a) How the learning of Christian religious education in secondary schools promotes the goal of national development
(i) Christian Religious Education encourages the learner to have a positive attitude towards work/hard work is encouraged/laziness is discouraged
(ii) Leaming Christian Religious Education helps the learner to acquire virtues/moral values which promotes economic development
(iii) Christian Religious Education discourages vices which hinder national development
(iv) Learners are equipped with knowledge/skills which lead to career development/ employment
(v) Learners are taught their duties/responsibilities as human beings/the need to develop the environment/nation
(vi) Learners are taught the need to use their talents for the development of self/others/nation
(vii) Christian religious education stresses the importance of peace/love/unity which contributes to a favourable working environment
(viii) Learners are taught to appreciate their culture/the cultures of others for national cohesion.
(b) Meaning of the biblical accounts of creation in Genesis chapters 1 and 2
(i) God existed before creation
(ii) God is the sole creator of all that exists
(iii) Creation is by the will/power of God/not an accident
(iv) Creation is a continuous process/reproduction/multiplication
(v) Creation takes place in an orderly/systematic manner
(vi) God created everything for a purpose
(vii) Human beings are to rule over/be in charge of God’s creation
(viii) Human beings are created to live in fellowship with God
(ix) God is concerned about the wellbeing of all creation/provides/sustains
(x) Everything that God created is good
(xi) Marriage is ordained by God/ for companionship
(xii) Work / rest is ordained / willed by God
2019 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 marking scheme
a) Titles that Prophet Isaiah used to refer to the future messiah.
( i) Prince of peace.
(fai) Eternal/everlasting father
(faifa) Wonderful counsellor
(fav) Immanuel
(v) Mighty God.
b) The annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist by angel Gabriel.
( i) Zechariah was in the temple burning incense/ performing his priestly duties
(ifa) An angel of God appeared to him at the altar
(ifai) Zechariah was overcome with fear
(iv) The angel told him not to be afraid
(v) He told him that his prayers had been heard/Elizabeth his wife would bear a son.
(vi) The angel said that they were to call him John.
(vifa) The angel said that the child would be great in God’s sight/would not drink wine/ would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth.
(vfaii) Zechariah questioned the possibility of having a child since he and his wife were old
(ix) The angel revealed his name as Gabriel/said he had been sent by God
(x) The angel told Zechariah that he would not be able to speak until the time the child is born.
(xi) Zechariah delayed in the temple which made the worshippers to wonder.
(xfafa) When he came out, he could not speak/he made signs to the people/people perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple.
c) Ways in which a Christian couple should respond to the challenge of being childless.
( i) The couple should pray to God to bless them with children.
(ifa) They should seek guidance and counselling from the church leaders.
(iifa) The couple should seek for medical advice/assistance.
(iv) They should be patient/not anxious.
(v) They can adopt children.
(vi) The couple should remain faithful to each other.
(vii) The couple can take/care with children of their relatives for company.
How to pay for marking schemes
Through Mpesa to the number 0710765974
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