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2018 Form 1 Term 1 Moi High School Kabarak Past Papers are available. In order to get the papers kindly pay Kshs 100 for all the available papers to 0710765974 and send your email together with a word “Form 1 Kabarak “to the same number for delivery.


Note: Marking scheme is not available.

After making a payment of Kshs 100, you will receive the following past papers:

  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Christian Religious Education (CRE)
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Physics

As indicated on most of our posts, we do not do this job for money- this is like a call. The little money we get we use it to run and .

Get Paid for Sharing

Are you there with past papers that can positively change the education of a student, you can share the same with us for distribution. You will be appreciated with a token (money) for the material you share with us. Our focus  is revision past papers from top performing schools.

Feel free to contact us through:

Phone Number: 0710765974

Email: [email protected]