2019 KCSE History and Government paper 1 marking scheme
- Identify two theories which explain the origin of man.
(i) The Creation Theory.
(ii) The Evolution Theory.
(iii) The Traditional/Mythical Theory.
2. State two ways in which the Agikuyu interacted with the Maasai during the pre-colonial period.
(i) They intermarried.
(ii) They traded/exchanged goods.
(iii) They borrowed items from each other.
(iv) They raided each other/fought.
5. Give one advantage of dual citizenship to a Kenyan.
(i) A person can work in either of the countries.
(ii) One can choose to live in either of the countries.
(iii) One is entitled to the rights/freedoms provided in the Constitution of Kenya.
6. State two ways in which national integration has promoted economic development in KenÂya.
i) It has enabled citizens to work/get employed in any part of Kenya.
ii) It has enabled free movement of goods/services within the country.
iii) It has enabled citizens to invest/establish businesses in any part of the country.
iv) It has enabled people to buy property anywhere in the country.
7. Identify one minority group whose rights were protected by the Constitution of Kenya at independence.
(i) The Europeans.
(ii) The Asians.
(iii) Minority indigenous African communities.
8. Outline two advantages of indirect democracy as practised in Kenya.
(i) People exercise their democratic rights/elect leaders of their own choice.
(ii) The leaders are accountable to the electorate.
(iii) The electorate/people can vote out/recall their elected leaders.
(iv) People’s views in decision making are taken into account.
2019 KCSE History and Government paper 2 marking scheme
8. Outline two functions of the ancient town of Kilwa.
(ii) It was an administrative centre.
(iii) It was a religious centre/Islamic centre.
(iv) It was a defence centre.
(v) It was a settlement area.
(vi) It was an industrial centre.
12. State two political factors which undermined the nationalistic struggle for majority rule in South Africa.
(i) They were not united.
(ii) African political parties were banned/proscribed.
(iii) Some were arrested/detained/jailed.
(iv) They were not allowed to have free press/freedom of press/ press censorship.
(v) Laws entrenching apartheid were passed/ Pass laws/ movement restrictions.
(vi) They were forced into exile.
(vii) Divide and rule/ creation of Bantustans.
(viii) Banning of trade unions.
(ix) Some of the fighters were killed.
13. Highlight two ways in the Cold War was fought.
i) Through propaganda.
ii) Through economic sanctions.
(iii) Through financial/technical aid to the allies.
(iv) Through military support to the allies of the enemy.
14. Identify two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
(i) China
(ii) United States of America/ America.
(iii) United Kingdom/Britain
(iv) France
(v) Russia /USSR.
15. Give two common services provided by the East African Community to the members between 1967 – 1977.
(i) Judicial services/Court of Appeal.
(ii) Educational services/Examinations Council.
(iii) Publishing services.
(iv) Transport services/Railways/Water/Air transport.
(v) Postal services.
(vi) Financial services/banking services.
(vii) Meteorological services.
(viii) Research services.
How to pay for marking schemes
Through Mpesa to the number 0710765974
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