We shall endeavor to provide the best exam papers. In line with this, we wish to bring to your attention on the availability of 2019 Form 4 Maranda mock which was done end term 2. Just as posted previously, this post will provide a few free questions of the same exam but for the remaining exam papers, you will be required to pay – just Kshs 200 to Mpesa number 0710765974 and send your email to the same number for delivery. The content of 2019 Maranda Mock is of very high quality. Paid for papers will come in full – all subjects – questions and answers.
Below see sample questions of 2019 Maranda mock:
1. List three conditions that favour practice of shifting cultivation. (1 1 /2 mks)
2. State four farming practices that improve soil structure.
4. State any three factors that determine the spacing of a crop.
5. A farmer was advised to apply 150kg CAN/ha, while top dressing the maize crop. CAN contain 21 °/0 N. Calculate the amount of nitrogen applied per hectare.
6. List any three advantages of mechanized land clearing. (1.5mks)
7. State the importance of the following processes in water treatment.
a) Addition of alum (0.5 mks)
b) Opening of the tank during the coagulation and sedimentation process. (0.5mks)
c) Addition of soda ash (0.5mks)
8. State any three characteristics of well decomposed manure. (1.5 mks)
9. Outline three qualities of a mother plant from which vegetative propagation materials should be obtained. (1.5mks)
10.State three practices used in minimum tillage. (2mks)
12.Differentiate between seed inoculation and seed dressing.
17.Sate any three problems associated with use of herbicides.
18.Give any two practices ofhardening off tree seedlings.
22.The diagram.below shows a crop pest and the affected.
a) Identify the pest. 1mk
b) Other than the pest shown, state other three pests that affect the same crop (3mks)
c) State the effect of the pest in (a) above. (1mk)
23.Study the structural soil conservation measure given below and answer questions that follow .
a)Identify the structure. (1mk)
b)Name the part labeled W. (1mk)
c)State any three areas where it discharges its water. (3mks)
(b) Discuss five importance of crop rotation. (10 mks)
25.(a) State the four major questions a manager needs to ask and answer while preparing a partial budget.
c) The table below shows supply and demand schedule for eggs.
i) Using the same axes, draw graphs to indicate the relationship between price, demadn and supply curve (8mks)
ii) Determine the amount of eggs sellers would be willing to sell if the price was 35/=.
iii) What is the price of eggs per tray at the point of intersection? (1 mk)
iv) Give the significance of the point of intersection of the curves. (1 mk)
v) Differentiate between monopoly and monopsony as used in marketing (1mk)
26. a) Give two agents of soil erosion. (4mks)
b) Briefly explain how the following soil erosion types occur.
1. Splash erosion
11. Sheet erosion
iii. Rill erosion
iv. Gully erosion
c) i) Describe the process of silage prepation. (10mks)
revision papers provided was more useful.
it was helpful
How can we make to have the papers so as to use for reviewing
Hello Benny,
Please follow the procedure on the post to get the papers.
can’t find some 2019 kcse prediction papers
I have CATs, pre-mocks and mocks which can serve as predictions.
How can we make to have the papers so as to use for reviewing
I need only kiswahili papers and schemes. advice kindly
Need chemistry and biology papers
This is a good idea than can enable the learners to easily pursue their education as far as success is concerned.Actually thanks alot and may God bless you,kindly avail more 2019 kcse prediction papers
Hello Ndege,
Thank you. Keep coming back. More papers will be availed.
Good work.
Thank you for appreciating
How do I download the exam
See the post for instructions on getting the papers
thanks alot,, the papers are very helpful
Can i please get 2019 mocks of Allience boys, girls and Maranda high school
Hello Mohammed,
The following papers are available:
Alliance Girls
Alliance Boys
Each of the above is Kshs 200 payable through mpesa to number 0710765974. Please let me know your take on the same.
Thanks to you God bless you
I need kiswahili and biology questions and answers.kindly
The requested papers are available at a cost of 120 payable via Mpesa to the number 0710765974.
Can I get please 2019 Maranda, Alliance girls,Kisumo, Alliance high
Hello Caleb,
The requested papers are available though Kisumu is not available
addiction of more revision questions and answers are helpful and even 2 commit towards exam