An opportunity to access 2019 Alliance High-End term 1 exam for form 1, form 2, form 3 and form 4 is here. Such opportunities are not available to many. Therefore, if you are reading this post count yourself lucky. Take a step of accessing the papers by paying Kshs 100 per class for all the available subjects in a particular class (form 3 & 4 is not full). The papers are available in PDF format and marking scheme for the same is not available. Remember these papers are from one of the best schools in the region hence are excellent for revision. Delivery is usually done online via email, so after paying via Mpesa to 0710765974 (Joshua) remember to send your email and the name of the class you have purchased to the same number via SMS for successful delivery.
You can acccess 2019 mid term 1 past papers of all forms from the same school by following the link below:
Alliance High 2019 Mid Term 1 Form 4,Form 3 ,Form 2 Past Papers